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‫اخالء مسؤولية‬

‫ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذاو ز ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذة ا سذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ الز ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذة ا ز ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذة‬ ‫ان ه ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذيا اللزام ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذة لعس ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذا الاامي ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذة ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ مزام ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذة مسذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ‬
‫يذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ وم ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ‬ ‫ت ذذذذذذذ ن ذذذذذذذ‬ ‫غا ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذا ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ تقن الز ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذة ا ز ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذة ال ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذي‬ ‫خص ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذي‬
‫ت ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ن و ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ي ه ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذي‬ ‫ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ن ت ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ‪ -‬فر ل ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ن و م ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ت ي‬ ‫يف عز ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذيد الز ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذذة لز ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ ذ‬
‫اللزامة لز ي العربية وا ز ة لضل ن ه لة الفهد ال ‪.‬‬

‫ء يل ول ال ي‬ ‫نس ل د ال‬

‫‪E .M .alhmdany‬‬

)) ‫))ملخــــــــــص طرائك التدرٌس‬

Techniques and principles in language teaching

)‫( الطرٌمة) (اجزاء الطرٌمة‬Method

1-)‫(المنهج‬approach 2-)‫(التصمٌم‬design 3-(‫)االجراء‬Procedure

Method: means the ends of the objective are to be achieved

‫ ٌعنً نهاٌة االهداف التً تم تحمٌمها‬: ‫الطرٌمة‬

Approach: a theory of language and language learning

‫ نظرٌات اللغة وتعلم اللغة‬: ‫المنهج‬

Design: a specification of the selection and organization of content and adscription of the
role of teacher , learner and teaching material.

‫ المتعلم ومادة التعلٌم‬, ‫ تحدٌد االختٌار وتنظٌم المحتوى ووصف دور المعلم‬: ‫التصمٌم‬

Procedure: means classroom technique's ,practice's and behavior's observed when the
method is used .

. ‫ التمارٌن والسلون المالحظ عند استعمال الطرٌمة‬, ‫ ٌعنً التمنٌات الصفٌة‬:‫االجراء‬

Technique: the procedure that are done in the classroom for teaching a specific item in a
unit .

. ‫ االجراء الذي تم فً الصف عند تعلٌم فمرة محددة فً الوحدة‬: ‫التمنٌة‬

Grammar translation method
Note :

1- called ( the classical method)

2- the purpose of this method is to reading literature in foreign language

3- often translation is the only drills

4- communicate in the target language is not goal

5- used native language

6- grammar deductively :mean they are given the grammar rules and examples.

)‫ ٌعنً لواعد النحو واالمثلة تعطى ( اي تكون ضمن المادة التً ٌموم بتعلمها فمط ٌطبمها‬: ً‫المواعد استنتاج‬

Q1:where it was first used (( the classical method)) ?

A: Latin and Greek . earlier the 20th century

Q2:what is the purpose of using this method?

A:1-helping students to read and appreciate foreign language literature.

2- through the study of the grammar of the target language , student would become
more familiar to speak and write their native language better .

3- would help students grow intellectually.

) ‫(تعارٌف مهمة‬

Target language: term is used to refer to either a second or a foreign language that being

‫ مصطلح ٌستعمل لإلشارة الى كل من اللغة الثانٌة او اللغة االجنبٌة التً ٌتم تعلٌمها‬: )‫اللغة الممصودة او( اللغة الهدف‬

Plurilingual: a person who can speak two language .

. ‫ الشخص الذي ٌستطٌع الكالم بلغتٌن‬: ‫ثنائً اللغة‬

Multilingual: a person who can speak more than two language .

. ‫ الشخص الذي ٌستطٌع التكلم اكثر من لغتٌن‬: ‫متعدد اللغات‬

Reviewing the principles

1-what are the goals ?

Learning a language is to be able to read literature written in the target language .

2-what is the role of teacher , student ?

The teacher is the authority in the classroom

Students' do as she says

3-what are some characteristics of teaching ,learning process?

-students are taught to translate from one language into another

-students study grammar deductively

4-what is the nature of student , teacher interaction?

Most of the interaction in the classroom is from the teacher to students.

5-how are the feelings dealt with?

No principles

6-how is the language ,culture viewed?

