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Cadi Ayyad University

National School Of Applied Sciences
Industriel departement

Graduation Project
In view of obtaining the diploma of process engineering and ceramic materials

Implementation of an integrated management

system:ISO 9001,ISO 45001 and ISO 14001

Carried out within : Emeraude consulting

Supervised in ENSA By :
Mme. ELATRI Khadija Supervised in Emeraude By :
Mme. TOURIKI n Mme.OUHABI Nouama
Fatima –Ezahra

Submitted by :

DHIM Khadija


Defended on 19th June In front of the jury :

Mme. ELATRI Khadija Professor at ENSA of Safi

Mme. TOURIKI Fatima–Ezahra Professor at ENSA of Safi

M. Professor at ENSA of Safi

M. Professor at ENSA of Safi

Academic Year : 2019 - 2020


I dedicate this work,

To my beloved parents,who have been my source of inspiration and give me srenghts

when i thought of giving up. To my siblings,relatives and friends who have shown me
immense support and care.




A thank you wouldn’t be enough to express our gratitude to every individual contributing
in the success of this project.

I would like to express my infinite gratitude and respect to my academic supervisors

Mme.ELATRI Khadija and Mme.TOURIKI Fatima –Ezahra for her valuable help
and advices, and for agreeing to guide me through this journey.

My infinite respect and gratitude for my internship supervisor Mme.OUHABI Nouaama

for making me feel welcomed among her consulting firm. Her expertise sharing and sup-
port were much appreciated and valuable for the success of this project.

I also grateful to all my professors in National School Of Applied Sciences of SAFI

without whom this work would not have been possible.


The implementation of integrated management system (IMS) for better quality man-
agement has become a preference for many organizations. This can be seen as many
organizations used the combination of quality ISO 9001, an environment ISO 14001 and
occupational health and safety management system ISO 45001 as a core for the IMS
that largely implemented. Besides, the linked between quality management with risk
management system need to be identified as the management system that enhance the
effectiveness of IMS.

In nowadays competitive environment, the increasing pressure and needs from customer
or stakeholders make it compulsory for the organization to propose the new system and

This paper presents and discusses the implementation of IMS of EMERAUDE client’s.
This implementation consist of three parts: During the first part, the elaboration of
all the documentary information’s related to the three systems should be given a huge
importance, the second part is considered as the most difficult part in this process sense
it is very challenging to change the employee’s behaviors and concerning the last part an
internal audit was affected in order to verify the compliance to requiements of the MSI

Our results based on 16 factors of IMS implementation that have been identified and
for that reason PDCA is adapted as a basic approach in our system.


Dedication i

Acknowledgments ii

Abstract iii

Resumé iii

List of Figures v

List of Abbreviations 1

General Introduction 1

1 General Context 3
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Presentation of the project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.1 Presentation of Emeraude consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.2 Context of the project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.3 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

List of Figures

1.1 The Structure of PDCA Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

List of Abbreviations

IMS Integrated Management System

ISO International Organization for Standardization
OHSMS Occupational health and safety management system

General Introduction

The purpose of an integrated management system is to help provide a clear representa-

tion of all the features of your respective management system pieces, to show how they
impact and complement one other, and to demonstrate how their relationship assists in
managing the respective management systems risks of the organization. Of course, one of
the principle objectives is to help ensure synergy and to provide for less duplication and
more rationalization of common approaches, ideas, and tools.

The global realities of today’s business environment are forcing many individuals and
organizations to change and adapt with the management approaches specially the three
norms ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, in order to stay distinguishable from other
competitors. but most of these companies, they are not able to achieve this change alone
because of the lake of experience or competences of their stuff in management field therefor
they need the accompaniment of a consulting firm like EMERAUDE CONSIEL.

The objective of our project is to work on the first step of the IMS with one of EMER-
AUDE CONSIEL clients which is the elaboration of the necessary document for the IMS.

This report represents the steps followed in order to complete the redaction and re-
viewing of the documents.

Chapter 1

General Context

1.1 Introduction

This first chapter aims to stage the contextual framework in which this internship took
place. The essence of a good craft is the understanding of the context in which it was
created. And in this regard, we embark upon a quest to uncover the circumstantial
background in which this study would operate.

1.2 Presentation of the project

1.2.1 Presentation of Emeraude consulting

1.2.2 Context of the project

The first stage of our project is based on elaboration of all the documentary information of
an integrated quality-environment-health and occupational security management system,
in order to accomplish this elaboration, an adequate knowledge of the management system
of the company is required.
For this reason it is recommended to start with the initial diagnosis in order to identify
all the strengths and weaknesses of the company. And this was applied via website visits,
taking notes and using a checklists as a result, data can be analyses easily throughout the
matrices SWOT tool.
To guarantee a better integration of the IMS ,ISO9001-ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 should
be compared to come up with the commons points between them, and in this case should
be at first familiar with all requirements of the others standards.
The second step is to determine what already exists in the system and what needs to
be added or changed. The level of documentation is really important of integration of the
IMS so for this case we tried to create a manual with all procedures that we was need in

our study. Including all the processes, resources and also the main objectives that make
as created this integrated system.

1.2.3 Methodology

Our project is based on PDCA approach. The PDCA cycle is the continuous business
improvement concept and incremental problem solving. Based on the step of management
method (PDCA), these four requirements can be used as a plan for IMS implementation.
First step is a planning process. The planning is to plan changes and improvement
as well as analyze the current situation; the attention should also be paid to possible
consequences. This step is to define the problem, the relevant data collection and also to
identify the problem root cause. Next step is to do or to execute the plan. There is need of
implementing the process that already planned. The third step is to check the process in
order to control or to do the improvement. This phase required monitoring and evaluating
process, the results against the objective and specification also to report the outcomes.
The check phase is a comprehensive study of the consequences of implementation changes
and the formulation of conclusion concerning the effectiveness of implementation. The
final step is to act or evaluate the effectiveness and also the function of the implementation.
The Act phase is the action that needs to be applied to the outcome for the further

Figure 1.1: The Structure of PDCA Cycle

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