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Lesson Plan Rubric

Teaching Associate Name


  1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points

Clearly states the correct TEKS
using both words and numbers.
Standards Includes accurate standards. Clearly states a reasonable number
Wrong standards listed.
Objectives States objective(s) in student- of prioritized objectives that help
States at least 1 objective and
and friendly language. Lists relevant students understand the lesson's
1 concept
Concepts concepts. target and purpose. Objectives are
both measurable and observable.
Includes all relevant concepts.
Includes an engagement activity in
which all students recognize the
need for further exploration and
Includes an engagement activity
Includes some form of uncovers prior knowledge and/or
that makes a connection to prior
Introduction engagement activity in which misconceptions. Activity relates
knowledge and engages most
students participate. information to real world issues,
unifying concepts of social studies
and/or relevant issues in the social

Body Includes some variety of Includes a variety of engaging

Includes some form of
Instructiona instructional approaches with an instructional approaches with little
activity in which students
l emphasis leaning heavier on the emphasis on the teacher and
Approaches teacher. straight lecturing.

The lesson includes detailed steps

Includes an adequate description that clearly show how students’
Body Structure of the lesson is
of the steps in the lesson but progress through the lesson.
Instructiona unclear. Includes minimal
contains some holes that need Students are appropriately
l Strategies description of steps.
clarification. scaffolded before moving to the
next step.

There is not a clear The lesson shows continual

connection between each step The lesson does an adequate job alignment to the objective(s) and
of the lesson and the learning connecting back to the learning includes a balance between low
objective. Minimal modeling objective(s). There is some level knowledge skills/critical
and Critical
is provided, and the lesson modeling and higher order thinking skills. Appropriate
activates only low-level thinking, but not much. modeling is provided to focus the
skills. lesson on the objective
  1-2 points 3-4 points 5 points

Students are provided

Includes some form of Uses at least two forms of opportunities to self-monitor
student assessment in at least assessment that provide both learning in each component of
one component of the lesson teacher and student to monitor the lesson plan. Includes multiple
plan. student progress. instruments for assessing the
mastery of new concepts.
Contains detailed modifications
Includes modifications for
Differentiation/ for all identified students,
Includes some form of special education students but
Extension/ including SPED and GT, and
student modification. does not address differentiation
Modification address differentiation for
for other students.
identified students.
Include specific dialogue that
Closure may have been Include specific dialogue that revisits the learning, which
Closure mentioned in class but no revisits the learning and addresses the objective, and
notes in lesson plans. addresses the objective. includes a connection to what
students will learn in the future.
Includes copies of all printed
Printed materials or technology
materials used by both student
Lesson plan only references requirements included as
Materials list and teacher. Includes technology
materials to be used. attachments or as part of lesson
requirements as well as web
addresses of resources.
Electronic submission of lesson
Submission- plan draft 5 days before
Draft and implementation. Electronic
Final submission of corrected lesson
Submission plan by 8:00 am the day of

1) Does the lesson plan use active and specific verb choices that demonstrate scaffolding and
alignment with the TEKS? Use Bloom’s taxonomy and Banks reading.
2) Does the lesson introduction make the focus relevant to students’ lives? Why should they
care about learning the material in the lesson?
3) Does the lesson introduction access students’ prior learning/knowledge? Build off of
existing schema (Piaget).
4) Does the lesson preview the day’s agenda / what students can expect?
5) Does the body of the lesson include a variety of instructional approaches (…and little
emphasis on the teacher – i.e. lecture)?
6) Does the body of the lesson include detailed steps that clearly show how students’ progress
within the instructional strategy/lesson? What there scaffolding?
7) Does the body of the lesson provide samples of prewritten prompts/questions that help
scaffold students towards more critical thinking (again look at Blooms and Banks)?
8) Does the body of the lesson provide modeling in whole class before small group or
individual work? (the accordion effect)
9) Does the body of the lesson provide continuous feedback from the students and refocus on
lesson learning objectives?
10) Does the conclusion provide for student generated closure?
11) Does the lesson provide a variety of assessment approaches?

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