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Grade of Materials:
f'c = 40 Mpa = 5801 psi fy = 460 Mpa = 66714 psi
γconc = 25 kN/m3 γscreed = 20 kN/m3

Clear Cover, Ceff = 60 mm

Overall Depth, Dprov = 1200 mm Width of beam, b = 400 mm

Axial Force Moment Shear R/F size/ Nos. (Φmain)

P, (kN) Mu, (kN-m) V, kN Nos. Layer1 Nos. Layer2 Nos. Layer3
1 -185 0 500 4 - # 20 4 - # 20 2 - # 20
2 -185 195 195 4 - # 20
3 -126 -505 210 4 - # 20 4 - # 20 2 - # 20
4 -185 195 195 4 - # 20
5 -126 -505 210 4 - # 20 4 - # 20 2 - # 20
6 -185 195 195 4 - # 20
7 -126 -505 210 4 - # 20 4 - # 20 2 - # 20
8 -185 180 210 4 - # 20
9 -185 -150 195 4 - # 20
10 -185 410 210 4 - # 20 4 - # 20
11 -185 -150 195 4 - # 20
12 -185 410 210 4 - # 20 4 - # 20
13 -185 -150 195 4 - # 20
14 -185 410 210 4 - # 20 4 - # 20

1. Check for Flexure

Dia. Of Stirrups, Φstr = 10 mm

Sp = max ( 25mm, Φmain)

h' =

deff =
 b − n bpl k .φ main k − φ str 
clearB = 
 n bpl k − 1 
 

As_pro =

Location Sp h' deff clearB As_pro

1 25 125 1075 103.3 3142
2 25 80 1120 103.3 1257
3 25 125 1075 103.3 3142
4 25 80 1120 103.3 1257
5 25 125 1075 103.3 3142
6 25 80 1120 103.3 1257
7 25 125 1075 103.3 3142
8 25 80 1120 103.3 1257
9 25 80 1120 103.3 1257
10 25 102.5 1097.5 103.3 2513
11 25 80 1120 103.3 1257
12 25 102.5 1097.5 103.3 2513
13 25 80 1120 103.3 1257
14 25 102.5 1097.5 103.3 2513

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Definition of constants (material independant):

Ec = 57000 x f'c^0.5
29934 Mpa = 206.3940246 psi
Es = 29000 ksi
= 199948 Mpa
εy = fy / Es = 0.0023006

β1 = from ACI 318-05, Cl.

= 0.760

Tension-controlled sections properties

ε t= 0.005 by defination from ACI 318-05, Cl. 10.3
εu = 0.003 by defination

dt = deff 0.375

at = β1.ct
Ct = 0.85.f'
ρ t =0.319 β1.(f'c / fy) = 0.02108
ωt = ρ t (fy / f'c) = 0.2424
Rnt = ωt (1- 0.59 ωt ) f'c = 8.310 Mpa

Location ct, mm at, mm Ct, mm

1 403.13 306.35 4166.37
2 420.00 319.17 4340.78
3 403.13 306.35 4166.37
4 420.00 319.17 4340.78
5 403.13 306.35 4166.37
6 420.00 319.17 4340.78
7 403.13 306.35 4166.37
8 420.00 319.17 4340.78
9 420.00 319.17 4340.78
10 411.56 312.76 4253.57
11 420.00 319.17 4340.78
12 411.56 312.76 4253.57
13 420.00 319.17 4340.78
14 411.56 312.76 4253.57

