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❖ The Ability to Reproduce

2022-2023 REVIEWER ➢ Reproduction – the ability to produce
offspring similar to the parent(s)
• INTRODUCTION TO LIFE SCIENCE ➢ Types of Reproduction
❖ The Historical Development of the a. Asexual -needs only one parent, no genetic
Concept of Life
sample: budding of cacti, regeneration by some
➢ The earliest known life forms on Earth are
star fish, fission of bacterial cells, spore
believed to be fossilized microorganisms found
formation of ferns.
in hydrothermal vent precipitates, considered to
b. Sexual- needs two parents; male and
be about 3.42 billion years old.
female, with genetic variation.
➢ The earliest time for the origin of life on Earth is
sample : humans, horses, cats…
at least 3.77 billion years ago, possibly as
early as 4.28 billion years ago—not long after
the oceans formed 4.5 billion years ago, and
❖ Growth & Development
after the formation of the Earth 4.54 billion ➢ Growth – an organism becomes larger in size
(growing as a cell or creating new cells)
years ago.
➢ The earliest direct evidence of life on Earth is ➢ Development – process of change that occurs
from microfossils of microorganisms permine in an organisms life to create a more complex
ralized in 3.465-billion-year-old organism. Ex: sunflower seed turns into a
Australian Apex chert rocks. sunflower

❖ The Origin of the First Life Forms ❖ Energy Use

➢ a. Theory of special creation ➢ The cells of an organism need energy in order
➢ b. Cosmozoic theory / Panspermia Theory to grow, reproduce and to complete their job.
➢ c. Theory of spontaneous generation or ➢ Photosynthesis process requires energy to
‘Abiogenesis’ produce food in the form of
➢ d. Biogenesis Theory starch. Respiration is the process that breaks
down food and releases energy.
➢ e. Oparin’s Theory
➢ f. Coacervation Theory ➢ Photosynthesis occurs only in plants and few
➢ g. J.B.S Haldane’s Hypothesis photosynthetic bacteria. Respiration takes
➢ h. Urey-Miller hypothesis place in both plants and animals.
➢ i. Fossils (evidence of past life, significance and ➢ Photosynthesis in Chloroplasts
important fossils) ➢ Cellular Respiration in Mitochondria

❖ Unifying themes in the Study of Life

❖ Homeostasis
➢ All groups of living organisms share several ➢ Different organisms balance substances in
key characteristics or functions: Cellular relation to their internal and external
organization, the ability to reproduce, growth environment through the process of
& development, energy use, homeostasis, homeostasis.
response to their environment, and the ability ➢ Homeostasis - involves balancing of the
to adapt. When viewed together, these eight internal concentration of an organism
characteristics serve to define life. compared to external environment. Also, heat
is also balanced in relation to the
❖ Cellular organization/ DNA environment of an organism. The
➢ Cell: The basic unit of a living organism, integumentary system (e.g perspiration,
consisting of a quantity of protoplasm protection from external factors) and the
surrounded by a cell membrane, which is able excretory system (urination, defecation) play
to synthesize proteins and replicate itself. a major role in homeostasis. The circulatory
➢ Cells are very small and can only be seen by a and respiratory system also helps in
microscope. Living things can be unicellular homeostasis
or multicellular.
➢ Unicellular organisms – are made of only one ❖ Response to their Environment
cell (single-celled). Ex: bacteria, some protists ➢ Stimulus – a change in an organism’s
Multicellular organisms – are made of many surroundings that causes it to react. Ex.
cells. The cells are specialized (have a specific changes in temperature, light, sound, etc.
job) Ex: animals, plants, insects, etc. ➢ Response – an action or change in behavior
that is a reaction to a stimulus. Ex: Stimulus –
❖ Domains of life and Types of Cells loud bang; Response – jump
➢ The three domains are the Archaea, the
Bacteria, and the Eukarya. Prokaryotic ❖ The Ability to Adapt
organisms belong either to the domain Archaea ➢ Adaptation - is defined a heritable
or the domain Bacteria; organisms with behavioral, morphological, or physiological
eukaryotic cells belong to the domain Eukarya trait that has evolved through the process of
➢ Prokaryotic: Small cells in the domains natural selection, and maintains or increases
Bacteria and Archaea that do not contain a the fitness of an organism under a given set of
membrane-bound nucleus or other environmental conditions. This concept is
membrane-bound organelles. central to ecology: the study of adaptation is
➢ Eukaryotic: Having complex cells in which the the study of the evolutionary relationship
genetic material is contained within between organisms and their environment.
membrane-bound nuclei. (protists, fungi,
plants and animals).
the use of GMO will be more beneficial or
• BIOENERGETICS detrimental?
