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 Also called a Factorial Experiment.
 Replication means an independent repeat of each factor
 The purpose of factorial experiment is to examine:

1. The effect of factor A on the dependent variable, y.

2. The effect of factor B on the dependent variable, y along with
3. The effects of the interactions between different levels of the
factors on the dependent variable, y.

 Interaction exists when the effect of a level for one factor

depends on which level of the other factor is present.
The effect model for a factorial experiment can be
written as:
i  1,...,a

yijk     i   j   ij   ijk  j  1,...,b
 k  1,...,r

yijk : The response from the kth experimental unit receiving the
ith level of factor A and the jth level of factor B
 : Overall mean
 i : An effect due to the ith level of factor A
 j : An effect due to the jth level of factor B
ij : An interaction effect of the ith level of factor A with jth level of factor B
 ijk : A random error associated with the response from the kth experimental
unit receiving the ith level of factor A combined with jth level of factor B
 There are three sets of hypothesis:
1. Factor A effect:

2. Factor B effect:

3. Interaction effect:
 The results obtained in this analysis are
summarized in the following ANOVA table:
Two way Factorial Treatment Structure
B1 B2

y111  y121 
y112 
 y122 

A1  y11  y12 y1
.  . 
y11n 
 y12n 

y211  y221 
y222 
A2 y212  y2
 
 y21  y22
. . 

y21n  y22 n 

y311  y321 
A3 y312 
 y322 
 y3
 y31  y32
.  . 
y31n 
 y32n 

y1 y2 y
where 
 yi 2

y 2

br abr

y j

y 2

ar abr

 yij



r abr
SST   yijk  2

a  number of observations in factor A
b  number of observations in factor B
r  number of replications in each factor
Example 3.3:

The two-way table gives data for a 2x2 factorial experiment with two
observations per factor – level combination.

Factor B
Level 1 2

Factor A 1 29.6 47.3

35.2 42.1
2 12.9 28.4
17.6 22.7

Construct the ANOVA table for this experiment and do a complete analysis
at a level of significance 0.05.

Factor B
Level 1 2
Factor A 1 29.6 47.3
35.2 42.1 154.2
64.8 89.4
2 12.9 28.4 81.6
17.6 22.7
30.5 51.1
95.3 140.5 235.8

1. Set up hypothesis

Factor A effect:
H 0 : 1   2  a  0
H1: at least one  i  0

Factor B effect:
H 0 : 1   2   b  0
H1: at least one  j  0

Interaction effect:

H 0 :  ij  0 for all i, j

H1: at least one  ij  0
SST   yijk 2 
  29.6  35.2 
2 2
 22.7  

 2  2  2 
 972.715

 yi 2

br abr
 154.22  81.62  235.82
 
 4  8
 658.845
y j

y 2

ar abr
 95.32  140.52  235.82
 
 4  8
 255.38

 ij
y 2

r abr
 64.82  89.42  30.52  51.12  235.82
   658.845  255.38 
 2  8


 972.715  658.845  255.38  2
 56.49
2. Calculation (given the ANOVA table is as follows):

Source of SS df MS F
A 658.845 1 658.845 46.652
B 255.38 1 255.38 18.083
AB 2 1 2 0.1416
Error 56.49 4 14.1225
Total 972.715 7

3. Critical value:
Factor A, F0.05,1,4  7.71
Factor B, F0.05,1,4  7.71
Interaction AB, F0.05,1,4  7.71
4. With  = 0.05 we reject H 0 if :
FA  F ,a 1,ab r 1 for effect of factor A
FB  F ,b 1,ab r 1 for effect of factor B
FAB  F , a 1 b 1 ,ab r 1 for effect of interaction

FA  46.652  F0.05,1,4  7.71 (Reject H 0 )

FB  18.083  F0.05,1,4  7.71(Reject H 0 )
FAB  0.1416  F0.05,1,4  7.71(Fail to Reject H 0 )
5. Factor A : since FA  46.652 >F0.05,1,4  7.71 , thus we reject H 0
We conclude that the difference level of A effect the response

Factor B : since FB  18.083 > F0.05,1,4  7.71 , thus we reject H 0

We conclude that the difference level of B effect the response

Interaction: since FAB  0.1416  F0.05,1,4  7.71, thus we failed to

reject H 0
We conclude that no interaction between factor A and factor
Exercise 4.5

Each of three operators made two weighing of several

silicon wafers. Results are presented in the following table
for three wafers. Construct ANOVA table. Determine
whether there is a differenced in the measured weights
among the operators and also the difference among wafers
at   0.05 .

Wafer Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3

1 11 , 15 10 , 6 14 , 10
2 210 , 208 205 , 201 208 , 207
3 111 , 113 102 , 105 108 , 111
Exercise 4.6:
In a study to determine which are the important source of variation in
an industrial process, 3 measurements are taken on yield for 3
operators chosen randomly and 4 batches a raw materials chosen
randomly. It was decided that a significance test should be made at the
0.05 level of significance to determine if the variance components due
to batches, operators, and interaction are significant. In addition,
estimates of variance components are to be computed. The data are as
follows, with the response being percent by weight.
1 2 3 4
1 66.9 68.3 69.0 69.3
68.1 67.4 69.8 70.9
67.2 67.7 67.5 71.4
2 66.3 68.1 69.7 69.4
Operator 65.4 66.9 68.8 69.6
65.8 67.6 69.2 70.0
3 65.6 66.0 67.1 67.9
66.3 66.9 66.2 68.4
65.2 67.3 67.4 68.7
Perform the analysis of variance of this experiment at level of significance
0.05. State your conclusion

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