To calculate the location of neutral axis/depth of stress block, "a" :

a= c= εs =

εs > 0.005 From ACI318-05, Cl.10.3

From ACI318-05, fig R9.3.2


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a c εs Result φ /
Location Check
mm mm Mpa
1 106.26 139.83 0.020 O.K. 0.90 0.00 Singly Reinforced
2 42.50 55.93 0.057 O.K. 0.90 0.43 Singly Reinforced
3 106.26 139.83 0.020 O.K. 0.90 1.21 Singly Reinforced
4 42.50 55.93 0.057 O.K. 0.90 0.43 Singly Reinforced
5 106.26 139.83 0.020 O.K. 0.90 1.21 Singly Reinforced
6 42.50 55.93 0.057 O.K. 0.90 0.43 Singly Reinforced
7 106.26 139.83 0.020 O.K. 0.90 1.21 Singly Reinforced
8 42.50 55.93 0.057 O.K. 0.90 0.40 Singly Reinforced
9 42.50 55.93 0.057 O.K. 0.90 0.33 Singly Reinforced
10 85.01 111.86 0.026 O.K. 0.90 0.95 Singly Reinforced
11 42.50 55.93 0.057 O.K. 0.90 0.33 Singly Reinforced
12 85.01 111.86 0.026 O.K. 0.90 0.95 Singly Reinforced
13 42.50 55.93 0.057 O.K. 0.90 0.33 Singly Reinforced
14 85.01 111.86 0.026 O.K. 0.90 0.95 Singly Reinforced

Check for section requiring compression steel

We solve the basic formula with "root" function, an in-built Mathcad function which numerically finds
the root with the help of a starting guess value.
Guess Value Ast = 1 cm2

Say As_req1 = root [(Mu -X]

Location As_req1 AsT As
1 0 447 223
2 944 447 1168
3 2891 304 3044
4 944 447 1168
5 2891 304 3044
6 944 447 1168
7 2891 304 3044
8 872 447 1095
9 726 447 950
10 2177 447 2400
11 726 447 950
12 2177 447 2400
13 726 447 950
14 2177 447 2400

Add steel for axial tension,

AsT =

Total steel required , As =

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Minimum Steel Required
From ACI318-05, Cl.10.5.1

Location Asmin1 Asmin2 Asmin3 Asmin As_reqd As_pro Check

1 1473 1289 1473 1473 1473 3142 O.K.

2 1534 1343 1534 1534 1534 1257 Redesign
3 1473 1289 1473 1473 3044 3142 O.K.
4 1534 1343 1534 1534 1534 1257 Redesign
5 1473 1289 1473 1473 3044 3142 O.K.
6 1534 1343 1534 1534 1534 1257 Redesign
7 1473 1289 1473 1473 3044 3142 O.K.
8 1534 1343 1534 1460 1460 1257 Redesign
9 1534 1343 1534 1267 1267 1257 Redesign
10 1504 1316 1504 1504 2400 2513 O.K.
11 1534 1343 1534 1267 1267 1257 Redesign
12 1504 1316 1504 1504 2400 2513 O.K.
13 1534 1343 1534 1267 1267 1257 Redesign
14 1504 1316 1504 1504 2400 2513 O.K.

Spacings required for respective moments,

Sp = = 107 mm

Project Spec.

Sp_req = min ( 150 mm , Sp)

= 107 mm

2. a> Check for Crack-width

Crack Mom fs fsd Smax Smax2 Check

Ms, (kN) Mpa Mpa mm mm
1 -90 30 30 3375 2839 O.K.
2 45 36 36 2784 2366 O.K.
3 -90 30 30 3375 2839 O.K.
4 0 0 N/A #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
5 -90 30 30 3375 2839 O.K.
6 45 36 36 2784 2366 O.K.
7 -90 30 30 3375 2839 O.K.
8 35 28 28 3629 3042 O.K.
9 1 1 1 132959 106485 O.K.
10 26 10 10 9860 8027 O.K.
11 0 0 N/A #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
12 26 10 10 9860 8027 O.K.
13 1 1 1 132959 106485 O.K.
14 35 14 14 7280 5963 O.K.