❖ The Cell as the Basic Unit of Life ➢ 7. Barring biological use of GMOs, how is
➢ A cell is the smallest unit of a living thing. A the use of GMO in the country a symptom of
living thing, whether made of one cell (like political and economic dependency to other
bacteria) or many cells (like a human), is countries?
called an organism. Thus, cells are the basic ➢ 8. How can the benefits of GMOs outweigh
building blocks of all organisms. Several cells its negative effects
of one kind that interconnect with each other
and perform a shared function form tissue; ❖ Most GMO plants are used to make
several tissues combine to form an organ (your ingredients that are then used in other food
stomach, heart, or brain); and several organs products. For example, cornstarch can be
make up an organ system (such as the digestive made with GMO corn and sugar can be made
system, circulatory system, or nervous system). with GMO sugar beets.
Several systems that function together form an
organism (like a human being). There are many ➢ Corn:
types of cells all grouped into one of two broad ➢ Corn is the most commonly grown crop in the
categories: prokaryotic and eukaryotic. For United States, and most of it is GMO. Most
example, both animal and plant cells are GMO corn is created to resist insect pests or
classified as eukaryotic cells, whereas bacterial tolerate herbicides. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
cells are classified as prokaryotic. corn is a GMO corn that produces proteins
that are toxic to certain insect pests but not to
❖ How photosynthetic organisms capture humans, pets, livestock, or other animals.
These are the same types of proteins that
light energy to form sugar molecules
organic farmers use to control insect pests,
➢ The light-dependent reaction takes place
and they do not harm beneficial insects, such
within the thylakoid membrane and requires a
as ladybugs. GMO Bt corn reduces the need
steady stream of sunlight, hence the name
for spraying insecticides while still preventing
light-dependent reaction. The chlorophyll
insect damage. While a lot of GMO corn goes
absorbs energy from the light waves, which is
into processed foods and drinks, most of it is
converted into chemical energy in the form of
used to feed livestock, like cows, and poultry,
the molecules ATP and NADPH
like chickens.
➢ ATP - Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an
organic compound that provides energy to
➢ Soybean:
drive many processes in living cells, such as
➢ Most soy grown in the United States is GMO
muscle contraction, nerve impulse
soy. Most GMO soy is used for food for
propagation, condensate dissolution, and
animals, predominantly poultry and
chemical synthesis. (aka ENERGY)
livestock, and making soybean oil. It is also
➢ NADPH -Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
used as ingredients (lecithin, emulsifiers, and
proteins) in processed foods.
➢ NADH participates in cellular respiration.
➢ NADPH participates in photosynthesis
➢ Cotton:
➢ GMO cotton was created to be resistant to
❖ How organisms obtain and utilize energy bollworms and helped revive the Alabama
➢ NUTRITIONAL RELATIONSHIPS cotton industry. GMO cotton not only
➢ AUTOTROPHS or PRODUCERS – are provides a reliable source of cotton for the
organisms that can synthesize organic textile industry, it is also used to make
molecules from inorganic molecules; also cottonseed oil, which is used in packaged
called producers; can be either photosynthetic foods and in many restaurants for frying.
or chemosynthetic (plants) GMO cottonseed meal and hulls are also used
➢ HETEROTROPHS – are organisms that in food for animals.
cannot manufacture organic molecules. They
are the “consumers”; (animals) ➢ Potato:
➢ DECOMPOSERS – They 'recycle' dead ➢ Some GMO potatoes were developed to resist
organisms and waste (feces) into non-living insect pests and disease. In addition, some
elements by reducing these feces into GMO potato varieties have been developed to
chemicals such as nitrogen and carbon. Those resist bruising and browning that can occur
chemicals become part of the soil and those when potatoes are packaged, stored, and
nutrients can then be used by living plants transported, or even cut in your kitchen.
and the animals that consume them. (e.g. While browning does not change the quality
Fungi) of the potato, it often leads to food being
unnecessarily thrown away because people
• PERPETUATION OF LIFE mistakenly believe browned food is spoiled.