Literary language is considered superior to spoken language

Culture is viewed as consisting of literature and fine art

‫اللغة االدبٌة اعلى مرتبة من اللغة المتكلمة‬

‫الثمافة وجهة النظر الٌها تتضمن االدب والفن الرفٌع‬

7-what areas of language , skills emphasized?

-vocabulary and grammar are emphasized

-reading and writing are the primary skills

-less attention given to speaking and listening

-pronunciation receives little , if any attention

8-what is the role of native language?

The language that is used in the class is mostly the students native language.

9-how is evaluation accomplished ?

-written tests , translate from their native language in to the target language , apply
grammar rules .

10-how does the teacher respond to student errors ?

The teacher supplied them with the correct answer .

Reviewing the techniques'

-translation of a literary passage

-reading comprehension questions

-antonyms / synonyms )‫(الكلمة ومرادفها‬

-cognates : students are taught to recognize the spelling or sound patterns that correspond
between the language

. ‫ الطالب ٌعلمون للتعرف االمالء او الصوت المتماثل مابٌن اللغة‬: ‫المتشابه‬

-deductive application of rules )‫(استنتاج لواعد التطبٌمات‬

-fill in the blanks exercise


-use words in sentences


activities (page 23)

1-It has been said that the Grammar translation method teaches students about the target
language , but not how to used it . Explain the difference in your own words .

A: because the ability to communicate in the target language is not the goal of language
instruction .

The primary skills to be developed are reading and writing . little attention is given to
speaking and listening . and almost non to pronunciation .

‫ وضح الفرق‬. ‫ لكن لٌس حول كٌفٌة استخدامها‬, )‫ ٌمال ان طرٌمة ترجمة النحو تعلم الطالب حول اللغة( الهدف‬:‫س‬
‫بطرٌمتن الخاصة ؟‬

. ‫ بسبب المدرة على التواصل باللغة ( الهدف) لٌست ضمن ارشادات تعلم اللغة‬: ‫الجواب‬

‫ وبالكاد الى التلفظ‬. ‫ اهتمام للٌل اعطً الى الكالم واالصغاء‬. ‫المهارات الرئٌسٌة التً تم تطوٌرها هً المراءة والكتابة‬

2-What are the clue that this method had its origin in the teaching of the classical
languages, Latin and Greek ?

A:1-helping students to read and appreciate foreign language literature.

2- through the study of the grammar of the target language , student would become
more familiar to speak and write their native language better .

3- would help students grow intellectually.

‫ ماهو اللغز فً كون هذه الطرٌمة هً االصل فً تعلم اللغة الكالسكٌة عند االتٌنٌن والٌوٌونانٌن ؟‬:‫س‬

‫مساعدة الطالب على المراءة وتمدٌراالدب باللغة االجنبٌة‬-1 : ‫الجواب‬

‫ سٌجعل التكلم والكتابة باللغة االم افضل واكثر اللفه بالنسبة للطالب‬, ‫خالل دراسة المواعد باللغة الهدف‬-2

‫سٌجعل الطالب ٌنمون فكرٌا‬-3

The Direct Method

1-student learn how to communicate in target language

2-not used translation , not used native language

3-oral communication

4-iductively grammar : that is students are presented with examples and they figure out the
rule or generalization from the examples.

. ‫ ٌتم تمدٌمه من لبل الطالب مع االمثله وشكل الماعده او ٌتم تعمٌمه من خالل االمثلة‬: ً‫النحو االستمرائ‬

) ‫( اي ان النحو لائم على فهم الطالب للماعدة والمثال‬

Q:why they called (( Direct method)) by this name?

A:received its name from the fact that that meaning is to be conveyed directly in the target
language through the use of demonstration and visual aids with no recourse to the students
native language .

‫ لماذا الطرٌمة المباشرة سمٌت بهذا االسم ؟‬:‫س‬

‫ حصلت على اسمها من حمٌمة ان المعنى ٌجب ان ٌتم نمله مباشرة باللغة (الهدف) من خالل استخدام وسائل‬:‫الجواب‬
. ‫االٌضاح والوسائل البصرٌة دون لجوء الطالب الى اللغة االم‬

‫ ٌمكن اعتبار هذا السؤال تعرٌف للطرٌمة المباشرة وٌأتً اٌضا بصٌغة فراغات‬: ‫مالحظة‬

Reviewing the principles

1-what are the goals ?

student learn how to communicate in target language

2-what is the role of teacher , student ?

