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Republic of the Philippines




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I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Erasure is strictly prohibited.

1.When heated magma flow onto earth’s surfaces through fracture, cracks and volcanoes, it is known as
a. molten mantle b. lava c. mantle d. core magma
2. Plates and upper part of mantle combine to form a layer known as
a. atmosphere b. troposphere c. exosphere d. lithosphere
3.The movement of magma due to convection current move the_________.
a. plates b. crust c. mantle d. core
4. When two continental plates with same density, collide with one another_____.
a. collision takes place b. earthquake takes place c. transformation takes place d. folding takes place
5. What is an excavation or depression in the ground that is generally deeper than it is wide, and narrow
compared with its length?
a. trenches b. faults c. core d. plates
6. What is the boundary where two plates move away from each other ?
a. convergent boundary b. divergent boundary c. East African Rift Zone d. transform boundary
7. The rise of warm air and fall of cool air in order to fill space forms a_______.
a. conduction current b. conduction current c. convection current d. air current
8. Which of the following is not a geologic process that occurs along convergent boundaries?
a. earthquakes b. tornado c. mountain building d. volcanism
9. Which of these terms is LEAST related to earthquakes?
A trench b. lava c. fault d. epicenter
10. These are the most active volcanoes in the Philippines EXCEPT:
a. Paricutin b. Mayon c. Taal d. Kanlaon
11. These are the processes in a water treatment plant EXCEPT:
a. collecting of water from watershed b. coagulation c. filtration d. sedimentation
12. The following are dangerous contaminants from flood waters EXCEPT:
a. diarrhea b. leptospirosis c. organic chemicals d. viruses
13. Which of the following is the fastest way by which you can get safe drinking water?
a. boiling b. collecting rainwater c. filtering d. sterilizing water with sunlight
14. Which of the following does NOT help collect and / or store water?
a. acquifer b. concrete roads and parking lots c. forest d. watershed and dam
15. These processes involve a change in the physical state of water EXCEPT:
a. evaporation b. precipitation c. runoff d. transpiration
16. When warm air rises over sea, its previous position is replaced by
a. more warm air from sea b. cool air from sea c. more cool air from land d. warm air from land
17. Bacteria and micro organisms present in the water will cause _________ in human and animals.
a. indigestion b. intestinal tract c. brain tumor d. cancer
18. The introduction of chemical, physical or biological agents into the water is_____.
a. water pollution b. point-source pollution c. potable water d. desalination
19. A volcano which is composed of lava flows and pyroclastic material and which is steep-sided and very tall
is known as:
a. syncline b. composite cone c. anticline d. none of these
20. What contaminants include pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides ?
a. radioactive elements b. organic chemicals c. inorganic chemicals d. microbial pathogens

21. These processes involve a change in the physical state of water EXCEPT:
a. evaporation b. precipitation c. runoff d. transpiration
22. Which is dangerous contaminant from flood waters?
a. diarrhea b. leptospirosis c. organic chemicals d. viruses
23. Which of the following is not belong in the water treatment processes?
a. collection of water from watershed
b. coagulation
c. filtration
d. sedimentation
24. Which of the following is the fastest way by which you can get safe drinking water?
a. boiling b. collecting rainwater c. filtering d. sterilizing water with sunlight
25. Which of the following does NOT help collect and / or store water?
a. aquifer b. concrete roads and parking c. forest d. watershed
26. Which of the following is LEAST likely to happen?
a. Jupiter and other gaseous planets may pull a comet toward Earth’s orbit
b. our sun may become a black hole when it consumes its hydrogen supply.
c. it is estimated that the sun’s fuel may last for about 5000000 years more.
d. there are probably earth – like planets but in other solar system
27. Which of the following will probably be MOST harmful to living things on earth?
a. aurora borealis or northern lights
b. meteor shower
c. solar prominence and flares
d. gamma ray burst oriented towards earth and relative close by
28. In which of the following items is the center of gravity located at a point where there is no mass?
a. tennis racket b. billiard ball c. boomerang d. discus
29. When you carry a heavy load with one arm, why do you tend to hold your free arm away from your body?
a. to change the mass of your body
b. to change the weight of your body
c. to shift your body’s center of gravity
d. to feel good and look good
30. Why are doorknobs placed near the edge of a door rather than at the center?
a. to give more momentum
b. to increase the force on the door
c. to increase the lever arm
d. to make the door look better
31. What will be the effect of any displacement on an object in a stable equilibrium ?
a. lower its center of gravity b. raise its center of gravity
c. increase its mass d. decreases its mass
32. Which is TRUE when the resultant of all forces acting on a body is zero?
a. the body has constant velocity
b. the body has constant acceleration
c. the body is in equilibrium
d. the body is at rest
33. Which of the following does NOT affect the pressure at the bottom of a vessel filled with a liquid ?
a. liquid density
b. height of the liquid
c. acceleration due to gravity
d. surface area of the liquid
34. Where is the pressure greater, one meter beneath the surface of Taal lake or one meter beneath the surface of
a swimming pool?
a. in Taal lake
b. in the swimming pool
c. the pressure is the same in both places
d. the information given is not sufficient to compare the pressure in both places.
35. What causes the shower curtain to move in during a shower?
a. there is lesser air inside the curtain
b. there is more air inside the curtain
c. the pressure is lower inside the curtain
d. the pressure is higher inside the curtain
36. What is the buoyant force on a cake of soap placed in a bathtub of water when it sinks?
a. zero
b. less than its weight
c. equal to its weight
d. more than its weight
37. Which statement best explains why a heavy boulder sinks in water?
a. the buoyant force of the water is less than the weight of the submerged boulder
b. the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the submerged boulder
c. the buoyant force is greater than the weight of the submerged boulder
d. none of the above
38. What transmitted by EM waves ?
a. charges b. energy c. fields d. matter
39. Which type of EM waves travels the fastest in a vacuum?
a. radio waves b. gamma rays c. visible light d. none, they all travel in the same speed
40. Which EM wave is used for night vision equipment?
a. gamma ray b. ultraviolet rays c. infrared d. radio waves
41. Which device or gadget detect gamma rays?
a. photographic films b. fluorescence c. Geiger- Muller tube d. satellite disk
42. Which of the following is true?
a. gamma rays have lower frequency than x –rays
b. ultraviolet rays are used for radar
c. radio waves travel the fastest
d. infrared are used for remote control
43. What image does the convex lens form?
a. real image b. virtual image c. both real and virtual d. neither real nor virtual
44. A girl wants to see an enlarged image of her face. What can serve her purpose well?
a. a plane mirror b. a concave mirror c. a convex mirror d. a magnifying lens
45. What are the optical instruments used in a microscope?
a. a concave and convex lens b. two convex lenses c. two concave lenses d. none of the above
46. What image is formed on the retina by the lens of the eye?
a. real and erect b. real and inverted c. virtual and erect d. virtual and inverted
47. What is TRUE about a telescope as an optical instrument?
a. it helps us see distant objects better
b. it magnifies distant objects
c. it gives us an erect image of the object
d. all of the above
48. When was the COVID -19 discovered?
a. December 29, 2019 b. December 30, 2019 c. December 31, 2019 d. November 2019
49. When was the last eruption of Taal Volcano?
a. January 12, 2020 b. January 13, 2020 c. January 14, 2020 d. January 15, 2020
50. What image can be formed if the position of an object is between F’ and 2F’?
a. real image b. virtual image c. both real and virtual d. real and inverted






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