➢ GMO-Genetically Modified Organisms
➢ 1. What are the positive impacts of GMOs? ➢ Papaya:
➢ 2. What are the negative impacts of GMOs? ➢ By the 1990s, ringspot virus disease had
➢ 3. What are the industries use GMOs? nearly wiped-out Hawaii’s papaya crop, and
➢ 4. Is there a biological reason in resisting the in the process almost destroyed the papaya
use of GMO? industry in Hawaii. A GMO papaya, named
➢ 5. What are possible reasons not to allow the Rainbow papaya, was created to resist
GMOs in a country? ringspot virus. This GMO saved papaya
➢ 6. As a country with a history of economic, farming on the Hawaiian Islands.
political, psychological dependence and
subservience to other countries, do you think
➢ Summer Squash: ➢ Leaves - are the parts of the plant where
➢ GMO summer squash is resistant to some photosynthesis usually occurs—where food
plant viruses. Squash was one of the first for the plant is made. The green substance,
GMOs on the market, but it is not widely chlorophyll, captures light energy and uses it
grown. to convert water and carbon dioxide into
plant food and oxygen.
➢ Canola: ➢ Flowers - are the reproductive part of plants.
➢ GMO canola is used mostly to make cooking They often have showy petals and fragrances
oil and margarine. Canola seed meal can also to attract pollinators such as birds, bees, and
be used in food for animals. Canola oil is used other insects.
in many packaged foods to improve food ➢ Most flowers have four main parts: petals,
consistency. Most GMO canola is resistant to stamen (anther and filament), pistil (stigma,
herbicides and helps farmers to more easily style and ovary), and sepals. After flowers are
control weeds in their fields. pollinated and fertilized, they produce seeds
in the ovary of the flower.
➢ Alfalfa: ➢ Fruits - are the fleshy substances that usually
➢ GMO alfalfa is primarily used to feed cattle— surround seeds. They protect the seeds and
mostly dairy cows. Most GMO alfalfa is attract animals to eat them. This helps in seed
resistant to herbicides, allowing farmers to dispersal.
spray the crops to protect them against ➢ Seeds - contain plant material that can
destructive weeds that can reduce alfalfa develop into another plant. This plant
production and lower the nutritional quality material is called an embryo. Seeds are
of the hay. covered with a protective seed coat and have
one or two cotyledons.
➢ Apple: ➢ Cotyledons - are the food for the baby plant
➢ A few varieties of GMO apples were developed until it can make its own food from light and
to resist browning after being cut. This helps are often the first embryonic leaves of the
cut down on food waste, as many consumers plant.
think brown apples are spoiled.
• Plant growth and Development
➢ Pink Pineapple: ❖ STAGES OF PLANT GROWTH
➢ The GMO pink pineapple was developed to have ➢ Plant life cycles consist of five stages: seed,
pink flesh by increasing the levels of lycopene. seed germination, seedling, adult plant, and
Lycopene is naturally found in pineapples, pollination and fertilization.
and it is the pigment that makes tomatoes red ➢ Plants are vital to all life on Earth. They are
and watermelons pink. important because plants take in carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere and produce
➢ Sugar Beet: oxygen. In addition, plants make up the base
➢ Sugar beets are used to make granulated of the food web by producing their own food
sugar. More than half the granulated sugar using light, water, carbon dioxide, and other
packaged for grocery store shelves is made chemicals.
from GMO sugar beets. Because GMO sugar ➢ Plant Growth and Development
beets are resistant to herbicides, growing involves study of the control and coordination
GMO sugar beets helps farmers control weeds of processes in cells, organs, and/or whole
in their fields. plants, including, for example, changes in gene
expression in response to environmental
• HOW ANIMALS SURVIVE conditions such as climate change.
