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 Ancient Filipinos were expert seafarers and boat builders like their Southeast Asian neighbors.
 They could travel far and wide to trade with nearby Southeast and East Asian neighbors.
 Scholars suggested they reached even as far as Champa (Vietnam) and India.
 Long before the coming of the Portuguese and Spaniards in the region, Philippines had outside trade contacts,
and along with these, varied cultural exchanges took place.
 O.W. Wolters said such a trade may have been there as early as the 3rd century, based in the pearls and gold
excavated in Funan.
 Filipino historians and archaeologists believe the Filipino-Chinese trade contacts began around the 9th century
during the Tang Dynasty (618-906 A.D.).
 They cite as evidence Tang stonewares that were found in Babuyan Islands, coasts of Ilocos, Pangasinan,
Mindoro, Batangas, Manila, Bohol, Cebu, Jolo, and Cagayan de Oro.
 If Chinese did not bring these items directly to the Philippines, Chinese goods probably found their way to the
islands through Arab traders who had trade contacts with the Chinese.
 Arab Trade Routes in Southeast Asia
o A group of people called Orang Dampuan from Southern Annam (Vietnam), established trading posts in
o A flourishing trade developed between Champa and the people of Sulu who were called Buranun.
o This trade proved favorable to the Orang Dampuans whose prosperity drew the ire of the Buranuns.
o In a fit of jealousy, the Buranuns massacred some Orang Dampuans causing the others to flee and
return to Champa.
o The famous pearl trade of Sulu also attracted another group of people known as the Banjar of nearby
o The Buranuns were suspicious to the Banjars because of the previous tragic experience with Orang
o Instead of antagonizing the Buranuns, Banjarmassin brought their beautiful princess to Sulu and offered
her as a bride to the Buranun prince, who eventually married her.
o Sulu thus became a tribute-state of the empire of Sri-Vijaya, along with Banjarmassin and Brunei.
o Sulu developed into an emporium to which trading ships of Java, Sumatra, Cambodia, Siam, and China
would anchor to savor Sulu's prosperous trade and splendor.
o Arab traders, who up to this point dominated this Southeast Asian trading, were later barred from the
central Chinese coast.
o They relocated to the Malay Peninsula where they sought an alternative route starting from Malacca
and passing through Borneo and the Philippines to reach Taiwan.
o They continued to carry Southeast Asian goods to the western world using this southern route.
o They also carried Philippine goods on board Arab ships to the Chinese mainland through Canton.
o This lasted up to the Javanese or Madjapahit period (1377-1478).
o The Chinese trade in the Philippines greatly improved during the Ming Dynasty(1368-1650).
o Emperor Yung-lo sent a fleet of vessels to the Philippines, under the command of Admiral Cheng Ho, to
visit Lingayen, Manila Bay, Mindoro, and Sulu.
o The Chinese emperor even tried to impose its suzerainty over Luzon by sending Ko Ch'a-lao as governor.
Emperor Yung-lo's death, however, put an end to this ambitious plan.

 The Malays who came to the Philippines were possibly Hinduized Malays(Malays who professed the Hindu
religion of India)
 This Indian influence is clearly seen in some of the words in the different languages of the Philippines, including
Tagalog, which were derived from Sanskrit, the ancient language of India.
Sanskrit - Tagalog
ahi ahas
swamin asawa
Bhaga bahagi
Vartta balita
Kotta kuta
Dala dala(fishing net)
Ganda ganda
Hari hari
Lalarawa lalawa(spider)
Tara tala
 Sanskrit words are also found in Visayan and Maguindanaoan languages.(agama-religion, pandita-priest,
tumbaga-copper, baginda-emperor, sutra-silk)
 Several deities in the myths of ancient Filipinos show traces of Indian influence: indra batara-lord of Universe,
idiyanale-god of agriculture, agni-god of fire.
 A figurine of the Hindu goddess padmapani was found in Butuan and was dated to 300 A.D.(Attest to the
ancient contact between Philippines and India)
 The Philippine Catholic wedding ceremony has Indian infuences. (Use of the cord and the veil)
 Laguna Copperplate discovered in the Pagsanjan, Laguna river delta in 1986 is another evidence of this early
contact with Southeast Asian neighbors particularly the Malays and Indonesians.
 The copperplate contains an inscription in an old Philippine language, stating the full payment of loan obtained
by a woman trader from her contacts in the nearby Indonesia.
 The copperplate also shows shared knowledge in metallurgy and its use in trade and commerce to record


