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MYP Personal Project Process Journal Prompts

Criterion A: Investigating:
1. Explain and justify your topic of interest. Brainstorming Activity and getting into Managebac
a. Why have you chosen to this for your Personal Project?
b. What do you hope to gain from it?
c. What do you want to learn?
d. What is the history of your personal interest in this topic?
2. Use a Global Context (Global Context Lesson created by KH) to FOCUS your topic (see pages 7-9
a. Explain how your choice of GC has helped you focus in on a certain element of your
topic of interest.
b. Why does this GC work best? You could say how a different GC might have informed
your project differently, and what limitations your chosen context placed on you.
3. What is your goal going to be (ONE SENTENCE).
a. How has your GC helped you narrow down your goal?
b. How is going to be HIGHLY challenging for you? You could refer to some of the ATL skills
or Learner Profile Attributes (brief lesson on ATL Skills & LPA).
4. Prior learning and subject specific knowledge. This is Essential.
a. What have you covered in another MYP class?
b. How has it helped you and prepared you for this?
5. RESEARCH. Excellent research skills include choosing a variety of relevant sources, justifying our
selection of sources, and evaluating your sources using a formal evaluation tool.
a. What sources did you use?
b. How did you find the?
c. How do you know your sources are credible? Accurate? Relevant? Unbiased?
d. What new understandings did you gain from your research?
e. How did your research help you to complete your project?


Criterion B: Planning:
1. What criteria are you going to use to evaluate your product/outcome? (What criteria have you
developed to assess the success of your project?)
a. Why did you choose these criteria?
b. Why do you feel that it is rigorous?
c. Why did you choose these and how will they demonstrate your development
throughout the process?


2. What is your timeline for creating your project?

a. Did you stick to this timeline?
b. Why or why not?
c. What adjustments did you have to make to the timeline as you worked to finish the
project? Why?
d. What time management strategies did you use to complete the project?
e. What was easier for you to accomplish than you thought it would be?
f. What was more difficult than you thought it would be?
3. Reflect on your self-management skills in the planning process.
a. What roadblocks did you have as you worked to complete your project?
b. How did you overcome them?
c. Were there times that you did not want to finish the project?
d. Why did you keep going?
e. Were there times that your frustrated, angry, stressed out, etc.? how did you deal with
these emotions?
f. Were there time you thought that the project would fail?
g. How did you deal with this and persevere?
h. Whom did you turn to for help & support while doing the project?
CRITERION C: Taking Action:
1. Your product.
a. Describe the finished product/outcome.
b. How does it relate to your goal?
c. How does it relate to your GC?
d. How does it relate to your criteria?
2. Thinking Skills. Here you need to demonstrate how you applied what you learned (from your
research) to your project, and how you overcame any problems.
a. How did you demonstrate EXCELLENT critical thinking when creating the project?
b. As you answer, consider the following but ONLY write about what you actually DID do:
i. Formulate an vii. Analyze complex ideas?
argument? viii. Synthesize ideas into a
ii. Interpret data? new understanding?
iii. Evaluate arguments? ix. Consider ideas from
iv. Draw conclusions? multiple perspectives?
v. Test conclusions? x. Propose new solution?
vi. Develop questions? xi. Troubleshoot?

3. Excellent communication and social skills. Here you need to show you worked with other
people to make you P a success. The most obvious person is your mentor/supervisor if you have
a. Give examples of interactions and say how they helped.
b. Give examples of other times when you had to communicate in order to progress.
c. Describe who you had to interact with in order to complete the project.
d. Describe the positive interactions that you had.
e. What kind of constructive criticism did you get doing the project? Did you like this
f. Did you have any conflicts with others while doing the project? If so, how did you
resolve them?
g. What was the best interaction that you had while doing the project?
h. How did you communicate with others? Did you talk, email, call, or use social media?
Were any of these ways more effective?
i. Describe ways in which you sued your literacy skills to do the project (reading, writing,
listening, speaking).
CRITERION D: Reflecting:
1. Using your own criteria (look back at Criterion B, Part one) evaluate your product/outcome.
a. Did you meet your goal?
b. What could be better? Why and what would the impact be?
c. What factors influenced the quality of your product?
d. Based on our criteria for success, how well did you do creating your project? Fully justify
your answer by referring to each of your criteria for success.
e. If you fell short in meeting any of your criteria, explain why.
f. Overall how do you feel about the success of your project? Explain why.
g. What would you do differently next time?
h. What would your next steps be if you continued this project?
2. Reflect on your topic of interest.
a. How has your knowledge and understanding of that topic changed?
b. What do you now know?
c. Has tis experience changed your views on your topic of interest?
d. What about the Global Context- show how you have a better understanding of your
focus GC.
e. By doing this project, how did you extend your knowledge and understanding of the
topic you chose?
f. How will you use what you learned in the future?
3. Reflect on your own personal learning journey throughout the personal project.
a. Use each of the ATL skills from Criterion A Investigating and show how this experience
has helped you develop (or not) throughout.
b. What about IB Learner Profile from Criterion A Investigating? Which traits have you
demonstrate? Give examples. How did you grow as an IB Learner by doing this project?
4. Choose a few IB ATL traits to discuss.
a. How will you be more successful in the future based on these traits that you developed
by doing this project?
b. What are your final thoughts about how ding this project benefited you as a learner and
as a person?

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