-The student role is less passive than in the grammar – translation method .

- The teacher and students are more like partners in teaching – learning process.

3-what are some characteristics of teaching ,learning process?

-when the teacher introduces a new target language or word or phrase he , demonstrates its
meaning through use of , realia pictures , pantomime )‫(مسرحٌة موسٌمٌة‬

-never translates in to the students native language

-grammar is taught inductively

4-what is the nature of student , teacher interaction?

The initiation of the interaction goes both ways , from teacher to students and from student
to teacher .

5-how are the feelings dealt with?

No principles

6-how is the language ,culture viewed?

Language is primary spoken , not written

7-what areas of language , skills emphasized?

-vocabulary is emphasized over grammar

-work on four skills from the start

-oral communication

-pronunciation also receives attention from the beginning

8-what is the role of native language?

The native language should not be used in the classroom

9-how is evaluation accomplished ?

They asked to do so , using both oral and written skills

10-how does the teacher respond to student errors ?

Teacher tries to get students to self –correction .

Reviewing the techniques'

-Reading aloud

-Question and answer exercise

-Getting students to self –correct

-conversation practice

-fill-in-blanks exercise

-Dictation )‫(االمالء‬

-Map drawing

-Paragraph writing

Activities (page 34)

1-in the previous chapter on the Grammar –Translation Method , we learned that grammar
was treated deductively . in the Direct Method , grammar is treated inductively . can you
explain the difference between deductive and inductive treatments of grammar ?

Deductively grammar Inductively grammar

)ً‫(النحو االستنتاج‬ )ً‫(النحو االستمرائ‬

mean they are given the grammar rules : that is students are presented with
and examples. examples and they figure out the rule or
generalization from the examples.
the grammar rules is useful pedagogical depends on students understanding
technique ‫تعتمد على فهم الطالب‬
‫لواعد النحو تسهل فهم التمنٌة‬
Used in the Grammar –Translation Used in the Direct Method

. ‫*ممارنة مابٌن النحو االستنتاجً فً طرٌمة الترجمة النحوٌة والنحو االستمرائً ضمن الطرٌمة المباشرة‬

2-What are some the characteristics of the Direct Method that make it so distinct from the
Grammar –Translation Method ?

N The Grammar –Translation Method The Direct Method

1 The teacher used the translation The teacher is not used the translation
2 The native language used inside the The native language is not used inside
classroom the classroom
3 The grammar is taught Deductively The grammar is taught inductively

4 The role of the teacher is listener The role of the teacher is

5 Its depends on memorization of words Its depends on communication inside
the classroom
6 The teacher answer the student The teacher answer the student
question with out examples question by using examples
7 The teacher is the authority in the The teacher and the students is more
classroom like partners
The student role is passive The student role is active
8 The teacher didn’t use real objects and The teacher use real objects and
pantomime and pictures pictures
9 The literary language is superior to The language is spoken not written
spoken language
10 Vocabulary and grammar are Vocabulary is emphasized over grammar
11 Reading and writing are the primary Reading and writing exercises are based
skills that the students work on upon what students practice orally first
12 Pronunciation receives attention right Pronunciation receive little if any
from the beginning of a course attention
13 The teacher supplies the correct answer The teacher tries to get students to self
– correct when ever possible

3-It has been said that it may be advantageous to teacher using the Direct Method not to
know his students native language . Do you agree ? Why

A: because the Grammar Translation Method was not very effective in preparing students to
use the target language communicatively .(( I agree))

The Audio – lingual Method

1-called ( Michigan method))

2-the Audio – lingual Method , like the Direct Method we have just examined is also

an oral – based approach

‫لطرٌمة السمعٌة اللغوٌة مثل الطرٌمة المباشرة التً لمنا بتدلٌمها للتو هً اٌضا منهج لائم على اللفظ‬

))‫(( لد تأتً فراغات او ممارنه مابٌن الطرٌمتٌن‬

3-the teacher went their student to be able to use the target language communicatively

4- inductive grammar

5-language learning is a process of habit formation

‫تعلٌم اللغة هو عملٌة تكرار المعلومة‬

6- not used the native language .

