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Characteristics of ASD

Dan Jacobson
Characteristics of ASD

● Cognitive & Neurological

● Behavioral & Sensory
● Communication & Language
● Social
Cognitive & Neurological

● Neuro-developmental disorder
○ Developmental delays in hitting milestones at young age
● Can range from significant cognitive impairments to above-average
cognitive abilities
● Ability to learn impacted
Behavior & Sensory

● Restricted and repetitive ● Can present abnormalities in

behaviors sensory output
○ rocking, flapping, etc. ○ indifference/insensitivity to pain,
● Ritualistic Behaviors temperature, smells, and/or textures
○ Order of certain behaviors, lining up ● 3 types of sensitivity
objects, etc.
○ Hypersensitivity = Overreactive
● Narrow interests or ○ Hyposensitivity = Undereactve
obsessive/extreme interests on ○ Mixed reactivity
○ Sounds, lights, touches, tastes, smells,
certain topics
pain, etc.
● Need specific routines
○ Same schedule/ meals/ etc.
Communication & Language

● Potential language delays

○ Often early sign
○ Large variation across the ASD spectrum
● Repetitive tendencies in speech (ie body motions, specific phrases, etc.
● Often display abnormal facial expressions, gestures and other nonverbal
● Difficulty initiating and/or continuing a conversation

● Individuals with ASD have a hard time with “back and forth” conversation
(taking turns in conversation)
● Often avoid eye contact
● Difficulty with empathy - understanding others and recognizing their
● Difficulty recognizing one’s own emotions and expressing those emotions
(social/emotional reciprocity)
● Difficulty gauging appropriate personal space

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