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“Good but ain’t enough”

August 19

We reported on one of
our subjects that day. We
thought we did really well.
Sadly, that’s only what we
thought. Although the group In the end, we all
worked as one team, it realized that we should have
doesn’t suffice the tried. Regardless if he'll
expectation our teacher had reply or not, at least we did
for us. our part to ask for his advice.
Yet again, I realized that
communication or trying to
Our professor told us
communicate is very
that we could have asked him
important even though it
about our report and the
doesn't seem that it will
details he would want to see
in it. It's our fault on our
side that we didn't since we
are afraid because he
doesn't seem to be that
August 20

So I just finished reading a

manhwa entitled "Our
Relationship Is". It is a story
about a boy and a girl who's
been best of friends since I think it's very
they were in middle school. relatable to teens around my
They entered college and it age since falling in love is
was only then that the girl kind of thing or a trend at
realized that she had fallen this phase. (Disclaimer: I
for her boy best friend. just really love reading
Manwha or Manga. I am not
really interested into that
kind of things.) It was
This type of stories are effective to the point that
pretty much popular because you'll sympathize with the
it hooks the readers, making girl and her unrequited love.
them feel like they're one How she gave way and how
with the main character. It she kept the feelings to
also gives them hope on their herself just not to ruin their
own crushes. That maybe friendship.
they also had a shot. Sana all!
“To My Favorite”
August 21

Today was my youngest

sister's birthday. She's now
two years old. She's
becoming more annoying
since she keeps repeating
every single thing we told
For example, there are
her. Zamantha also has her times that I'll teach her
own way of dealing things.
about phonetics. She'll copy
There are times that I'll me at first but later on, I'll
found myself following her be the one following her lead.
lead instead of her following It's funny but it means a lot
if you think about it deeper.
She's still young but her way
of communication already
affects us, the people around
She loves to copy other her.
people. That's why we're
very careful and selective on
the things that we'll show
her or how'll act around her.
“No backing down on a debate”
August 22

Right from the start, I

actually have the same
thought as the other group
but I don't have a choice
since it's already been
decided and I cannot change
my group regardless of my
thought and opinion. While the discussion was
going on, it came to hit me
that it's really hard, no
matter how you try your best
to defend something you
don't believe in. Imagine you
This experience just taught
need to argue with the other
me a lesson that it's harder team but you're already
to fight with your own
having your own debate on
thoughts than fighting with the inside.
other people's ideas.
August 23
Here comes another
song from my favorite artist
Chelsea Cutler. I'm really in
love with her voice, music,
genre and most importantly,
her lyrics. This song made a
huge impact on me when I
heard it because it's about
being a mess. Well, obvious I mean, every one of us
enough from the title but, must have felt that way on
yeah. some point in our lives. We're
we feel like every thing about
us or around us is in pure
chaos and you don't know
where to begin. Suffering
from depression and all, I
feel a lot that way. And it's
one of my ways in coping up.
Listening to songs that
expresses how I feel.
“Today, I don't feel like doing anything
August 24
It's Saturday and we don't The problem is that, we cannot
have classes. But no, that doesn't start working because the team
mean I don't have things to do. In isn't functioning like a team.
fact, there's a whole lot and it's Those designated to do the
piled up already. research weren't responding,
leaving us, the production and
For starters, I'm a junior technical being problematic since
officer at the academic the deadline would be on Friday
organization of the next week. It's frustrating
Communication Research called because they're not even trying
Circle of Research Enthusiasts to explain why they're not
(CORE). Not only that I'm an responding. I mean, they could
officer, we have this new project give us a heads up that they
at hand, which is Research Gence. won't be able to do it, so at least,
We're asked by the senior we can come up with solutions.
officers to take one research
from COC and create publication WE AREN'T COMMUNICATING
materials for it online that will AND THAT'S FRUSTRATING!
surely catch the netizens. It's
like taking a research and
changing it into a new form that
will excite the viewers and
audiences. Showing that
research can be fun.
“We Adore Your Dedication”
August 25

It's the opening ceremony

for the special units of the
ROTC. From medics,
multimedia and military. The
director of the NSTP was
one of the guess speakers
and she really inspired the
students undergoing the
They told us that
I, in all honesty, is choosing ROTC as our NSTP
actually regretting it but was more than just a
because of her requirement but a
encouragement, I feel the commitment. We're required
excitement filling my veins to attend every Sunday
again. The excitement to (which is tiring at times), we
train and to serve the have to stay under the sun
country when I'm needed. performing drills (not too
The excitement to serve and good for my skin asthma but
protect the people of the it improved my health so,
Philippines. I realized that laban lang) and to wake up
from time to time, we need early in the morning (the
this kind words and greatest battle of all,
motivations to keep us going charot!).
no matter how tired we get.
“Where do I begin?”
August 26

We still lack
communication to the other
It's already Monday, officers. No matter how
and we don't have classes. hard the sender tries, if the
Everyone who's active on the receiver is not willing, it will
group chat of the freshmen be useless.
officers were already
knocking their brains out to
come up with a solution. I know, the word 'we' is
We're running out of time. redundant but you can't
We still need to find a blame me because it's also
research to feature in our the same people who were
first episode. We still need replying to the group chat.
to contact the authors of the It's all us. The one who'll
research for permission. We panic. The one who'll comfort
still need to conceptualize who's panicking. And the one
the theme. We still need to who'll panic again.
prepare the publication
materials and the videos.