7-led by (( Charles fries)) ‫مؤلف هذه الطرٌمة‬

Q1: What is the different between the Audio –Lingual and the Direct Method ?

A: rather than emphasized vocabulary acquisition , through exposure to used in situation

The Audio-lingual Methods drill student to use the grammatical sentences patterns .

-unlike the Direct Method it has a strong theoretical base in linguistic and psychology.

‫ماهو االختالف مابٌن الطرٌمة السمعٌة اللغوٌة والطرٌمة المباشرة ؟‬:‫س‬

‫ الطرٌمة السمعٌة اللغوٌة تحفز الطالب ألستخدام‬, ‫ بدال من اكتساب المفردات ألستعمالها خالل التعرض للموالف‬: ‫الجواب‬
‫الجمل النحوٌة‬

. ‫ الطرٌمة السمعٌة اللغوٌة لدٌها نظرٌة لوٌة فً اللغوٌات وعلم النفس‬, ‫* على عكس الطرٌمة المباشرة‬

) ‫* ( هذه تعتبر ممارنه اٌضا‬

explicit grammar : rules are not provided **

‫ هو النحو الذي الٌمدم فٌه أي لواعد‬: ))‫النحو الواضح (( الظاهر‬

Q2:Why called the Audio – lingual (( the Michigan Method))?

A: because( Charles fries ) who led this Method from the university of Michigan

‫ لماذ سمٌت الطرٌمة السمعٌة اللغوٌة بـ طرٌمة مٌشغان ؟‬:‫س‬

. ‫الجواب بسبب جارلس فرٌس والذي لاد هذه النظرٌة حٌث انه من جامعة مٌشغان‬

Reviewing the principles

1-what are the goals ?

-Teacher want their students to be able to use the target language communicatively.

-learn to use it automatically without stopping to think

- Forming a new habits

2-what is the role of teacher , student ?

-the teacher is like an orchestra leader , model for imitation

3-what are some characteristics of teaching ,learning process?

-new vocabulary and structure patterns are presented through dialogues

-use imitation and repetition drills

-positive reinforced

-inductive grammar ( because grammar induced from the examples given)

-reading and writing work is based upon oral work

Q:What are drills which is used in Audio – lingual Method

A: 1-repetition 2-back word build –up 3-chain 4-substituation

5-transformation 6-question – and – answer

‫ ماهً التدرٌبات التً تستعمل بـ الطرٌمة السمعٌة اللغوٌة ؟‬:‫س‬

‫ السؤال والجواب‬-6 ‫ التحوٌل‬-5 ‫االستبدال‬-4 ‫ تسلسل‬-3 ‫اعادة بناء الكلمات‬-2 ‫التكرار‬-1 :‫الجواب‬

4-what is the nature of student , teacher interaction?

There are student to student interaction in chain drill, but the teacher directed.

5-how are the feelings dealt with?

No principles

6-how is the language ,culture viewed?

-influenced by descriptive linguists

-every language is seen as having its own unique system

-speech emphasized . The level of complexity of speech is regarded

Cutler consists : 1-every day behavior 2-lifstyle

7-what areas of language , skills emphasized?

-vocabulary is kept a minimum

-students mastering the sound system and grammatical patterns

-the four skills presentation ( listening , speaking , reading , writing )

-The Oral / Aural skills received most of the attention

* ‫اللفظٌة تأخذ معظم االهتمام‬/ ‫المهارات السمعٌة‬

-pronunciation is received little attention

8-what is the role of native language?

The native language not be used in the classroom

9-how is evaluation accomplished ?

Not obvious , It was discrete –point in nature

10-how does the teacher respond to student errors ?

Avoided if at all possible

Reviewing the techniques'

- Dialogue memorization

-Backward Build – up ( Expansion ) Drill *: this drill is used when !

With a long line of dialogue is giving students trouble , The teacher breaks down the line
into several parts, the student repeat usually the last phrase of the line

‫ متى نستخدم هذا التمرٌن ؟‬:‫اعادة عكس الكلمات ( تمرٌن موسع) س‬

‫ خطأ بالتلفظ ) هنا دور‬, ‫ وهذا ٌسبب مشكلة للطالب من ناحٌة ( المراءة‬, ‫ عندما ٌعطى الطالب حوار طوٌل‬: ‫الجواب‬
.‫ عادة الطالب ٌبدؤون بأخر جملة من السطر‬, ‫المعلم ٌجزأ الحوار الطوٌل الى اجزاء لجعله ابسط بالنسبة للطالب‬

-Repetition Drill

-Chain Drill * : gets its name from the chain of conversation that forms around the room as
students , one by one ,ask and answer question of each other .

