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Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn.

(2006) 20: 229–238

DOI 10.1007/s00162-006-0025-y


Z. Abbas · M. Sajid · T. Hayat

MHD boundary-layer flow of an upper-convected Maxwell

fluid in a porous channel

Received: 29 April 2006 / Accepted: 1 June 2006 / Published online: 28 July 2006
© Springer-Verlag 2006

Abstract Two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) boundary layer flow of an upper-convected

Maxwell fluid is investigated in a channel. The walls of the channel are taken as porous. Using the sim-
ilarity transformations and boundary layer approximations, the nonlinear partial differential equations are
reduced to an ordinary differential equation. The developed nonlinear equation is solved analytically using
the homotopy analysis method. An expression for the analytic solution is derived in the form of a series. The
convergence of the obtained series is shown. The effects of the Reynolds number Re, Deborah number De
and Hartman number M are shown through graphs and discussed for both the suction and injection cases.
Keywords Maxwell fluid · Boundary layer flow · Analytic solution

1 Introduction

Over recent decades it has generally been recognized that some rheological complex fluids such as
polymer solutions, blood, paints, butter, synovial fluid, salvia, soups, jams, ice-creams and certain oils cannot
be adequately described by the Navier–Stokes theory. Because of this, several constitutive equations and flows
for non-Newtonian fluids have been developed [1–15]. Undoubtedly, the equations of motion of these fluids
are highly nonlinear and of higher order than the Navier–Stokes equations. One important and simple model
that has been used to describe the rheological characteristics exhibited by certain fluids is the second-grade
fluid. However, the second-grade fluid model [16–18] does not give reasonable results for flows of highly
elastic fluids (polymer melts) that occur at high Deborah number [19]. For such situations the upper-convected
Maxwell (UCM) model is quite appropriate. The suction flow in a channel for a UCM fluid was examined
by Choi et al. [20]. More recently, Sadeghy et al. [21] examined the hydrodynamic flow of the UCM model
over a steadily moving plate. Recently, the subject of hydromagnetics has attracted the attention of many
authors, due not only to its inherent interest, but also to its many applications to problems of geophysical and
astrophysical significance. The solution of the problem of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow of a Newtonian
fluid through a flat channel is known and is usually given in textbooks on fluid dynamics. For large values
of the Hartman number, the flow exhibits a boundary layer character, namely the Hartman layers. These also
manifest themselves in ducts of other shapes. A particularly large literature exists on the solution of MHD
flows through rectangular ducts [22–27]. In most cases an analytical or asymptotic solution for such flows

Communicated by R. Grimshaw
Z. Abbas (B) · M. Sajid · T. Hayat
Department of Mathematics, Quaid-I-Azam University 45320, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan

M. Sajid
Physics Research Division, PINSTECH, P.O. Nilore, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
230 Z. Abbas et al.

exists under the assumption of large Hartman number. Also, the boundary layer flows of viscoelastic fluids
are of special importance owing to their application to many engineering problems, among which we cite the
possibility of reducing frictional drag on the hulls of ships and submarines. Important contributions in this
direction are given in the Refs. [28–35].
The main aim of this work is to investigate the MHD boundary layer flow of a UCM fluid in a rectangular
porous channel. This has importance in many applications in the petroleum industry, polymer technology,
designing cooling systems with liquid metals, MHD generators, flow meters, pumps and in the purification of
crude oil etc. Note that the porous channel flow is quite similar to unsteady squeeze film flow in that it has a
separable extensional effect. Such flows have applications especially in lubrication and viscometry. Analytic
solutions are obtained using the homotopy analysis method (HAM) proposed by Liao [36,37]. The present
solution is valid for all values of the Hartman, Reynolds and Deborah numbers. Such rare solutions are prized
for their insights into fundamental fluid flows and their utility as test solutions for the validation of numerical
flow models. The analytical solution is given in the form of infinite series and the recurrence formulae are
obtained to obtain the coefficients of the series. The convergence of the solution is properly analyzed. This
method of solving nonlinear equations has already been applied to several other complicated problems [38–56].
The influence of various parameters such as the Reynolds number, Deborah number and Hartman number in
suction and injection cases are shown by plotting graphs, and subsequently discussed.