 Description of the lucrative trade between China and the Philippines can be found in Chao Jukua's Chu fan-
chi(1225) where the Chinese mentioned the following places: Ma-i(Mindoro or Bae in Laguna), Min-to-
lang(Mindanao), Ma-li-lu(Manila), Su-lu(Sulu), and Pi-sho-ye(Visayas).
 The Philippine trade goods included bulak, abaca, cloth of various patterns, hardwoods, gums, resins, betel nuts,
pear shell, pink and blue coral trees, large conch shells, tortoise shells, sponges, rattan, beeswax, musk,
sandalwood, leather, mats, and pepper.
 In exchange, China brought: iron bars, porcelain and pottery, silk, chintz, black damask, Java cloths, red tafetta,
blue cloth, bronze gongs, small bells, mirror, scales, coins, jade, projectiles, gold, silver, censers, lead, colored
glass beads, iron needles, tin, lead sinkers for fishing nets, lacquered ware, copper cauldrons, wine, ivory, and
tint(Chinese silver money).
 A type of currency began to be used in the form of barter rings by the 8th century. By the 12th century, gold
coins (piloncitos) began to be used as medium of exchange.
 Much of the Chinese influence on Filipino life is economic in nature. This is shown by the Chinese words that
were adopted in Tagalog.
Chinese - Tagalog - English
Am-pau - ampaw - puffed rice
He-bi - hibi - dried salted shrimps
Ke-tai - katay - cut up meat
Hok-bu - hukbo - army
Peh-chihai - petsay - Chinese cabbage
 The Filipinos also learned from the Chinese the use of umbrellas, porcelain, gongs, gunpowder, metallurgy, and
mining methods.
 Filipinos also borrowed the Chinese custom of having parents arrange the marriage of their children.
 Wearing white clothing instead of black for mourning the death of family and relatives is also from China.


 After Mohammad's death in 632 A.D., Islam spread outside of Arabia in two stages:
1st stage-Islam was brought to the rest of Middle east, Northern Africa, Spain, and Central Asia.
2nd stage- Muslim missionaries traveled with Arab merchants to India, China, and to Southeast Asia.
 Islam was introduced in the Philippines by Tuan Masha'ika(trader from Malaya) and his companion Tuan
Maqbalu who came to Sulu in 1240s.
 According to Sulu genealogy called tarsila, his wealth increased and with it, the status of Muslims in the
communities was raised.
 By 1380, when missionary from Java, Karim ul' Makhdum arrived in Buansa (Sulu), he strengthen Islam around
the mosque he built in Tubig Indangan, Tawi-tawi.
 Rajah Baginda arrived from Sumatra and further deepened Islamic consciousness among the Muslims in Sulu by
building more madrasahs (school) in the area.
 Abu Bakr (married Rajah Baginda's daughter, Paramisuli) succeeded in establishing a government similar to the
sultanate of Arabia.
 In Maguindanao (Cotabato and Lanao), Serif Kabungsuan arrived from Jahore (state of Malaysia) and converted
many inhabitants to Islam.
 He became the 1st sultan of Maguindanao.
 The spread of Islam was so rapid that when the Spaniards arrived in 1570, they found Manila and the nearby
places with Muslim connections.
 The rulers of the Kingdom of Manila were found to be related by blood and marriage to the royal house of
Muslim Brunei.


 Shahada
-a declaration of faith in the oneness of god
-Kalima is a set statement normally recited in Arabic: 'La 'ilea-ha 'IL-all-laa-hu mu-ham-ma-door Ra-soo-
lul-laah "I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except God and Muhammad is His Servant
and Messenger."
 Salat: Prayer
-prayer facing the east (Mecca) five time a day.
-Consists of five daily prayers according to the Sunna; the names are according to the prayer times: Fajr
(dawn), Dhuhr (noon), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (evening), and Isha' (night).
 Sawm: Fasting
-Three types of fasting (Siyam) are recognized by the Quran: Ritual fasting, fasting as compensation for
repentance, and ascetic fasting.
 Zakat
-giving of alms
 Hadji
-one-time pilgrimage to Mecca


 The basic tenets of Islam are found in the Qur'an(Koran), the holy book of the Muslims.
 Written in Arabic, the Koran is considered the word of the supreme creator, allah, as directly
communicated by the angel to the prophet Mohammad.
 Among the teachings of the Koran are the ff.:
-There is only one supreme being, allah, the creator of the universe and all of humankind.
-Life in this world is only temporary and one's good and bad deeds are listed by an angel for final
judgment on the last day of humanity. Each one will be judged according to what one has done in his
-The Koran forbids any human or animal representation in their art. Only geometric patterns are
-Eating pork, drinking wine, gambling, and other vices are forbidden in orthodox Islam.
-Islam forbids loans and usury.
-Muslims are duty-bound to help the poor, the orphans, and widows.
-Telling lies, stealing, adultery, and murder are all grave sins that deserve serious punishment.
-Every Muslim must have goodness expressed in faith in God and such virtues as patience, faithfulness,
honesty, honor, and courage.
-Every Muslims must observe the 5 pillars of Islam.
 Fasting is observed during the Ramadan, which is held at the ninth month of Muslim calendar. No solids
are taken from early dawn until sunsets. They purify themselves by praying and practicing good deeds
and self-restraint.