‫ ٌسألون وٌجٌبون عن سؤال‬, , ‫ حصلت على اسمها من سلسة المحادثة والتً تدور فً الصف كطالب‬: ‫تدرٌبات السلسلة‬
.‫واحد لألخر‬

Q:Why the teacher used this drill?

1-allows some controlled communication

2-also gives the teacher an opportunity to check each students speech.

‫ لماذا ٌستخدم المعلم تدرٌبات السلسلة ؟‬:‫س‬

‫ٌسمح ببعض السٌطرة على التواصل‬-1

‫اٌضا ٌعطً للمعلم الفرصة لفحص نطك الطالب‬-2

-Single – slot substitution drill

-Multiple- slot substitution drill

CUE: it’s a word or a phrase the teacher used in drills , a gesture that students through it
known their turn
. ‫ اشارة ٌعرف الطالب من خاللها دورهم‬, ‫ كلمة او جملة ٌستخدمها المعلم فً التدرٌبات‬: ‫مفتاح االشارة‬

-Transformation drill * : this drill used (( with verbs sentences))

EX: an affirmative sentences students are ask to transform this sentence in to a negative

1- active sentences into a passive one OR direct speech into reported speech.

‫ ٌستعمل هذا التمرٌن مع الجمل الفعلٌة‬: ‫*التمارٌن التحوٌلٌة‬

. ‫ الجمل المثبتة ٌسأل الطالب لتحوٌلها الى جمل منفٌة وهكذا‬: ‫مثال‬

- Question – and – answer drill

-Use minimal Paris: this drill used for the word which differ in only one sound ;

EX: ship / sheep

-Complete the Dialogue

-Grammar Game

Activities (page 49)

A: Check your understanding of the Audio – Lingual Method .

1-Which of the techniques below follows from the principles of the Audio – lingual Method
, and which once do not ? Explain the reason for your answer .

a-The teacher asks beginning-level students to write a composition about the system of
transportation in their home countries . if they need a vocabulary word that they do not
know , they are told to look in a bilingual dictionary for translation .

1-Not one of The techniques because the Audio –Lingual Method is oral / aural method
not give attention to much for writing .

2-this method doesn’t use translation but use imitation .

‫ واي واحدة هً ال ؟ وضح السبب مع الجواب‬, ‫ اي من التمنٌات اسفل ماٌلً هً مبادئ الطرٌمة السمعٌة اللغوٌة‬:1‫س‬

‫ ٌخبرهم‬, ‫ اذا كانوا ٌحتاجون الى مفردات ال ٌعرفونها‬, ‫المعلم ٌسأل الطالب لكتابة إنشاء حول نظام النمل فً بلدانهم‬-‫أ‬
. ‫بأمكانٌة استعمال الماموس الثنائً اللغة للترجمة‬

‫سمعٌة ال تعٌٌر اهتمام كبٌر للكتابة‬/ ‫ لٌس من التمنٌات بسبب الطرٌمة السمعٌة اللغوٌة هً طرٌمة لفظٌة‬-1 -‫ أ‬: ‫الجواب‬

‫اللغوٌة ال تستخدم الترجمة بل تستخدم المحاكاة‬/ ‫ طرٌمة البصرٌة‬-2

b-Toward the end of third week of the course , the teacher gives students a reading passage
. The teacher ask the student to read the passage and to answer certain questions based
upon it the passage contains words and structures introduced during the first three weeks of
the course .

A: in this drill the teacher use ((Chain Drill)) this techniques from the principles of the Audio
– Lingual Method

C-The teacher tells the students that they must add an 'S' to the third person singular verbs
in the present tense in English . she then gives the students a list of verbs and ask them to
change the verbs into the third person singular present tense form .

A: in this drill the teacher use ((Transformation Drill)) this techniques from the principles of
the Audio – Lingual Method

2-Some people believe that knowledge of a first and second language can be helpful to
learners who are trying to learn third language . What would an Audio –lingual teacher say
about this ?Why?