2 Description of the problem

We investigate the two-dimensional MHD flow of an incompressible UCM fluid in a porous channel. The
x-axis is taken along the centerline of the channel, parallel to the channel surfaces and the y-axis transverse to
these. The flow is symmetric about both axes. The porous walls of the channel are at y = H/2 and y = −H/2
(where H is the channel width). The fluid injection or extraction takes place through the porous walls with
velocity V /2. Here V > 0 stands for suction and V < 0 for injection. Let u and v be the velocity components
along the x- and y-axes, respectively, and let B0 be an applied magnetic field. The electric field is zero and,
for small magnetic Reynolds number, the induced magnetic field is neglected. In the absence of a pressure
gradient, the equations for the MHD boundary layer flow of an incompressible UCM fluid with density ρ are
∂u ∂v
+ = 0, (1)
∂x ∂y
∂u ∂u 2∂ u
2∂ u
2 ∂ 2u ∂ 2u σ B02
u +v +λ u + v + 2uv = ν − u, (2)
∂x ∂y ∂x2 ∂ y2 ∂ x∂ y ∂ y2 ρ
where ν is the kinematic viscosity, σ is the electrical conductivity and λ is the relaxation time.
The symmetry about the x-axis and no-slip conditions at y = H/2 yield
=v=0 at y = 0,
u = 0, v = at y = . (3)
2 2
Introducing the nondimensionalization
x y
x ∗ = , y ∗ = , u = −V x ∗ f  (y ∗ ), v = V f (y ∗ ), (4)
Equation (1) is automatically satisfied. For the sake of clarity, we drop the asterisks so that Eqs. (2) and (3)
may be written as  
f  − M 2 f  + Re( f 2 − f f  ) + De 2 f f  f  − f 2 f  = 0, (5)

f = 0, f  = 0 at y = 0,
1 1
f = , f  = 0 at y = . (6)
2 2
Here M 2 = σ B02 H 2 /µ, Re = H V /ν, De = λV 2 /ν, where Re > 0 corresponds to suction and Re < 0 for
injection. To solve Eqs. (5) and (6), we employ the HAM in the next section.
MHD boundary layer flow 231

3 Analytical solution

The appropriate initial guess and auxiliary linear operator are

f 0 (y) = y − 2y ,
L ( f ) = f iv , (8)
L C1 + C2 y + C3 y 2 + C4 y 3 = 0, (9)

where Ci , i = 1, 2, 3, 4, are arbitrary constants.

The zeroth-order deformation problem may be written as
(1 − p) L f (y, p) − f 0 (y) = p h̄ N f (y, p) , (10)
 1 1  1
f (0, p) = f (0, p) = 0, f ,p = , f , p = 0, (11)
2 2 2

  ∂3 f (y, p) ∂
f (y, p) ∂ f (y, p) ∂ 2 f (y, p)
N f (y, p) = −M 2
+ Re − f (y, p)
∂ y3 ∂y ∂y ∂ y2

∂ f (y, p) ∂ 2
f (y, p)  2 ∂ 3
f (y, p)
+De 2 f (y, p) − f (y, p) , (12)
∂y ∂ y2 ∂ y3

where p ∈ [0, 1] is an embedding parameter and h̄ is the auxiliary nonzero parameter. When p = 0 and p = 1

f (y, 0) = f 0 (y) , f (y, 1) = f (y) . (13)
As p increases from 0 to 1,
f (y, p) varies from f 0 (y) to f (y) . In view of Taylor’s theorem and Eq. (13),
one obtains

f (y, p) = f 0 (y) + f m (y) p m , (14)

1 ∂m
f (y, p) 
f m (y) =  . (15)
m! ∂ pm p=0

The convergence of the series (14) strongly depends upon h̄. Assume that h̄ is selected such that the series
(14) is convergent at p = 1, then Eq. (13) yields

f (y) = f 0 (y) + f m (y) . (16)

Differentiating the zeroth-order deformation Eq. (10) m times with respect to p, dividing then by m! and finally
setting p = 0 it is seen that the mth-order deformation satisfies the following problem
L f m (y) − χm f m−1 (y) = h̄ Rm (y) , (17)
1 1
f m (0) = f m (0) = f m = f m = 0, (18)
2 2
    

m−1 Re f m−1−k f k − f m−1−k f k
Rm (y) = f m−1  
− M 2 f m−1 +  k 
  f  − f 
, (19)
+De f m−1−k 2 f k−l l k−l f l
k=0 l=0

