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1. Progress report.

2. Glossary questions.

3. Technical report.

"Technical report"
Technical Report decribes the process progress or results of technical or scientific
research.It include in depth. Experimental details, data and results.These reports are
usually produced to report on a specific research need. They can serve as a report of
accountability to the organization funding the research. They cannot be reviewed by
the pears. These can be evaluated on how the problem research method and results are

Reports on the effects of increase atmospheric carbondioxide.
Submitted To
Mr. David ben, cahirman
Real estate develpoment association
Lahore, pakistan
Submitted By
Enviormental research associate,
December, 2019
Man has introduced tramendous amounts of carbondioxide into the
earth's atmosphere. This increase in carbondioxide consaderation causes what is
commonly known as the green house effect. These changes in the earth's atmosphere
have an enormous impact on everything. We should try to reduce this problem by
taking steps but we cannot hope much for anything.
Introduction of the report
Before year 2020 the climate of the earth maybe warmer then any time in
the past. This change is beacuse of increase level of carbondioxide.
Natural weather pattrens
Tempreature has been much warmer from year to year the climate is
contineously changing.
Mechanisim of the greenhouse effect
The incoming solar radiasions must match the outgoing thermal radiasion
from the earth. Of the incoming solar radiasion 35% is reflected back into the space.
Its is a albedo. Albedo is taken into consideration when the total energy flux of the
earth atmosphere system is calculated.
Carbon Circle
The annual increase of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is dependent
on the several factors. There is oroduction of carbon dioxide and beacuse of this
carbon cycle goes on.

Climatic effects of increase carbondioxide consent

An increase in carbon dioxide causes larger increase in the green house
effect changes in the local weather pattrens, drought increase tropical storm activity.
Sea level increase effects the climate.
Ways to reduce greenhouse effects
The soverighty of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere can be reduce by
the following steps.
1. A concentrated effort must be made to conserve fuel with the goal of reducing
global consumption.
2. Alternate energy sources such as solar and neculear shall be develop.
3. Reforestation on massive scale is needed.
Carbon dioxide is the most dangerous polution. It can cause global
tempreature. There should be proper steps taken to reduce carbondioxide in the
Information Sources
The following are the informartion sources.
1. Bernar, harold. The green house effect. Cambriadge, 1990.

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