- The Audio – Lingual Method drills students in use of grammatical sentence pattern

-the teacher went their student to be able to use the target language communicatively

-The Oral /Aural skills received most of the attention

- the habits of the students native language are thought to interfere with the students
attempts to master the target language.

Beside that it has a strong theoretical base in linguistics and psychology

‫ بعض االشخاص ٌعتمدون بان هذه معرفة اللغة االولى والثانٌة ٌمكن ان تكون مفٌدة للمتعلمٌن الذٌن ٌحاولون تعلم‬:‫س‬
‫ بماذا سٌخبرنا معلمً الطرٌمة السمعٌة اللغوٌه بهذا الشأن ؟ ولماذا؟‬. ‫لغة ثالثة‬

‫الطرٌمة السمعٌة اللغوٌة تحفز الطالب على استخدام انماط الجمل النحوٌة‬-1 : ‫الجواب‬

‫المعلم ٌرٌد بهذه الطرٌمة ان ٌصبح لدى طالبه الممدرة على التواصل باللغة الهدف‬-2

‫السمعٌة تأخذ معظم االهتمام‬/ ‫المهارات اللفظٌة‬-3

‫ التكرار للغة االم تتداخل مع محاوالت الطالب ألتمان اللغة‬-4

‫اضافة الى نظرٌاتها الموٌة فً علم اللغة وعلم النفس‬-5



sound-color chart

1-Led by ( Caleb Gattengo) ei ð α

S è á
2-the goals in this method ,students should be able to use the language for ᶾ ὸ ù
Self –Expression –to express their Thought , Perception ,Feelings

2- the teacher should start with something the student already know and build from
that to unknown.

3-teacher is not a model

4-focusing students perceptions , not through translation.

5-the skills of speaking , reading and writing reinforce one another.

Q:What is the problem in learning through The Audio –Lingual Method?

A:1-students ability to readily transfer the habits they had mastered in the classroom
to communicative use outside it.

2-the idea that learning a language meant forming a set of habits was seriously
challenged in the early 1960 .

‫ ماهً المشكلة التعلٌم بالطرٌمة السمعٌة اللغوٌة ؟‬:‫س‬

‫عدم لدرة الطالب على نمل العادات الذي اتمنوها داخل الصف الستخدمها خارجه للتواصل‬-1 : ‫الجواب‬

‫فكرة ان تعلٌم اللغة هو مجموعة تكوٌن العادات لد تم تحدٌها بشكل جدي فً اوائل الستٌنات‬-2

*Cognitive Code Approach : language acquisition must be a procedure whereby

people use their own thinking processes or cognition , to discover the rules of the
language they are acquiring . The emphasis on human cognition led to the

establishment this code . rather than simply being responsive to stimuli the
environment .

‫ اكتساب اللغة ٌجب ان ٌكون اجراء ٌستخدم خالله االشخاص عملٌات التفكٌر الخاصة‬: ‫*منهج الشفرة المعرفٌة‬
‫ بدال من مجرد‬. ‫ أدى الى التركٌز على االدران البشري إلى انشاء هذه الشفرة‬. ‫بهم او االدران ألكتشاف المواعد‬
. ‫االستجابة للمنبهات فً البٌئة‬

Reviewing the principles

1-what are the goals ?

the goals in this method ,students should be able to use the language for Self –Expression –
to express their Thought , Perception ,Feelings

2-what is the role of teacher , student ?

-the teacher is a technician or engineer the teacher relying on what his students already
know can give what help is necessary .

* Cattegno say '' no one can learn for us . to learn is our personal responsibility".

* Cattegno say " the teacher works with student , the student works on the language "
))important mottos ‫(( شعارات مهمة‬

3-what are some characteristics of teaching ,learning process?

-the teacher set up situation that focus student attention on the structures of the language .

-the students received a great deal of practice with a given target language structure
without repletion for its Owen sake.

‫المعلم ٌمٌم الوضع الذي ٌركز على انتباه الطالب لبناء اللغة‬-

‫الطالب ٌتلمى الكثٌر من التمارٌن مع اعطاء الهٌكلٌة للغة االجنبٌة بدون تكرار لنفسه‬-

Fidel charts : *color – coded used to help students learn the spelling that correspond to the
sounds and how to read and pronunciation word properly .