 0, m ≤ 1
χm =  , (20)
1, m > 1
232 Z. Abbas et al.

and Eqs. (17) and (18) have been solved using MATHEMATICA up to the first few order of approximations.
In view of this, the solution takes the form

f m (y) = am,n y n , m ≥ 0. (21)

Substituting Eq. (21) into Eq. (17) the recurrence formulae for the coefficients am,n of f m (y) are given for
m ≥ 1, 0 ≤ n ≤ 7m + 3 as

am,1 = χm χ7m−3 am−1,1 + , (22)
(n + 2)(n + 3)(n + 4)2n+4
am,2 = χm χ7m−4 am−1,2 , (23)

am,3 = χm χ7m−5 am−1,3 − , (24)
(n + 1)(n + 2)(n + 4)2n+1
am,n = χm χ7m−n−2 am−1,n + , 4 ≤ n ≤ 7m + 3, (25)
n(n − 1)(n − 2)(n − 3)
χ7m−n−2 dm−1,n − M 2 bm−1,n + χ7m−n+1 Re
 αm,n − βm,n
m,n = h̄ . (26)
+χ7m−n+4 De 2γm,n − δm,n

The coefficients αm,n , βm,n , γm,n and δm,n , where m ≥ 1, 0 ≤ n ≤ 7m + 3 satisfy the following expressions:

αm,n = bk, j bm−1−k,n− j , (27)
k=0 j=max{0,n−7m+7k+4}

βm,n = ck, j am−1−k,n− j , (28)
k=0 j=max{0,n−7m+7k+4}

m−1 k 
γm,n = cl, j bk−l,q− j am−1−k,n−q , (29)
k=0 l=0 q=max{0,n−7m+7k+4} j=max{0,q−7k+7l−3}

m−1 k 
δm,n = dl, j ak−l,q− j am−1−k,n−q , (30)
k=0 l=0 q=max{0,n−7m+7k+4} j=max{0,q−7k+7l−3}


bm,n = (n + 1) am,n+1 , (31)

cm,n = (n + 1) bm,n+1 , (32)
dm,n = (n + 1) cm,n+1 . (33)

For the detailed procedure of deriving the above relations the reader is referred to [34]. Using the above
recurrence formulae, we can calculate all coefficients am,n using only the first four

a0,0 = 0, a0,1 = , a0,2 = 0, a0,3 = −2 (34)
given by the initial guess approximation in Eq. (7) .
The explicit, totally analytic solution is

f (y) = f m (y) = lim am,n y n
. (35)
m=0 n=1 m=n−1
MHD boundary layer flow 233

Re = 1, De = 0.1, M = 0.2
- 2.5


- 3.5


f ''' (0)
- 4.5


- 5.5

-2 - 1.5 -1 - 0.5 0
Fig. 1 h̄ curves for the 30th-order of approximation

De = 0.1, M = 0.1



0.2 Re = -8.0
Re = -4.0
Re = 0.0
0.1 Re = 4.0
Re = 8.0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Fig. 2 Effects of the suction and injection velocity Re on the 30th-order approximation for f at h̄ = −1

4 Convergence of the HAM solution

The solution of the problem considered is analytically determined and given in Eq. (35). One needs to guaran-
tee the convergence of the series (35). As pointed out by Liao [32], the convergence and rate of approximation
for the HAM solution strongly depend on the values of auxiliary parameter h̄. One can check the range of the
admissible values of h̄ by drawing the so-called h̄ curves. For the present analysis the h̄ curves are plotted
for four different orders of approximations in Fig. 1. It is evident from Fig. 1 that the admissible range for
the values of h̄ is −1.8 ≤ h̄ ≤ −0.2. It is also noted that the interval for the admissible values of h̄ increases
with the order of the approximation. It is found that the series (35) converges in the whole region of y when
h̄ = −1.