 In the 16th century, Europe was experiencing some changes because of the growth of industry and commerce,
the advances in science, the improvement in the science of navigation, and the invention of machines and
marine instruments.
 Added to this was the desire of the Europeans to know more about the countries of the ''Orient'' because of the
stories told by the Christian crusaders of Europe, who went to the Holy Land to reclaim it from the Muslims.
 The stories led many Europeans to admire the wonders of the East.
 Portuguese and Spaniards, and other people of Europe began to trade with oriental countries.
 As a result, rivalry developed among the European countries.
 This commercial rivalry led to European expeditions to Asia.


 Portugal was the first to send expeditions to the east.

 Prince Henry ('The Navigator') is one of the most famous Portuguese navigators. He sent an expedition to the
Azores near the coast of Africa in 1421.
 The expedition discovered the islands of Madeira and Azores and developed it into Portuguese colonies.
 Later, Prince Henry himself led expeditions to Western Africa, using the instruments for navigation he developed
like the astrolabe, windrose compass, and the caravel, which was a kind of ship.
 Prince Henry's voyages inspired other explorers to sail to the east.
 In 1487, the Portuguese navigator Bartholomew Diaz discovered the Cape of Good Hope and Calicut, India.
 Spain, upon learning of this successful voyage, sent an expedition to what is now North America.
 Christopher Colombus discovered North America in 1492. (He thought that the large mass of land he had
discovered was Asia)
 Amerigo Vespucci was sent by the Spanish king and queen to explore what Colombus had found. (Geographers
thought that Amerigo found a 'new world' so they named this land America)
 In 1500, Vicente Pinzon discovered what is now Brazil.
 In 1513, Nunez de Balboa crossed what is now Panama and discovered the Pacific Ocean.


 A sea rivalry resulted from the discoveries made by Spain and Portugal.
 Pope Alexander VI issued a bull in 1493 to avoid a possible war between the two great nations, dividing the
world into two.
 All lands south and west of the Azores and Cape Verde Islands were to belong to Spain.
 Portugal will take possession of the continent of Africa.
 The Pope issued another bull to make this provision clear by which an imaginary line was drawn from north to
south at 100 degrees west of Azores.
 Lands to be discovered east of this imaginary line would belong to Portugal, and those west would belong to
 The Pope, being a Spaniard, nullified this provision of the second bull by allowing the Spain to own lands to be
discovered in the East.
 The King of Portugal protested the decision of the Pope.
 To avoid any conflict between two nations, they concluded the Treaty of Tordesillas on June 7, 1494.
 The important provisions of this treaty were the ff.:
 An imaginary line was drawn from north to south at a distance of 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde
Islands. Lands to be discovered east of this line would belong to Portugal, and those on the west would
belong to Spain.
 If Spanish discovered lands east of the demarcation line, the said lands should be turned over to
Portugal, and lands discovered by Portuguese west of the line should be turned over to Spain.
 No Portuguese ships shall be sent to lands belonging to Spain, and vice versa, for the purpose of trading
with them.


 Magellan was a Portuguese who approached the Spanish King Charles I, with the help of his father-in-law(Don
Juan de Aranda), because his plan to sail west was rejected by the King of Portugal.
 Magellan explained to the King that he could reach Moluccas(spice islands) by sailing west. The King agreed to
send an expedition to Moluccas.
 The expedition consisted of 5 ships: the flagship Trinidad, San Antonio(abandoned), Santiago(wrecked),
Concepcion, and Victoria.
 On September 20, 1519, the expedition left port and sailed southward across the Atlantic.
 After two months, they reached what is now Pernambuco in Brazil.
 He continued his voyage to Rio de Janeiro and reached the Rio de la Plata in February 1590.
 In March, he reached Port St. Julian at the Southern tip of South America.
 He crossed a strait to the Pacific Ocean that is now called the Strait of Magellan.
 He only had three ships remaining but Magellan still crossed the Pacific Ocean and reached the Marianas. They
rest there and gathered some foods. But some natives stole one of his boats so Magellan named the island 'Islas
de Ladrones'(Islands of Thieves)
 On March 17, 1521, he sighted the mountains of what is now Samar and this event marked the coming of the
first Spaniards in the Philippines.
 Magellan proceeded to the islet of Limasawa which was ruled by Rajah Kulambu.
 He befriended the rajah and his brother(Si Agu) and sealed their friendship with blood compact.(1st blood
compact between Filipinos and Spaniards)
 On March 31, Magellan ordered a mass to be celebrated on the islet by Father Pedro de Valderrama. (1st mass
in Philippines)
 Magellan took possession of the islands in the name of Prince Charles and called them the Archipelago of St.
 There was no enough food in Limasawa so they sail for what is now Cebu. (April 8, 1521)
 Raja Humabon welcomed the Spaniards and soon a blood compact between him and Magellan.
 Mass was celebrated in Cebu and a cross was erected and Magellan persuaded the Cebuanos to become
 The first baptism happened and some 800 natives became Christian that day, among them Rajah
Humabon(Carlos in honor of King Charles) and his wife who was given the name Juana in honor of King Charles'
 To commemorate this event, Magellan gave Juana an image of the Infant Jesus which is now the patron of Cebu.
 This voyage was the greatest single voyage ever known to man in early modern times.
 This expedition put an end to the Venetian monopoly of the Southern route.
 Magellan's voyage proved conclusively that the earth was round.


