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Biology B

Midterm Study Guide

Lesson 1: Organizing Life’s Diversity (Ch.17)

1. Define the following terms: cladogram, taxonomy, phylogeny

2. Why is a biological classification system is important?
3. Below is a list of rules for using binomial nomenclature. Change the underlined
word in each statement to make it correct.
 The first letter of a the genus name is always lowercase. The remaining letters
should be capitalized.
 The first word in binomial nomenclature represents the family name and the
second word represents the species name.
 When typed, scientific names should always be bolded.
4. Put the following taxon in order from most specific to least specific.
class, family, species, domain, kingdom, genus, phylum, order
5. Which of the following organism is most closely related to the American black bear
(Ursus americanus)? How do you know?
Melursus ursinus or Ursus thibetanus
6. Explain how and why the classification of any taxon might change as more is
learned about the organisms assigned to that taxon.
7. Compare the four kingdoms of Eukarya.
8. Complete the chart comparing the 3 domains.

Domain Cell Type Cell Walls Examples


Lesson 2: Bacteria, Viruses, Protist, and Fungi

1. Define the following terms: plasmid, lichen, hyphae, mycelium, bioindicator

2. Compare and contrast Archaea and Bacteria.
3. Draw a prokaryotic cell and label the flagella, cell membrane, cell wall,
chromosome, ribosome, and plasmid.
4. Compare binary fusion and conjugation.
5. How are bacteria beneficial to humans?
6. Draw the structure of a virus and label its parts.
7. Complete the chart comparing the three types of protists.
Distinguishing Characteristics Examples

8. Circle all of the characteristics that apply to fungi.

Unicellular, multicellular, heterotrophs, autotrophs, decomposers, producers, cell
walls made of chitin, cell walls made of cellulose, hyphae, flagella, cross walls.
9. Explain how fungi obtain nutrients and relate this to their role as decomposers.
10. Describe three types of reproduction in fungi and discuss the difference between
asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction in fungi.
11. List beneficial and harmful effects fungi can have on humans.

Lesson 3: Human Immune System

1. Define the following terms: pathogen, pandemic, endemic, symptom

2. List examples of pathogens that cause infectious disease.
3. Define and give examples of the following types of disease transmission
a) Direct contact
b) Indirect contact (by air)
c) Indirect contact (by objects)
d) Vectors)
4. What is a disease reservoir? Give at least three examples.
5. How do bacteria and viruses differ in how they are treated?
6. What is causing the increase of antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
7. Identify each of the following as an example of specific or nonspecific immunity.
a) Saliva, tears, and nasal secretions
b) Lymphocytes
c) Helper T cell
d) Complement proteins
e) Inflammatory responses
f) B cell
g) Skin barrier
h) Interferon
i) Cytotoxic T cells
8. Why are B cells and T cells important?
9. Compare and contrast passive and active immunity.
10. Identify and describe the five categories of noninfectious diseases.
11. Describe the role of allergens in allergies.
12. What occurs during anaphylactic shock?

Lesson 4: Plants 1 – Introduction to Plants (Ch21)

1. Define the following terms: cuticle, stomata, perennial

2. Identify three adaptations plants have for living on land and explain why its
beneficial to the plant.
3. Classify a plant into its correct division based on its characteristics.

Division Distinguishing Examples


4. Describe adaptations of nonvascular plants.

5. Describe characteristics of seedless vascular plants.
6. Compare and contrast club mosses and ferns.
7. Describe similarities and differences between seed plants.
8. List the divisions of the gymnosperms.
9. Compare life spans of angiosperms to other plants.

Lesson 5: Plants 2 – Structure, Function, and Reproduction

1. Define the following terms: tropic response, seed germination

2. Compare dermal and meristemic plant tissue.
3. Complete the chart comparing roots, stems, and leaves.
Structure Function



4. Describe the effect the four major plant hormones have on plant growth and
5. What is a nastic response? How is it different from a tropic responses?
6. Compare gravitropism, phototropism, thigmotropism.
7. Explain advantages of vegetative reproduction.
8. Identify each part of the flower and then describe the function of each part.
9. Distinguish between complete, incomplete, perfect, and imperfect flowers.
10. Use the chart to compare monocot and eudicot flowers.
Monocot Eudicot
Petals in multiples of Petals in multiples of
____ ____
Vascular Structure

11. Explain photoperiodism and describe the different types of photoperiodism.

12. Describe the life cycle of a flowering plant.
13. Explain the process of fertilization and seed formation in flowering plants.
14. Describe different methods of seed dispersal.

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