➢ 1. nutrition: getting food to cells
➢ 2. gas exchange with the environment • THE PROCESS OF EVOLUTION
➢ 3. circulation: the internal transport system ➢ 1. the evidence for evolution
➢ 4. the need for homeostasis ➢ 2. the origin and extinction of species
➢ 5. salt and water balance and waste removal
➢ 6. the immune system: defense from disease • Evidence for evolution comes from many
➢ 7. how hormones govern body activities different areas of biology:
➢ 8. the nervous system ➢ Anatomy - Species may share similar physical
➢ 9. the body in motion features because the feature was present in a
common ancestor (homologous structures).
• HOW PLANTS SURVIVE ➢ Molecular biology - DNA and the genetic code
➢ 1. plant form and function reflect the shared ancestry of life. DNA
➢ 2. plant growth and development comparisons can show how related species
• Plant form and Function ➢ Biogeography - The global distribution of
➢ The basic parts of most land plants are roots, organisms and the unique features of island
stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. species reflect evolution and geological
➢ Roots - anchor the plants in the soil and change.
absorb nutrients and water that are needed by ➢ Fossils - Fossils document the existence of
the rest of the plant. now-extinct past species that are related to
➢ Stems - support the upper part of the plant present-day species.
and act as a transport system for nutrients, ➢ Direct observation - We can directly observe
water, sugar, and starches. Photosynthesis small-scale evolution in organisms with short
can occur in the stem of some plants such as: lifecycles (e.g., pesticide-resistant insects).
cacti, celery, asparagus, and bananas.
• Evolutionary events : ➢ f. Formation of Pangaea supercontinent (280
➢ a. First evidence of life (3,850 ma) ma)
➢ b. Photosynthesizing bacteria (3,700 ma) ➢ g. Pangaea supercontinent breaks up (200 ma)
➢ c. Oldest fossils (3,500 ma) ➢ h. Continents near present-day positions (40 ma)
➢ d. First Eukaryotes (2,700 ma) ➢ i. Initiation of Seafloor Spreading of South
➢ e. Ediacaran Fauna (600 ma) China Sea (32 ma)
➢ f. The Cambrian Explosion (530 ma) ➢ j. Initiation of the Philippine Fault (4 ma)
➢ g. First land plants and fish (480 ma) ➢ k. Global ice ages begin (2 ma)
➢ h. Arthropods on land (420 ma)
➢ i. First insects (407 ma)
➢ j. First amphibians land vertebrates (375 ma) • INTERACTION AND
➢ k. First dinosaurs (220 ma) INTERDEPENDENCE
➢ l. Early mammals (220 ma) ❖ ECOSYSTEMS
➢ m. First birds (150 ma) ➢ 1. The ecosystem is the structural and
➢ n. First flowering plants (130 ma) functional unit that is studied in ecology.
➢ o. Early Primates 60 ma ➢ 2. They involve important interactions
➢ p. First hominids (5.2 ma) between biotic and abiotic factors.
➢ q. Modern humans (0.2 ma) ➢ 3. An ecosystem can support itself and is
stable (not much change) when three
• Extinction conditions are met:
❖ Changes in the environment ➢ There must be a constant supply of energy
➢ What happened to cause such widespread (the sun is this source for all life on earth).
devastation 65 million years ago? Scientists ➢ There must be living organisms that can
agree that species go extinct primarily as a convert the energy into organic compounds
result of changes in their environment. The (plants--autotrophs-- photosynthesis).
extinction of many species around the world ➢ There must be a recycling of materials between
at one time reflects large-scale changes in the organisms and the environment.
global environment.
➢ To explain what caused this mass extinction, ❖ Levels of Organization
scientists have focused on events that would ➢ 1. Population - includes all the members of a
have altered our planet's climate in dramatic, species in a given area. Example: All toads
powerful ways. The leading theory is that a (including tadpoles) in a pond is a population.
huge asteroid or comet slammed into Earth ➢ 2. Community - All populations in a given
65 million years ago, blocking sunlight, area. Example: Toads, tilapia, guppies (fish),
changing the climate and setting off global water lilies, Hydrilla, and other populations in
wildfires. In recent years, however, the pond.