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fs = From ACI 318 Cl 10.6.4,

fsd =

Cc = Ceff + Φstr = 70 mm

Maximum Spacing, Smax =

Smax2 =

Crack width Check = if or then OK

2. b> Check for Crack-width [As per ACI 224]

β = 1.2 _____________From ACI 224 Cl.4.2

For Exterior Exposure, allowable crackwidth is 0.15mm and Interior Exposure, allowable crackwidth is 0.3mm.

dc dcg A z Crack Width Exposure Check

mm mm mm2 kN/m w, mm
1 80 112 8960 2964 0.035 Exterior O.K. 0.15
2 80 80 16000 3857 0.051 Exterior O.K. 0.15
3 80 112 8960 2964 0.035 Exterior O.K. 0.15
4 80 80 16000 0 0.000 Exterior O.K. 0.15
5 80 112 8960 2964 0.035 Exterior O.K. 0.15
6 80 80 16000 3857 0.051 Exterior O.K. 0.15
7 80 112 8960 2964 0.035 Exterior O.K. 0.15
8 80 80 16000 3000 0.040 Exterior O.K. 0.15
9 80 80 16000 86 0.001 Exterior O.K. 0.15
10 80 100 10000 1047 0.013 Exterior O.K. 0.15
11 80 80 16000 0 0.000 Exterior O.K. 0.15
12 80 100 10000 1047 0.013 Exterior O.K. 0.15
13 80 80 16000 86 0.001 Exterior O.K. 0.15
14 80 100 10000 1410 0.017 Exterior O.K. 0.15

dc =

A= z=

Crackwidth, w =


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3. Check for Shear

φ = 0.75 ACI 318-05 Cl

fyt = 420 Mpa ACI 318-05 Cl 11.5.2

Nominal Shear strength of Concrete, from ACI 318-05 Cl

Vc =

Nominal shear strength for shear reinforcement required,

Vs =

Limit of maximum shear strength of section, from ACI 318-05 Cl

Vsmax =

If Vs is greater than Vsmax, Redesign with higher section

Location Vc, kN Check Vs, kN Vsmax, kN Check

1 401.13 Shear R/F reqd 265.54 1806.56 Sect. OK
2 417.92 Shear R/F not reqd 0.00 1882.18 Sect. OK
3 417.22 Shear R/F not reqd 0.00 1806.56 Sect. OK
4 417.92 Shear R/F not reqd 0.00 1882.18 Sect. OK
5 417.22 Shear R/F not reqd 0.00 1806.56 Sect. OK
6 417.92 Shear R/F not reqd 0.00 1882.18 Sect. OK
7 417.22 Shear R/F not reqd 0.00 1806.56 Sect. OK
8 417.92 Shear R/F not reqd 0.00 1882.18 Sect. OK
9 417.92 Shear R/F not reqd 0.00 1882.18 Sect. OK
10 409.52 Shear R/F not reqd 0.00 1844.37 Sect. OK
11 417.92 Shear R/F not reqd 0.00 1882.18 Sect. OK
12 409.52 Shear R/F not reqd 0.00 1844.37 Sect. OK
13 417.92 Shear R/F not reqd 0.00 1882.18 Sect. OK
14 409.52 Shear R/F not reqd 0.00 1844.37 Sect. OK

Calculation of Spacing of Stirrups:

sr = from ACI 318-05 Cl

ACI 318-05 Cl, Eqn.11-13

sr1= min(s1,s2) =

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smax =

smax1 = 250 mm ……………...Project Spec.

Location No of legs sr, mm sr1, mm smax , mm Spacing, mm Stirrups
1 4 534 837 538 250 105 Provide 10# 4-legged @ 100 mm c/c
2 2 600 419 560 250 200 Provide 10# 2-legged @ 200 mm c/c
3 2 600 419 538 250 200 Provide 10# 2-legged @ 200 mm c/c
4 2 600 419 560 250 200 Provide 10# 2-legged @ 200 mm c/c
5 2 600 419 538 250 200 Provide 10# 2-legged @ 200 mm c/c
6 2 600 419 560 250 200 Provide 10# 2-legged @ 200 mm c/c
7 2 600 419 538 250 200 Provide 10# 2-legged @ 200 mm c/c
8 2 600 419 560 250 200 Provide 10# 2-legged @ 200 mm c/c
9 2 600 419 560 250 200 Provide 10# 2-legged @ 200 mm c/c
10 2 600 419 549 250 200 Provide 10# 2-legged @ 200 mm c/c
11 2 600 419 560 250 200 Provide 10# 2-legged @ 200 mm c/c
12 2 600 419 549 250 200 Provide 10# 2-legged @ 200 mm c/c
13 2 600 419 560 250 200 Provide 10# 2-legged @ 200 mm c/c
14 2 600 419 549 250 200 Provide 10# 2-legged @ 200 mm c/c