5 Results and discussion

In this section, Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 are prepared in order to see the effects of the Deborah
number De, Reynolds number Re and the Hartman number M on the velocity components f and f  in the
cases of suction and injection.
Figures 2 and 3 show the effects of the suction and injection velocity Re on the velocity components f and
f  , respectively, for the MHD flow. It is seen from Fig. 2 that the velocity f increases in the injection case
but decreases in the case of suction. Figure 3 shows that f  increases for the injection case and at y = 0.15 it
shows the opposite behavior. The flow behavior under suction is the reverse of that for injection.
234 Z. Abbas et al.

De = 0.1, M = 0.1
Re = -8.0
Re = -4.0
Re = 0.0
Re = 4.0
1.5 Re = 8.0



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fig. 3 Effects of the suction and injection velocity Re on the 30th-order approximation for f  at h̄ = −1

Re = 20, M = 0.1



0.2 De = 0.0
De = 1.0
0.1 De = 2.5
De = 4.0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Fig. 4 Effects of the Deborah number De on the 30th-order approximation for f at h̄ = −1 in the case of suction

Re = 20, M = 0.1



0.6 De = 0.0
0.4 De = 1.0
De = 2.5
0.2 De = 4.0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Fig. 5 Effects of the Deborah number De on the 30th-order approximation for f  at h̄ = −1 in the case of suction
MHD boundary layer flow 235

Re = -20, M = 0.1




0.3 De = 0.0
0.2 De = 0.5
De = 1.0
0.1 De = 1.5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Fig. 6 Effects of the Deborah number De on the 30th-order approximation for f at h̄ = −1 in the case of injection

Re = -20, M = 0.1

4 De = 0.0
De = 0.5
3 De = 1.0
De = 1.5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Fig. 7 Effects of the Deborah number De on the 30th-order approximation for f  at h̄ = −1 in the case of injection

Re = 20, De = 0.5



0.2 M = 0.0
M = 2.0
0.1 M = 3.0
M = 4.0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Fig. 8 Effects of the Hartman number M on the 30th-order approximation for f at h̄ = −1 in the case of suction
236 Z. Abbas et al.

Re = 20, De = 0.5



0.6 M = 0.0
0.4 M = 1.0
M = 2.0
M = 3.0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Fig. 9 Effects of the Hartman number M on the 30th-order approximation for f  at h̄ = −1 in the case of suction

Re = -20, De = 0.5


0.3 M = 0.0
0.2 M = 2.0
M = 3.0
M = 4.0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Fig. 10 Effects of the Hartman number M on the 30th-order approximation for f at h̄ = −1 in the case of injection

Re = -20, De = 0.5

0.6 M = 0.0
M = 2.0
M = 3.0
0.2 M = 4.0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Fig. 11 Effects of the Hartman number M on the 30th-order approximation for f  at h̄ = −1 in the case of injection
MHD boundary layer flow 237

Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7 show the effects of Deborah number De on f and f  in both cases of suction and
injection. Figures 4 and 5 show the case of suction. It is found from Fig. 4 that f is a decreasing function of
De while Fig. 5 shows that f  initially decreases but then increases after y = 0.2 as De increases. However,
it is noted that this change in f and f  occurs at very high Deborah number De. For the injection case, Fig. 6
shows that f increases with increasing De. Figure 7 shows that f  increases but at y = 0.1 it decreases for
large values of De.
Figures 8, 9, 10 and 11 are sketched in order to see the effects of the Hartman number M on the velocity
components f  and f . Figure 8 shows that f increases by increasing M and Fig. 9 indicates that f  increases
initially after y = 0.2 it is a decreasing function of M for the case of suction. Figure 10 indicates that f
increases with M in the case of injection. Figure 11 shows that f  increases and then decreases as M increases
in the injection case.

6 Concluding remarks

A boundary layer analysis for a UCM fluid is presented to study channel flow with porous boundaries. Based
in part on the values of the parameters considered in this work, the effects of M, De and Re on f and f  have
been studied. The solution to the nonlinear governing problem is established using the HAM. The present
study is quite new and provides, for the first time, an analytic solution where the combined effects of inertia,
viscoelasticity and applied magnetic field are considered. The analytic solutions for the hydrodynamic case
without inertia and viscous fluid can be obtained as the limiting case by choosing M = 0, Re = 0 and De = 0.

Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to a referee for useful suggestions. We are further grateful to the QAU research fund
and the Higher Education Commission for financial support.


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