. ‫ بطالات ( شفرات) لونٌة تستعمل لتعلٌم التهجئة والتً تعود الى الصوت وكٌف ٌمرأ وٌلفظ بشكل صحٌح‬:‫جداول فٌدل‬

4-what is the nature of student , teacher interaction?

-much of the student – teacher interaction

-teacher is silent but still very active

-the teacher use of nonverbal gestures

‫المعلم ٌستعمل االٌماءات الشفهٌة‬-

- when the teacher does speak . it is to give clue not modeling the language .

. ‫ المعلم لٌس نموذج اللغة‬. ‫ ٌعنً انه اعطى فكرة‬. ‫عندما ٌتكلم المعلم‬-

- student –student verbal interaction

5-how are the feelings dealt with?

- the teacher help students overcome negative feeling .which might interfere with learning.

-student are encouraged throughout each lesson to cooperate with one another.

. ‫ التً ربما تتداخل مع تعلٌمهم‬, ‫ المعلم ٌساعد الطالب بالتغلب على المشاعر السلبٌة‬-

. ‫الطالب ٌتم تشجٌعهم كل درس لٌتعاونوا فٌما بٌنهم‬-

6-how is the language ,culture viewed?

Language expression spirit of culture

7-what areas of language , skills emphasized?

-pronunciation is worked on from the beginning

-explicit grammar rules may never be supplied

-vocabulary is restricted at first

-all four skills are worked on from the beginning

-the student learn to read and write orally

, ‫ المفردات ٌتم تحدٌدها من البداٌة‬, ) ‫ النحو واضح ( ال ٌتم التزوٌد بالمواعد‬, ‫ التلفظ ٌتم العمل علٌه من البداٌة‬-
. ‫ الطالب ٌتعلمون شفهٌا المرأة والكتابة‬, ‫المهارات االربعة ٌتم العمل بها من البداٌة‬

8-what is the role of native language?

-the students native language can be used to give interaction when necessary

9-how is evaluation accomplished ?

- the teacher may never give a formal test " he assess student learning all the time"

-teacher look for study progress not perfection .

10-how does the teacher respond to student errors ?

-self – correction , peer correction

-if the student are unable to self –correct and peer cannot help ,then Teacher would supply
the correct language , but only as a last resort .

Reviewing the techniques'

-sound – color chart * : the chart contains blocks of color each one representing a sound in
the target language .

. ‫ هذا الجدول ٌحتوي لطعة مربعة الشكل من االلوان كل واحدة تمثل صوت باللغة الهدف‬:* ً‫جدول الصوت اللون‬

Q:- When the teacher used this techniques? and why?

- when the teacher have a particular sound contrast is new for students .

-why ,1- this techniques allows students to produce sound combination in the target
language without doing so through repetition .

2-the chart draws the students attention and allows them to concentrate on the
language not on the teacher .

‫متى تستخدم هذه التمنٌة ؟ ولماذا؟‬:‫س‬

‫ عندما ٌكون لدى المعلم اختالف فً صوت معٌن جدٌدا بالنسبة للطالب‬, ‫ متى‬-

.‫ هذه التمنٌة تسمح للطالب بإنتاج صوت مركب باللغة الهدف بدون المٌام بذلن من خالل التكرار‬-1 , ‫لماذا‬-

. ‫هذا الجدول ٌلفت انتباه الطالب وٌسمح بالتركٌز على اللغة ولٌس على المعلم‬-2

-Teacher silence

-peer correction

-Rods*: a model of wooden point .

Q:Why we use Rods?

-represent other realities

-allow students to be creative and imaginative

-allow for action to accompany language .

‫ نموذج خشبً للتأشٌر‬:*‫العصا‬

‫ لماذا نستعمل العصا ؟‬:‫س‬

‫– تسمح باألحداث المرافمة للغة‬ ‫– تسمح للطالب بأن ٌكونوا مبدعٌن وخٌالٌٌن‬ ‫ تمثل احدى الوسائل الوالعٌة‬-

-Self – correction Gestures

-Word Chart

Q:why we used Word Chart ?