researchers have also been investigating ➢ 3. Ecosystem – composed of the living (biotic)
whether other forces, including massive community and the nonliving (abiotic)
volcanic eruptions and changes in sea level, physical environment functioning together is
may have contributed to the general an ecosystem.
environmental decline. ➢ 4. Biosphere - is the portion of the earth in
➢ Mass extinctions—when at least half of all which LIFE exists and is is made up of many
species die out in a relatively short time— complex ecosystems. All ecosystems together
have happened a handful of times over the make up the biosphere.
course of our planet's history. The largest
mass extinction event occurred around 250 ❖ SPECIAL NUTRITIONAL
million years ago, when perhaps 95 percent of RELATIONSHIPS - SYMBIOSIS and
all species went extinct. PARASITISM
➢ SYMBIOSIS - an interaction among different
❖ Top five extinctions species in an ecosystem that where they live in
➢ a. End Ordovician – 25% of marine a close association with each other where at
vertebrates families and 57% of genera least one member of the association benefits
became extinct (443 ma) (gains) by the association.
➢ b. Devonian – 50 -55% of marine invertebrate ➢ 1. Mutualism - a symbiotic relationship in
genera and 70-80 % of species go extinct (364 which BOTH organisms benefit from the
ma) association. Example: Termites and its intestinal
➢ c. Permian – greatest extinction event; 90% parasite; giant clams and its symbiotic algae;
of all species became extinct (250 ma) nitrogen fixing bacteria that live in nodes on the
➢ d. End Cretaceous – extinction of the roots of legumes; shrimp and goby (fish).
Dinosaurs; 60-80% of all species became ➢ 2. Commensalism –a symbiotic relationship
extinct (65 ma) where one organism benefits (+) and the
➢ e. Late Pleistocene – nearly all large other organism is not harmed (0). Example, a
mammals and birds (>45 pounds) became remora attaches itself to the underside of a shark
extinct (.01 ma) – The remora gets a free ride and free food
(from eating shark’s food scraps) while the
• Geologic Events : shark does not get any benefits and harmed.
➢ a. Formation of the great oceans (4,200 ma) ➢ PARASITISM – One organism, the parasite,
➢ b. Oxygen Levels reach 3% of the Atmosphere benefits (+), while the host is harmed (-).
(1.9 ma) Example: tapeworm in the intestine of pigs; ticks
➢ c. Protective Ozone in place (600 ma) on dogs and others.
➢ d. Gondwana forms (500 ma)
➢ e. Oxygen nears present day concentration (400
❖ Terrestrial and Aquatic ecosystems ➢ 2. Classification according to production of
➢ Marine ecosystems are found in a body of organic matter
water whereas ➢ Eutrophic - Having waters rich in
➢ Terrestrial ecosystems are ecosystems that are phosphates, nitrates, and organic nutrients
found only on landforms. Generally, the that promote a proliferation of plant life,
marine ecosystems are biologically more especially algae. Some lakes and bodies of
diversified than their equivalent terrestrial water can become eutrophic through high
ecosystems. nutrient input from domestic and
agricultural sources.
➢ Oligotrophic - has low nutrient
concentrations and low plant growth.


➢ 1. These are bodies of flowing water moving in
one direction.
➢ 2. They get their starts at headwaters, which
may be springs, snowmelt or even lakes, and
then travel all the way to their mouths,
usually another water channel or the ocean.
➢ 3. The characteristics of a river or stream
❖ AQUATIC BIOMES change during the journey from the source to
➢ 1. Ecologists distinguish between freshwater the mouth.
biomes and marine biomes on the basis of ➢ Source: Water is clearer with high oxygen
physical and chemical differences. levels and its temperature is cooler
➢ 2. Since oceans comprise about 75% of the ➢ Towards the middle part, the width increases,
Earth’s surface, oceans have an enormous as does species diversity — numerous aquatic
impact on the biosphere. green plants and algae can be found.