4. Side Face Reinforcements:

If Dprov is greater than 900mm (36in); Sideface rienforcement is provided. ACI 318-05 Cl 10.6.7

s2 = min (deff / 5 , 12in)

= 215.0 mm

Area_sfr =

= 129.00 mm2

Use R/F: φsfr = 10 mm

No. of Bars on each face, Nsfr = = 0.82

Cc = Ceff + φsfr
= 70 mm

= 2784 mm

Spacing Provided = 200 mm

Required Reinforcement = 6 Provide = 4

Provide 4 #10 @ 200 mm c/c as Sideface bar


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5. Torsion Reinforcements:

Strength Reduction Factor ( φ ) = 0.75

Acp = Area enclosed by outside perimeter of conc.section

Acp = b x Dpro
Acp = 480000

Pcp = Outside perimeter of conc.section

Acp = 2 x (b + Dpro)
Acp = 3200 mm

Thershold Torsion where redistribution of moment is possible

Thershold Torsion where redistribution of moment is not possible

Location Tu, kN-m Redistribution Tth, kN-m Remark

1 100 NO 25.60 Torsion to be considered
2 NO 25.60
3 NO 25.60
4 NO 25.60
5 NO 25.60
6 NO 25.60
7 NO 25.60
8 NO 25.60
9 NO 25.60
10 NO 25.60
11 NO 25.60
12 NO 25.60
13 NO 25.60
14 NO 25.60

Check for Crushing of Concrete :

where ;
Ph = Perimeter of C.L. of outer stirrup
Ph = 2720 mm

Aoh = Area enclose by C.L. of outer stirrup

Aoh = 302400

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Design Check for
Location Torsion Crushing of Concrete
Tn, kN-m
1 133.33 O.K

Torsion Reinforcement :

A] Total Transeverse Reinforcement for Torsion

a} Area of Steel Required For Torsion

Where ;
Ao = 0.85 x Aoh
fyt = Grade of steel used for shear reinforcement i.e.420Mpa
cot φ = 45 [ For Non-Prestress member ]
At = Area of Torsion Steel required [ Considering outer 2 legs ]
S = Spacing of Transevere Reinforcement

b} Area of Steel Required for Shear

Where ;
Av = Area of Shear steel required

Total Traseverse Reinforcement required =

Min Area of Transeverse Reinforcement to be provided

maximum of the following

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2At Av Required Min. Provided
Location S S Trans. Reinf. Trans. Reinf Remark
(mm2/mm) (mm2/mm) (mm2/mm) (mm2/m) (mm2/mm)
1 1.24 0.59 1.83 0.37 2.99 Decrease Strirrups Spacing

B] Total Longitudinal Reinforcement for Torsion

a} Area of Steel Required For Torsion

Where ;
Al = Additional longitudinal reinforcement required due to Torsion
Fy= Grade of Steel used for longitudinal steel i.e. 460Mpa

Min Area of Longitudinal Reinforcement to be provided

maximum of the following

Where ;
At should not be take less than = 25 bw = 0.17 mm2/mm
S fyt

min.Long. Required Longitudinal reinforcement required Total Long. Total Long.

Location Reinf Long.Reinf Flexure + Axial Torsion - Sideface Steel req. Steel pro. Remark
mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2
1 960.33 1811.48 1473 452.87 1926 3142 Increase Sideface Reinforcem

--------------------------------------------- END OF BEAM DESIGN ----------------------------------------------

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