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Liam Jones MUED 111


Grade Level: 3rd Class Type: Vocal Music Length of Lesson: 5 minutes or less

Lesson Topic/Focus Learning a new song called “Jum-ja-ba-da”

Objective(s) SWBAT
Materials Piano and sheet music
Prior Knowledge Ability to recognize and repeat melodies.
Knowledge about phrases and rhythm.

Vocabulary Words Before: Jum-ja-ba-da

During: None
After: None. The song only has the one word, Jum-ja-ba-da, which is just a
silly made up word to use for teaching this simple melody.

(Not required for
MUED 111)


Song Teaching Method How will you teach your song? (Choose one)
 Immersion
 Rote
 Rote-Note

Procedures 1. Greet the class and inform them we will learn a new song.
2. Have them repeat the word “Jum-ja-ba-da” after you.
3. Play the starting note on the piano
4. Sing through the whole song while holding up fingers to signal
which phrase I am singing.
5. Ask students if they noticed my fingers as I sang and then explain
6. Sing through each phrase and have them repeat after me each
time. Sing phrases 1 and 2 together and 3 and 4 together and
have them repeat it.
7. Sing through the entire song and have them repeat it.
8. Assess there ability to perform the new song
Closure Time to wrap up the lesson. Did students meet the learning objective?
Recap what was learned. What are their “muddiest points” at the end of
the lesson?

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