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A. Answer the following:

1. Define meristematic tissue. State its function.
2. State two differences between voluntary and involuntary muscles.
3. Write the names of the different components of blood with the help of a
flow chart.
4. Define aerenchyma. State the location of collenchymas in plants.
5. Name the categories of the following:
a. plants which do not have root, stem or leaves
b. the amphibians of the plant kingdom

B. Answer the following:

1. State two characteristics and one example of each of the following:
a. algae
b. fungi
c. pteridophyta
2. State three differences between xylem and phloem.
3. State three differences between gymnosperm and angiosperm.
4. Define food vacuole. State its importance in Amoeba sp.
5. Write the Five Kingdom classification of Whittaker with the help of a flow

C. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the following:

1. A typical bacterial cell
2. A neuron
List out three beneficial and two harmful effects of bacteria.

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