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Things to learn today

1. Use energy method to derive equation of motion

2. Damping elements

Session 1.2 Vibration and Damping

5. Equation of motion: Energy Method

For a conservative system, the governing equation can also be

derived by using the energy method which states that at any
moment, the sum of the potential energy and the kinetic energy
of the system remains constant, i.e.

T + V = constant
T: kinetic energy of the system

V: potential energy of the system

Session 1.2 Vibration and Damping

5.3 Solution procedures

find the kinetic energy & potential energy

energy conservation equation

differentiate the resulting equation

governing equation

Session 1.2 Vibration and Damping
5.4 Examples
(1) Derive the governing equation for the mass-spring system
where the gravitational force is active by using energy method.

xs m
xd(t) m

xs: static displacement

xd: dynamic displacement
Session 1.2 Vibration and Damping

Kinetic energy
1 2
T= mxd
Potential energy due to spring
1 2 1
Vk = kx = k ( xs + xd ) 2
2 2
Potential energy due to the gravitational force (taking equilibrium
position as the reference point with zero gravitational potential)

Vm = −mgx = −mg ( xs + xd )

Session 1.2 Vibration and Damping

Substituting them into energy conservation equation, one has

1 2 1
T + V = mxd + k ( xs + xd ) 2 -mg ( xs + xd ) = constant
2 2
Differentiating the above equation gives

mxd xd +k ( xs + xd ) xd -mgxd = 0
with the static equilibrium relationship kxs =mg in mind, we get
the governing equation
mxd +kxd = 0

Session 1.2 Vibration and Damping
(3) Use energy method to find the natural frequency of oscillation
of the homogeneous cylinder with radius r and connected with two
springs of stiffness k as shown below. It is assumed that the
cylinder is free to roll on the horizontal surface without slipping.
(Activity 1C, Q2 in Learning Package, Page 84)

a k

r m

Session 1.2 Vibration and Damping

motion of the cylinder


Spring potential energy is

Vk = 2  k 2
where, for small oscillation,
 = (r + a)sin  (r + a)
Session 1.2 Vibration and Damping

The kinetic energy consists of the rotational energy and translational

1 2 1 2
T = mx + J
2 2
The condition that there is no slip between the surface and cylinder
x = r ; x = r ; x = r
3 2 2
T = mr 
Session 1.2 Vibration and Damping
The energy conservation equation requires
3 3
T + V = mr 2 2 +k 2 = mr 2 2 +k (r + a) 2 2 =constant
4 4
Differentiation of the above equation yields
3 2
mr  +2k (r + a ) 2  = 0
4k ( r + a ) 2
+ 2
 =0
Hence the natural frequency is
4k ( r + a ) 2
n =
3mr 2 11
Session 1.2 Vibration and Damping

(2) Determine the natural frequency of the weight-pulley system by

using energy method. (Example 3 in Learning Package, Page 78)

Session 1.2 Vibration and Damping

The kinetic energy of the system

1 2
Tm = mx (kinetic energy of the weight)
1 2
Tp = J  (kinetic energy of the pulley)
Potential energy due to gravitational force

Vm = −mgx
Potential energy due to spring
1 2
Vk = kxk
Session 1.2 Vibration and Damping

Since x = r1 ; x = r1 ; xk = r2

The energy conservation equation can be written as
1 1 1
Tm + Tp + Vm + Vk = mx 2 + J 2 − mgx + kxk2 = constant
2 2 2

1 2 2 1 2 1
mr1  + J − mgr1 + kr22 2 = constant
2 2 2
The total rotation consists of the static and dynamic parts

 =  s +  d (t )
Session 1.2 Vibration and Damping

 = d
Taking the first derivative with respect to time on both sides of the
energy conservation equation gives

mr12 d + J d − mgr1 + kr22 ( s +  d ) = 0

Taking into consideration the torque equilibrium in static state

kxk r2 = mgr1 kr22 s = mgr1

Session 1.2 Vibration and Damping

We obtain
mr12 d + J d + kr22 d = 0
which can be re-written as
d + 2 d = 0
mr1 + J
 d + n2 d = 0
where the natural frequency
n =
mr12 + J

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