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PERIODIC TEST 2 (PT 2) 2020-21

General Instructions:
i) All questions are compulsory.
ii) This question paper consists total 26 questions and five sections A, B, C, D and E.
Section A contains 5 questions of very short answer type of one mark each,
Section B contains 4 questions of short answer type I of two marks each,
Section C contains 12 questions of short answer type II of three marks each,
Section D contains question no 23,value based question of four marks,
Section E contains 3 questions of long answer type of 5 marks each.
iii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question of two marks,
one question of three marks and all three questions of five marks weightage. A student has to attempt only
one of the alternatives in such questions.
iv) Wherever necessary the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labeled.

1. Differentiate between a diplobastic and a triploblastic animal.
2. Give an example of an oviparous mammal.
3. Write one example of each of the following:
i) Chondrichthyes ii) Osteichthyes
4. Name the phylum to which this animal belongs.

5. Identify the type of placentation shown in the diagram.

6. Differentiate between the following (minimum two differences):
i) Muscles of limbs and alimentary canal
ii) Vascular bundles of roots and stems of angiosperms
7. Complete the given hierarchy :
Kingdom → Division → → → → → species.
8. Viruses are connecting link between living and non living. Justify.
9. What is the significance of heterospory? Explain.
How do the leaves of a gymnosperm plant show xerophytic adaptations? Describe.
10. Describe the process of crossing over with diagram.

11. Name three substages of interphase and enumerate the events in each of them.
b) Describe the three main chordate characteristics along with related diagram.
12. Name that class of fungi which is also called imperfect fungi. Why are they called so explain? Compare
them with algae.
13. What are red tides, viroids and mycorrhizae? How do each of them effect the ecosystem they are living
14. a) Name the male gametophyte and female gametophyte of an angiosperm.
b) Describe the importance of double fertilization in angiosperms.
15. a) Out of phylum and species which one will be less general in characters and why?
b) Define the term taxon.
16. a) Write the zoological names of following :
i) malarial parasite ii) cockroach
iii) earthworm iv) fruitfly
b) What was the need of prescribing scientific names to the organisms when common names are
17. How are amino acids classified based on the number of carboxy and amino group in them.Give one
example of each.
18. a) Write any four features of aves that help them in flying.
b) Give example of a phylum that includes pseudocoelomate and another phylum that includes true
coelomate organisms.
19.a) How are the modified plant parts different in potato and sweet potato? Give another example of
similar modification.
b) Only through diagrams describe difference between racemose and cymose type of inflorescence.
20. Describe the meristematic and permanent plant tissues with examples.

Describe secondary growth in a dicot stem through relevant diagrams.

21. Explain the characteristics of following:
a) Bones b) blood c) cardiac muscles
22. Differentiate between endarch and exarch condition of xylem in plants. Draw diagrams to support your
23. A doctor while treating the infectious disease of a man advises to undergo clinical tests and prescribes
an antibiotic to treat an infection. The man felt that test are unnecessary and money wasting.
insufficient enzyme production. Now answer the following questions: 4
i) What is the main biochemical mechanism through which an antibiotic can control infection?
ii) What values are shown by the doctor?
iii) Mention any two factors that control the enzyme action.

24. Draw labeled diagram of alimentary canal of cockroach and describe in brief various parts of it.
Whether circulatory system of a cockroach is open or closed? Explain why? Draw labeled diagram of
circulatory system of a cockroach.
25. a) Describe alternation of generations in plants.
b) How is a dorsiventral leaf different from an isobilateral leaf? Through schematic diagrams support
your points of difference.
Draw well labeled diagram and explain the anatomical details of a monocot stem and compare its
vascular bundles with that of a dicot stem.
26. Identify the family through the floral formula given and describe it along with its floral diagram.

Write the floral formula of family to which potato belongs and describe it along with its floral diagram.


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