➢ 3. Aquatic Biomes: ➢ Toward the mouth, the water becomes murky
➢ The evaporation of seawater provides most of from all the sediments that it has picked up
the Earth’s rainfall; upstream, decreasing the amount of light that
➢ Ocean temperatures have a major effect on can penetrate through the water. Since there
world climate and wind patterns; is less light, there is less diversity of flora, and
➢ Marine plants and algae, and photosynthetic oxygen levels are lower.
bacteria supply a significant portion of the
world’s oxygen and consume large amounts ❖ WETLANDS
of carbon dioxide; and ➢ 1. Defined – an area with water that supports
➢ Freshwater biomes are closely linked to the aquatic plants; range from periodically
soils and biotic components of terrestrial flooded regions to soil that is permanently
biomes. saturated during the growing season.
➢ 4. Characteristics of aquatic biomes is based ➢ 2. Wetlands range from marshes to swamps to
on the Vertical stratification of physical and bog that develop in:
chemical variables: ➢ Basin wetlands – develop in shallow basins,
➢ a. Photic vs Aphotic zone ranging from upland depressions to filled-in
➢ i. Photic zone – Sufficient sunlight is available lakes and ponds;
for photosynthesis and is the basis of the food ➢ Riverine wetlands – develop along shallow
chain; and periodically flooded banks of rivers and
➢ ii. Aphotic zone – Sunlight cannot penetrate streams;
and food chain is based on non- ➢ Fringe wetlands - occur along coasts of large
photosynthetic activities. lakes and seas, where water flows back and
➢ b. Temperature forth because of rising lake levels or tidal
➢ i. Surface waters are usually distinctly action.
warmer than deeper waters. Between these
layers, is a layer wherein water temperature ❖ MARINE BIOMES
rapidly changes (called THERMOCLINE). ➢ Marine regions cover about three-fourths of
➢ 5. At the bottom of all aquatic biomes is the the Earth’s surface and include deep
BENTHIC ZONE that can be made up of the sea/oceanic communities, nearshore
sediment that can be composed of communities (coral reefs, seagrass beds, algal
sand/silt/clay and organic/inorganic [kelp/Sargassum] beds, mangrove forests)
materials. Animals living in the benthic zone and estuaries. Produces in marine biomes
are called BENTHOS contribute to the supply of the world’s oxygen
supply and like terrestrial vegetation, take in
❖ FRESHWATER BIOMES a huge amount of atmospheric carbon
➢ LAKES dioxide. As a huge water reservoir,
➢ 1. Zonation evaporation of the seawater provides
➢ Littoral zone – Shallow, well-lit waters close rainwater for the terrestrial biomes.
to the shore
➢ Limnetic zone – Well-lit, open surface waters
farther from the shore
➢ Profundal zone – Aphotic region of the water
❖ How human activities affect the natural
❖ The following are the list of most common
human activities that will trigger and hasten
the occurrence of landslides.
➢ a. Removal of vegetation
➢ b. Interference with, or changes to the natural
➢ c. Leaking pipes such as water and sewer
➢ d. Modification of slopes by construction of
roads, railways, buildings, subdivisions
➢ e. Overloading slopes
➢ f. Mining and quarrying activities
➢ g. Vibration from heavy traffic, blasting during
road constructions of nearby mining activities
➢ h. Excavation of rocks

❖ Eukaryotic Cell Organelles

Organelle Cell Type Function
Stores genetic
Nucleus Eukaryotic information
Nucleolus Eukaryotic ribosomes
Contains the
Cytoplasm All cells contents of the
Gel-like matrix
Cytosol All cells that holds water
and nutrients
Cytoskeleton Eukaryotic support and
Ribosome All Cells Makes protein
Rough Makes proteins
Endoplasmic Eukaryotic for the
Reticulum endomembrane
Smooth Detoxifies the
Endoplasmic Eukaryotic cell and makes
Reticulum lipids
Golgi Eukaryotic Sorts and ships
Apparatus proteins
Mitochondria Eukaryotic Makes energy
Lysosome Eukaryotic, unwanted
animal cells material and
only waste
Peroxisome Eukaryotic pathways that
Vacuoles Eukaryotic Store water and
Vesicles Eukaryotic materials
around the cell
A thin flexible
barrier that
Cell All separates the
Membrane cell from its
Plants, fungi Rigid barrier
Cell Wall and prokaryotes that protects the
Large Central Stores water
Vacuole Plants only and regulates
turgor pressure
Makes food
Chloroplasts Plants only using the
process of

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