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Name : Erick Saputra King

NIM : 063.17.076

Date : April, 30th 2020

English Assignment due date May, 1st 2020

Paraphrase the following sentences!

1. Nora Roberts stuffed three sweaters into her large handbag and left the
store without paying for the items.
- Nora Roberts stuffed 3 sweaters into her massive handbag and left the store
without procuring the items.
2. Frankie broke three windows of his neighbors’ house and threw eggs at the
garage door.
- Frankie broke 3 windows of his neighbors' house and threw eggs at the
storage door.
3. Albert signed someone else's name on several checks and then cashed
them at the bank.
- Albert signed someone else's call on several tests after which cashed them on
the bank.
4. The old man hit his wife so hard she ended up in the hospital.
- The old man hit his spouse so hard she ended up inside the hospital.
5. When Bart punched the man in the face, the man fell down and hit his head
on the sidewalk and died.
- While Bart punched the man within the face, the man fell down and hit his
head at the sidewalk and died.
6. The men deliberately started the fire by pouring gasoline all over the boxes
and then lighting a match.
- The men deliberately commenced the hearth by using pouring gasoline all
over the bins and then lighting a match.
7. The two men used guns and knives to force the pilot to land the plane.
- The two men used guns and knives to pressure the pilot to land the plane.

Paraphrase the following paragraph!

1. It is imperative which you come to be technically sound in your area as early on

as possible. Even if you plan to come to be an engineering supervisor at a
younger age, it is still essential which you recognize the technical factor of your
field to first be able to control group of workers and speak with potential and
contemporary clients. It is also crucial which you establish a procedure for
staying up to date on technical trends, whether it's far a magazine subscription or
attending engineering conferences.
2. If you need to emerge as the exceptional engineer in your discipline, locate the
current first-class engineer inside the discipline and research from him or her.
This will be achieved thru a proper mentoring courting or genuinely an e-mail or
phone call. If you need to be the first-class, imitate the excellent.
3. Obtain the credentials that will help you thrust to the top in your area or at the
least give you the extent of expertise and reputation so that it will do so. You can
discover which credentials those is probably by asking successful engineers in
your field.
4. Join and become lively in professional institutions in your area and
communicate at as many public activities as possible via these organizations.
Doing this will assist you build a sturdy network in your area, improve your
confidence, and improve your verbal exchange skills.
5. Constantly improve yourself both individually and professionally through
training, coaching, reading, etc.

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