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ROLL NO. : 58/17

BBA 6th SEM (B)


A1: SELCO had two options

 To go Wider (Geographical Expansion, Product-Line Expansion)

 To go Deeper (Serving even Poorer Segments of Society)

The costs and opportunities associated with each one is discussed


A. Geographical Expansion, Product-Line Expansion:


1. Attract new customers

2. Economies of scale
3. Putting money into business
4. Discounts for buying in bulk
1. Increase in staff turnover
2. Loss of control
3. Compromised quality
B. Deeper (Serving even Poorer Segments of Society)
1. Customer acquisition and retention
2. Forecast accuracy
3. Untapped potential
4. Organic growth

1. Reduced income
2. Lack of diverse consumers
3. Lack of strategic plan to grow business

The direction which I will recommend to Hande is to go deeper as the

SELCO was established to provide electricity to poor community in
india. Serving poor will be a continuation of his initial goal.

A2. For India as a developing nation switching to decentralized energy
holds a lot of benefits such as:
1. Centralized utilities are out of date, distributed energy is the future
2. Decentralized Energy Production is more efficient
3. Distributed generation is flexible and provides resilience
4. A decentralized grid-architecture for an environmentally friendly
electricity system
India should be in favor of soft energy. Fossil Fuels and nuclear power
must diminish as sources of energy. Alternative sources of power such
as hydropower, geothermal energy, wind energy , and photovoltaic cells
must be developed. In addition, people should also encourage
conservation of coal, oil, and natural gas supplies. Also since electricity
is one of the most wasteful of all forms of energy, its use should be
curtailed. The development of more efficient solar cells, would make it
possible for individual facilities to generate a significant portion of the
energy they need.

A3. SELCO’s plant to expand with franchising failed because
Franchisee’s motive is to earn profit although SELCO still remains for-
profit but they understand the margin of profit they need to earn to stay
afloat while the companies that bought the franchises didn’t understood
that went for a complete profit-driven approach which deviated from
SELCO’s approach of helping the poor.

The steps that might have helped SELCO’S franchise succeed are:
1. Leadership
2. Adaptability
3. Franchise focus
4. Location

The failure of franchised dealers says that SELCO should not deal with
franchises unless it communicates to them well in advance that helping
out the poor is their main objective and the franchises should be in line
with this. SELCO can expand without franchises by understanding the
region and its people but a plan for nationwide expansion will be very
difficult without proper financing which might me hard to get without

A4. Harish Hande’s desire to structure SELCO as a for-profit enterprise
has helped to make energy cheaply available in a decentralized way so it
can help in poverty alleviation.
The new investors are more in line with its mission to help the poor. It
took help of international organizations rather than traditional methods
such as loans national or regional banks.

1. As a for-profit business, a social enterprise is more

sustainable than a nonprofit organization that must rely on
grant money, donations or federal programs alone. As a for-
profit model, you control your own density.
2. A for-profit business can scale in ways other organizations
cannot. The incentives of the company are designed such that
greater impact directly correlates to a great profit.
3. Customers, investors and business partners today want to
know that the companies they choose are doing more than
just providing a product or service. They look for companies
that are doing good. They will feel a special connection to
companies whose values align with their own.
4. Social impact companies have an advantage in hiring and
retaining staff. Top job candidates weigh many things when
deciding where to take their skills. Salary alone is not
enough. They seek companies whose values and goals align
with their own.
5. Born From Authenticity: For these models to work well they
really do need to be born from the authentic view of the
founder, the CEO, and the management team around being a
positive contributor to society. This must not be a side
purpose but the core underlying purpose of which the product
or service is the means to fulfill that mission.
6. The Human Talent Advantage: One of the biggest
advantages to enterprises with a social purpose is the ability
to attract and retain superior human capital through good
times and bad. Purpose (along with mastery and autonomy) is
a core primary human need. Companies who imbue their
workforces with a deeply felt purpose beyond a paycheck
tend to attract committed, loyal, and well-rounded


A5. SELCO can play a big role by providing cheap renewable sources
some of them are listed as follows:
1. Employment Generation: The first point is that there are a
huge number of people employed in renewable energy jobs
globally. There are almost 10 million of them around the
world. Slightly over 3 million are employed in solar power.
Large hydropower employs about 1.5 million people, and
1.2 million are in wind power employment. 
2. Human Welfare: is that renewable energy is scalable in
areas where there is very little or no electricity. For
example, there are over one billion people who don’t have
access to electricity. Getting home solar power systems
gives them access to something that can change their
lives for the better. Even in the poorest countries, solar
flexibility is making it desirable.
3. Economic Stimulation: Another key, and very striking,
benefit is how renewable energy investment can impact

Steps to be taken to increase the company’s impact:

i. Keep up with new ideas
ii. Never stop networking
iii. Prepare for future


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