 A quarrel between two chieftains of the neighboring island of Mactan occured.

 Rajah Sula asked Magellan's help to defeat his rival, Rajah Si Lapulapu, who refused to recognize the King of
Spain as his sovereign.
 Magellan accepted the invitation and sailed to Mactan early with around 60 of his men.
 Si Lapulapu refused to listen to Magellan's demand and prepared to fight to the end.
 Magellan was killed and the Spaniards fled to their ships and left.
 Victoria sailed to Europe by way of Africa while Trinidad sailed to Europe by way of the Pacific.
 Trinidad was captured by the Portuguese and Victoria succeeded in reaching Spain commanded by Sebastian del


 Spain and Portugal quarrelled over the possession of the Moluccas.

 On April 22, 1529, Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Zaragoza(Portugal won possession of the Moluccas
by paying Spain 350,000 gold ducats)
 Spain respected its provisions but from 1538-1541, King Charles of Spain agreed that expeditions should be sent
to Moluccas.
 The Viceroy of Mexico chose Ruy Lopez de Villalobos, to command the expedition.
 With six ships, Villalobos left Mexico on November 1, 1542, crossed the Pacific, and reached Mindanao in
February 1543.
 The natives of Mindanao refused to have any dealing with the Spaniards.
 Faced with starvation, Villalobos send one of his men Bernardo de la Torre to Tandaya(Samar) to get some food.
 De la Torre met the chieftain Makandala who gave him enough food.
 Villalobos in his pleasure, named the islands of Samar and Leyte, Felipinas in honor of Prince Philip of Spain.
 They leave the Philippines and sailed to Moluccas where they were captured by the Portuguese.
 They were later set free but Villalobos died in Amboina in 1546.


 Another expedition was sent to the Philippines and King Philip II chose Father Andres de Urdaneta as pilot of
the new mission.
 Miguel Lopez de Legazpi was appointed head of the expedition.
 With four ships and about 380 men, Legazpi sailed from Mexico Port of Navidad on November 21, 1564.
 The expedition reached Cebu in February 1565 then he sailed to Cibabao(Leyte) then to Samar.
 He concluded a blood compact with some of the chieftains (Bankaw-datu of Limasawa).
 He sailed to Bohol and blood compact with Datu Si Katuna and Si Gala.
 Having settled in Cebu, Legazpi ordered the return of the ship San Pedro to Mexico which was piloted by Father
Urdaneta and Legazpi's grandson, Felipe de Salcedo.
 Father Urdaneta discovered a new route which the Manila galleons would follow in later years.



 Cebuanos were hostile to Legazpi probably because in the past, some white men maltreated them.
 Legazpi explained that the white men were not Spaniards but Portuguese.
 The Cebuano chieftain, Tupas, did not believe him and they fled to the mountains after setting all the
houses on fire in what is now Cebu city.
 Legazpi applied a policy of attraction which invited the Cebuanos to come down from the mountains
and promised not to harm any of them.
 They were convinced and they created an agreement with the help of Tupas' brothers, Si Makayo and Si
1. The Filipinos promised to be loyal to the King of Spain and Spaniards.
2. The Filipino promised to help the Spaniards in any battle against an enemy; and in return, the
Spaniards will protect the Filipino.
3. A Filipino who committed crime should be turned over to Spanish authorities, and a Spaniard who
committed a crime shall be turned over to the chieftain.
4. Goods to be sold should be moderately priced.
5. An armed Filipino is not allowed to enter in Spanish settlement.
 Peace reigned in Cebu and Legazpi turned his attention in founding of Spanish settlement called San
 A fort was constructed and called Fort San Pedro.


 The Portuguese captain Gonzalo de Pereira, harassed Legazpi by blockading Cebu in order to starve the
 With the help of Cebuanos, Legazpi succeeded in forcing Pereira to leave the Philippines.
 Legazpi decided to move to Panay were there was plenty of food.
 On the banks of Panay River, Legazpi founded the second Spanish settlement in the Philippines.
 He won over the people of Panay by convincing them of his peaceful intentions.
 Spanish missionaries (Augustinian Friars) converted some natives to Christianity.

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