A:1-help students with their pronunciation

2-the Chart contain the functional vocabulary of English

* ‫جدول الكلمات‬

‫ لماذا ٌستخدم هذا الجدول ؟‬:‫س‬

‫ ٌحتوي الجدول على مفردات وظٌفٌة للغة االنكلٌزٌة‬-2 ‫ مساعدة الطالب مع نطمهم‬1 :‫الجواب‬

- Fidel charts *

Q:Why we used Fidel Charts

-because of the large number of way sounds in English can be spelled

* ‫جداول فٌدل‬

. ‫ بسبب االعداد الكبٌرة لطرق لألصوات التً ٌمكن تهجئتها باللغة االنكلٌزٌة‬: ‫ لماذا ٌستخدم هذا الجول ؟ الجواب‬:‫س‬

-Structure feedback

Activities (page 68)

1-There are many reason for the teachers silence in the Silent Way . some of these have
been stated explicitly in this chapter ; others have implied . can you state the reasons ?

A: 1-encourage students to help one another when experiencing difficulty

2-student should be able to use the language for self – expression to express their
thoughts , perception and feeling

3-students become independent by relying on themselves

4- to develop independence form the teacher . to develop their own inner criteria for
correctness .

‫ هل‬. ‫ البالً تم تطبٌمه‬, ‫ هنان عدة اسباب لصمت المعلم بـالطرٌمة الصامتة بعضها تم توضٌحه فً هذا الفصل‬:1‫س‬
‫ٌمكنن توضٌح االسباب ؟‬

‫تشجٌع الطالب لمساعدة واحد لألخر عند صعوبة التمارٌن‬ -1

‫ ومشاعرهم‬, ‫ ادراكهم‬, ‫الطالب ٌجب ان ٌكونوا لادرٌن على التعبٌر عن ذاتهم للتعبٌر عن افكارهم‬ -2
‫الطالب سٌصبحون مستملٌن باالعتماد على انفسهم‬ -3
.‫ لتطوٌر المعاٌٌر الداخلٌة للتصحٌح‬, ‫لتطوٌر استماللهم عن المعلم‬ -4

Q2: What does the phrase . ''Teaching is subordinated to learning " , mean ?

A: that learning is a process with initiate by ourselves by mobilizing our inner resource ( our
perception , awareness , cognition , imagination , intuition , creativity ) to meet the
challenge at hard . in the course of our learning . we integrate into ourselves what ever new
we create and use it as a stepping stone for further leaning .

‫ ماذا تعنً هذه الجملة " التدرٌس خاضعا للتعلٌم " ؟‬:2‫س‬

‫ ومعرفتنا وخٌالنا‬, ‫ ووعٌنا‬, ‫ ان التعلم هو عملٌة نبدأها بأنفسنا من خالل تعبئة مواردنا الداخلٌة ( ادركنا‬: ‫الجواب‬
‫ نندمج فً انفسنا مع جدٌد نبتكره‬, ‫وحدسنا وابداعنا ) وما الى ذلن لمواجهة التحدي المطروح فً سٌاق تعلمنا‬
. ‫ونستخدمه كنمطة انطالق‬

Q3:One of the mottos of the Silent Way is " the teacher works with student , the student
works on the language" , What do you think this mean ?

‫‪A: 1-the role of students in the Silent Way is to make use of what they know‬‬

‫‪2-free themselves of any obstacles that would interfere with giving their utmost attention‬‬
‫‪to the learning task, and actively engage in exploring the language‬‬

‫‪3-no one can learn for us‬‬

‫س‪ :3‬من احد شعارات الطرٌمة الصامتة هو " المعلم ٌعمل مع الطالب ‪ .‬والطالب ٌعملون على اللغة " ماذا تعتمد‬
‫هذا ٌعنً ؟‬
‫الجواب ‪ -1 :‬دور الطالب فً الطرٌمة الصامتة هو جعلهم استعمال ما ٌعرفونه‬
‫‪ -2‬تحرٌر انفسهم من العوائك التً لد تتداخل عندما ٌبذلون لصارى جهدهم لالنتباه الى مهمة التعلٌم‬
‫ومشاركة النشاط الكتشاف اللغة‬
‫‪ -3‬ال أحد ٌستطٌع ان ٌتعلم بمكانن ‪.‬‬

‫ء يل ول ال ي‬ ‫نس ل د ال‬

‫‪E .M .alhmdany‬‬


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