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Pediatric Dermatology Vol. 18 No.

4 313±315, 2001

Urticaria Pigmentosa Associated

with Wilms Tumor
Elif GuÈler, M.D., Suna Emir, M.D., Tezer Kutluk, M.D., Ph.D., Ali Varan, M.D.,
and MuÈnevver BuÈyuÈkpamukcËu, M.D.

Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hacettepe University Institute of Oncology, Ankara, Turkey

Abstract: Urticaria pigmentosa is the most common manifestation of

mastocytosis, with the majority of cases undergoing spontaneous reso-
lution, especially in children. Several reports have documented hemato-
logic malignancies developing in patients with urticaria pigmentosa. We
present a 4.5-year-old boy with urticaria pigmentosa who developed
Wilms tumor. To our knowledge, coexisting urticaria pigmentosa and
Wilms tumor have not previously been described.

Urticaria pigmentosa is the most common form of ¯ushing, abdominal pain, diarrhea, hepatomegaly,
mastocytosis. It occurs in 90% of patients with indolent splenomegaly, vasomotor instability, or itching. His
mastocytosis, but its frequency is less than 50% of laboratory values were hemoglobin 12 g/dl, WBC
patients with systemic mastocytosis. Urticaria pigmen- 10,000/mm3, and di€erential counts normal. Abdom-
tosa is characterized by yellowish tan to red-brown ma- inal ultrasonography and computed tomography (CT)
culopapular or nodular lesions mainly distributed on the showed a solid tumoral mass, 62 mm ´ 68 mm in
trunk and limbs (1). There have been several reports of diameter, arising from the medial part of the left
malignancies in patients with urticaria pigmentosa (2,3); kidney. Chest radiograph was normal. The left kidney
however, this association is rare in childhood. We des- and mass were removed surgically and were diagnosed
cribe a patient in whom urticaria pigmentosa coexisted as Wilms tumor. Histopathologic examination con-
with Wilms tumor. ®rmed the diagnosis. A skin biopsy specimen was taken
and the pathologic diagnosis was urticaria pigmentosa.
A chemotherapy regimen consisting of actinomycin D
and vincristine was started for the treatment of the
A 4.5-year-old boy was admitted to our department Wilms tumor. Ketotifen was given for the urticaria
with the complaints of an abdominal mass and pigmentosa. His malignant disease is still in remission,
maculopapular rash. By history, he had the maculo- although there was no change in his urticaria pigmen-
papular rash since infancy. On physical examination, tosa during a 6-month follow-up period.
his vital ®ndings were normal and there was an
abdominal mass 7 cm ´ 7 cm in diameter, located in
the left upper quadrant. A widespread, yellow-brown
maculopapular rash was distributed over his trunk and Mast cell disease has a wide clinical spectrum, ranging
extremities (Fig. 1). Darier sign was positive. There from isolated cutaneous involvement to systemic disease.
were no symptoms or signs of histamine release such as Systemic mastocytosis, de®ned as mast cell in®ltration of

Address correspondence to Tezer Kutluk, M.D., Department of

Pediatric Oncology, Hacettepe University Institute of Oncology,
06100 Ankara, Turkey, or e-mail: tk06-k@tr-net.

314 Pediatric Dermatology Vol. 18 No. 4 July/August 2001

Figure 1. (A,B) Widespread yellow-

brown maculopapular rash of urti-
caria pigmentosa distributed over
the trunk and extremities.

extracutaneous tissue with or without skin involvement, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. Horny et al. (7)
is rare in children. The proliferating mast cells in the found hematologic malignancies including myeloprolif-
tissues produce systemic symptoms of histamine liber- erative disorder, myelodysplasia, and mast cell leukemia
ation such as diarrhea, ¯ushing, vomiting, and vascular in 25 of 61 adult patients with systemic mastocytosis.
instability. The most common form of mastocytosis in There are only two reported cases of urticaria pig-
children is urticaria pigmentosa. The lesions are yellow- mentosa and hematologic malignancy in children, an
ish tan to red-brown maculopapules or nodules and the 8-year-old child who developed leukemia 3 months
size may vary from a few millimeters to several centim- after diagnosis of systemic mastocytosis, and an
eters. They may be present at birth, but frequently erupt 11-year-old girl with systemic mastocytosis who died of
during the ®rst 2 years of life, although they may appear acute lymphoblastic lymphoma. Both also had systemic
at any time (1). mastocytosis (8,9).
The association of hematologic malignancies with The association of malignancies with isolated urti-
systemic mastocytosis has been well documented (4±6). caria pigmentosa is more rare than that with systemic
These disorders most often involve dysplasia or neo- mastocytosis (2,3). Cooper et al. (3) documented six
plasm of the myeloid cells. Travis et al. (6) described patients with urticaria pigmentosa who developed a
hematologic malignancies in 13 of 60 adult patients with hematologic malignancy. None of them had systemic
systemic mastocytosis. Eight of these patients had acute mastocytosis. However, there were no reports of coex-
nonlymphoblastic leukemia, three patients had lym- isting isolated urticaria pigmentosa with lymphoprolif-
phoma, one had dysmyelopoietic syndrome, and one had erative malignancy in children.
GuÈler et al: Urticaria Pigmentosa Associated with Wilms Tumor 315

The association of systemic mastocytosis with solid have not observed any serious complications of urticaria
tumors is more rare than that with hematologic malig- pigmentosa produced by anticancer therapy. Pediatri-
nancies. The types of solid tumors in adults associated cians and dermatologists should collaborate on the
with systemic mastocytosis include breast carcinoma, management of this rare association.
gastric carcinoma, bladder carcinoma, pancreatic ade-
nocarcinoma, pleural mesothelioma, small cell carci-
noma of the lung, and brain tumor (6,10). On the other REFERENCES
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