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Name: EDTE 533 - Casey Hague

Grade 1 Topic Natural vs. Artificial Light

Date November 2019 Allotted Time Two lessons (approx. 45 minutes

STAGE 1: Desired Results

Cite sources used to develop this plan:

“Lights On” worksheet:
Power point game: homemade using Powerpoint
The idea for the science booklets is from:

Rationale: How is this lesson relevant at this time with these students? Why is it important? How
does it fit into the unit?
This lesson is important because it will help the kids determine between natural and artificial
lighting. Demonstrate some examples (turning off and on the light in the classroom). This will follow
by a powerpoint game where a picture will pop up of either artificial or natural light and the students
will have to decide what they think it is before the next slide. This lesson will then end with a
worksheet titled, “Lights On!”, where they will cut out and match the pictures to the correct
category, natural light or artificial light.
This will then follow into the students writing in their science booklets, where they will write a
sentence for an example of artificial light and an example of natural light.

Curriculum Connections: What Big Ideas (Understand,) Core and Curricular Competencies (Do),
Content Standards (Know) does this lesson develop?

Big Ideas:
Science Gr. 1- Light and sound can be produced and their properties can be changed
English Gr.1 - Through listening and speaking, we connect with others and share our world.

Essential or Guiding Questions:

Why are light sources so important?
What is the difference between natural and artificial light?
Core Competencies: Thinking, Communication, Personal and Social
Curricular Competencies:
Science Gr.1- Communicate observations and ideas using oral or written language, drawing, or
English Gr.1- Identify, organize, and present ideas in a variety of forms

Content Standards:
Science Gr.1- natural and artificial sources of light and sound
English Gr.1- Language features, structures, and conventions (sentence structure)

STAGE 2: Assessment Plan

Learning Intention: Content Objective(s):

What will students learn? I can determine the difference between natural and artificial light.
Language Objective(s):
I can write and draw an example of natural and artificial light.
Key vocabulary:natural, artificial, light, sources
Text type: Descriptions of natural and artificial light
Language features: simple sentences, adjectives

Evidence of Learning: The students will show their learning by participating in discussion
How will students show their over natural vs. artificial light and as a class playing the power point
game on what artificial and natural light are.
learning? (products,
They will also cut and paste the “Lights On” sheet, which determines
observations, conversations) the difference between natural and artificial light. Then write in their
science booklets, one thing they have at home that is artificial light
and one thing that natural light (I will give them a prompted sentence
to begin their writing).

Criteria: Content Criteria:

What criteria will help Students are able to distinguish the difference between natural and
students know how to be artificial light. Students will first do this as a class, following working
Language Criteria:
(What will I look for in the
I will support the students with the vocabulary. I will explain what the
evidence?) vocabulary words mean and when writing in their booklets, will write
any words the kids may want on the white board.

STAGE 3: Learning Plan

Resources, Material and Preparation: What resources, materials and preparation are required?
“Lights On” worksheet, science booklet, natural vs. artificial powerpoint game.

Organizational/Management Strategies: (anything special to consider?)

I will organized all materials before the lesson begins.

I will be clear with instruction when they are given the worksheet and booklet.
I will play music whilst the kids are working.
We will take any movement breaks if necessary.

Lesson Development

Connect: Pacing
How you you introduce this lesson in a manner that engages students and activates
their thinking? Activate or build background knowledge, capture interest, share
learning intention.
Teacher will Students will

I will begin this lesson by having the students Look at the examples of different 5 min.
gather at their table groups. I will turn off and on types of light.
the lights to demonstrate the importance of light.
I will then show examples on projector of some
things that are considered to be artificial and
natural light Show the key vocabulary words:
Artificial and Natural (I will wait to tell the
students which pictures go with what definition
after they talk with their table groups).

To activate the students background knowledge, I Respond to the question using the
will have the students use the think-pair-share think-pair-share technique. 5-7
technique to talk about some things they see at min.
school or at home that use light. After I will have
them use the same technique to talk about what
they think the difference between artificial and
natural light is.

Process: What steps and activities are you going to use to help students interact with Pacing
new ideas, build understanding, acquire and practice knowledge, skills and/or
attitudes? In what ways have you built in guided practice?