“Thank God, Yorme!”
August 27
I was on my way to still open when I arrived and
school already when Mayor my other classmates already
Isko cancelled the classes. found a book worthy to be
I'm really praying last night featured for the month's
(half-heartedly) that there theme.
would be no class suspension
We all just want to
so we can go to the library finish the project and get
and do the research because
over it. I'm blessed that my
those who are tasked to do it classmates/org-mates love
won't reply (not to promote
CORE as much as I do. We
hate and all, but don't leave
were all on the same page
other people hanging waiting
that coming up with ideas and
for you, 'kay?).
agreeing on them wasn't so
I'm not that far from hard.
home yet, but I decided to Today's Lesson:
still head straight to school
Communication is easy if you
(see how much I love the and the people you
organization? Charot!).
communicate with share the
Thankfully, the library was same goal and objective.
“Am I doing things right?”
August 28

The whole day of that all of me is in the same

Wednesday was spent with page and the same goal.
me conceptualizing how I'll
present our chosen research
into a video. My eyes were
kind of hurting already. I've
read the research more than
thrice but still struggle to
think of a way to express it
through digital art and
I will draw then later on
I needed to divert my redraw it again. I nearly have
attention away from doing 30+ drafts of digital
the project for a while. I sketches on my phone (too
needed time to communicate much for my phone's memory
with myself. It's probably to keep for too long). I don't
weird for other people but know if I'm doing it right. At
communicating with myself is this point, the time pressure
something I must do once in is too much to handle and I'm
a while. It's to recollect my having a conflict yet again
thoughts and to make sure from the inside.
“Math, WHAT?!”
August 29
It's not like I hate
Math or anything. I'm
actually quite good at it,
competing for Quiz
Bees and having special
classes but I just don't
feel the way how things
are going now. It's very easy to
understand that way
The way
since we can apply it
Mathematics was right after we're
thought on me from taught. Unlike now, the
elementary to senior professor will teach us
high school is a whole lot everything at once,
different from our making it hard to
professor's approach remember the steps and
this time. Before procedures. Thankfully,
college, all my teachers' I found a way to counter
approach was to teach a it. I'll just have to copy
little then let us and take notes of
practice with examples everything then
for a while before practice and apply it one
continuing or adding by one at home.
another topic.
“We made it?”
August 30

It's already August voice record for the voice

30, supposedly everything over of the video. I
should be done by now understood why it was
(referring to CORE's already late. She had other
Research Gence) and we organizations, too. Probably
should only be waiting to tired but still tried her
upload the content best to give life to the
tomorrow. However, due to narration.
lack of people that works
Even with lack of
together, we come short
sleep, we still tried to
with the production. Some
communicate and
of us are really busy but we
collaborated our ideas.
tried to fit doing
Good thing that I'm
everything in our schedule
working with my friends and
but it was a bit too late.
we're still able to make fun
I had to stay awake out of the situation even
until 3am in the morning though every one of us is
(August 31, but I'll still pressured beyond doubts.
count is August 30 since I
Lesson: No matter what
haven't sleep yet. Oh,
you're into, fighting or
talking about logic.) I
putting pressure won't
waited for my other
help at all.
classmate to pass her the
“We didn't make it.”
August 31

Around 5pm in the other officers did. They

afternoon, I'm already actually told me that we
finished with all did our best and what
everything. I already had happened was
edited the video and it's something beyond our
fully finished. It only control.
needs to be exported to
It was with their
MP4 so we can finally
understanding and
upload it to Facebook.
encouragement that I
Something didn't give up with the
happened and the video. I successfully
exporting of the video uploaded it that night
was interrupted. We though we won't be able
weren't able to meet to post it.
the time we're supposed I'm glad I had friends
to upload the video that
who knows how to
night. I was already understand and what
blaming myself. exactly just to say.
Thankfully, none of the
“We did it!”
September 1
Gianne was able to
upload it Sunday
morning. We are
surprised how the
people loved and
appreciated our work. I wish we were able to
It's like we felt that we make our goal that
are successful as people may perceive
communicators (wow, research differently.
deep). We are able to That they will start
convey the message of thinking about research
the research (hopefully)
in a different light (by
in very entertaining way.
that, I mean, not
No matter how something that's boring
hard it had been, we or hard).
were able to make it
with proper use of
communication. If we
stopped communicating
somewhere in between
those hard times, I bet
we wouldn't make it
after all.

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