Teacher will Students will

To develop vocabulary, I will show the students the Listen for new vocabulary words and 10 min.
images again of different types of light using the say words together as a class.
projector. Introduce the words: Artificial and
Natural. Have students repeat words as a class.
Then explaining the meaning of the words. The
images will help support ELL learners to make
10 min.
Talk about some examples of natural and artificial As a class, discuss some examples of
light and ask students to think about some examples
natural and artificial light from they
that we have not discussed that are artificial and
natural light. Prompt students who may be having now know.
difficulties differentiating between the two by
providing examples that could be in their homes
(making connections outside of school).

Go over the key vocabulary words once more. Ask

for hands to tell you their meaning.

Play Artificial and Natural Light powerpoint game on

the projector to challenge students. Let the
students know you will be using popsicle sticks with 10 min.
their names on it to ask students the answer when
playing the game. If the student who is called is
unsure they “phone a friend” and have the
student help them answer by whispering it.

Provide a quick brain break if needed. Lead a

5 min.
Hand out “Lights On” worksheets. Explain to the
Work independently.
students they will be cutting and pasting images to
go under either the categories: Natural Light or
Artificial Light.

Review key vocabulary. Ask students to repeat back Think-pair-share with table group. 5 min.
to me. Show images of examples of Natural and
Artificial light. Ask the students to use the think-
pair and share technique to discuss the difference
between the two images (one will be natural and
one will be artificial).

Talk about if we were to write a sentence on an Listen to instructions and participate

example of artificial light how would we start it
in how we can start a sentence on 10 min.
(Write on board). Repeat same structure for natural
light. Have visuals on desk and board to support natural and artificial light.
ELL learners.

Hand out science booklets and have students use Work independently. 20 min.
the structure of the example sentence written on
the board to form their own in their science

Transform: How will students apply or practice their learning? Can they show or represent Pacing
their learning in personalized ways?

Teacher will Students will

The goal of this lesson is to have the students Differentiate between natural and
understand the difference between natural and artificial light by participating in
artificial light by matching the images to the discussion, and independently write in
vocabulary words as well as be express their their science booklets.
understanding by writing in their booklets.

Closure: How will you solidify the learning that has taken place and deepen the learning
process? Refer back to the learning intention, connect to next learning.

The closure of this lesson will be to ask the student again to think about what the 10 min.
difference is between natural and artificial lighting. Give wait time, then have the
students share by putting their hands up. Ask if anyone would like to share what they
have written in their science booklets in a sharing circle.

Lesson Planning Guide (adapted from Thompson Rivers University)

Appendix: Supporting English Language Learners Across the Curriculum

Key Visuals

The images and descriptors for this key visual come

These key visual allows students to demonstrate

their learning.
Students will create the key visuals while working

Multimodal Resources
1) Power Point Game is from the internet. We will be playing this game during the first lesson to
show the kids real life examples of natural and artificial light sources.
2) The following resource of natural and artificial light images are from Google. I have a varied
of different examples of natural and artificial light sources to prompt the students.

Strategies for ELLs

1) Language Experience Approach

During these lessons, students will have an opportunity to explore different sounds and light sources. We
will engage in language experience approach, in which we will discuss together our different sources of
light we have at home. Students will get a chance to share within their table groups.

2) Provide extra wait time for student responses

During these lessons, I will provide extra wait time. Its important to me to let the students reflect, think
and respond with time to do so. This will let the students to think more about their responses and what
they want to say, rather than jump right into getting the “answers” as soon as only a few students put
their hand up. I will emphasize for them to think about their responses and not rush what they are
saying. While doing so, this may prompt other students to put up their hand.

3) Cooperative learning activities

Throughout these lessons, students will use the think-pair-share technique and will respond to the
questions prompts to activate background knowledge.

4) Students’ native languages & cultures

I will encourage the strategic use of students’ native languages. If they have peers who speak the same
language, they will be permitted to share ideas with them in their own language. I will speak to the ELL
learners one-on-one and ask if they know the word for light, artificial and natural in their native
language. If students do not know the word, we will look it up together in a bilingual dictionary. Then, I
will invite them share the word with the class if they are comfortable doing so.


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