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Unadvertised Bonus #2

How To Lose Lots of

Weight – Easily and


Stuart A. Lichtman
How To Lose Lots of Weight – Easily and Quickly

Copyright © 2002 by Stuart Lichtman

All rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution are forbidden.

No part of this publication shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted

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the services of a competent professional should be sought.

Also, the terms Cybernetic Transposition Basic Achievement Three-Step and

Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step are pending registration and
are fully protected names owned by Stuart Lichtman. They may not be used without his
written permission.

Copyright 2002 by Stuart A. Lichtman

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How To Lose Lots of Weight – Easily and Quickly

Most people have lots of trouble losing weight.

No matter what we do, it seems to be a test of wills.

We try one diet and it doesn’t work. Then we try another.

If we lose weight, somehow, we usually gain it back.

It seems like a test of wills between what we consciously want – to lose weight, and what
we unconsciously want – to stay at the same weight.

In fact, that’s usually the case.

Now you’re about to learn a way to change all of that.

You’re going to learn how to let your body lose weight easily and naturally.

Are you eager to get going? Okay. Let’s go.

Why It’s Usually Difficult To Lose Weight

The answer’s pretty simple.

The primary job of the brain is to keep us alive – and one of the major ways it does that is
through homeostasis, a Greek word originating around the time of Hippocrates, that was
originally derived from two Greek words that meant “to stand similar.”

A dictionary definition of homeostasis is: “The ability or tendency of an organism or cell

to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.”

More simply, it means that the job of the brain is to keep things the same!

This is particularly evident with respect to body weight.

The average person eats thousands of pounds of food each year but their body weight
usually stays pretty constant.

If you gain or lose 5 pounds, that usually gets your attention.

Let’s see, 5 divided by 2000 equals 0.25%.

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That is, we take note if our body weight changes by one-quarter of one percent of the
food we eat each year.

That’s a pretty effective regulating mechanism.

It’s also extremely difficult to overcome by conscious will power. So let’s take a
completely different approach.

How To Easily and Quickly Lose Weight

There are five ways to lose weight, that I know of:

• Resolve your primary blockers that drive you to eat unnecessary food.
• Change your unconscious body-weight set-point.
• Increase your metabolism.
• Reduce your food intake.
• Change the mix of foods that we eat to one that better suits your body.

I’ll discuss each of these in turn and then show you how to easily accomplish them.

Resolving Your Primary Blockers That Drive You To Eat Unnecessary

In observing myself, I noticed that I had two primary blockers that did this. They were
pretty obvious but I hadn’t paid attention to them. I was like Pavlov’s dog. The blocker
poked its head up and I ate.

They were (I used the past tense because I have already resolved them.) My trouble time
used to be in the evening, when relaxing. I'd get a "binge" signal so I did a Base
Reframing on that. Then I'd get a different "tongue hungry" signal that literally seemed
like that. The hunger was on my tongue. I could be stuffed but this used to get me to eat
even more. So I did a Base Reframing on that, too.

In talking to others, I found that they had pretty similar blockers so, again, they are:

• Bingeing
• Hungry Tongue

These are good starting points. See if you have similar ones and, if you do, resolve them
using the Base Reframing process.

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Whether or not you have these, scan your own experience for relevant blockers and
resolve them.

That clears the way.

Change Your Unconscious Body-Weight Set-Point

If we don’t start with this one, you’ll continue consciously fighting your unconscious
over losing weight no matter what we do with the other aspects I mentioned above.

Changing your unconscious body-weight set-point isn’t difficult, at least when you know
the Cybernetic Transposition Super Achievement Three-Step.

When you appropriately adjust your set-point, you’ll lose weight easily.

Increase Your Metabolism

The equation for losing body weight is simple:

Expend more calories than you take in.

As you probably know, calories are simply a measure of heat energy.

The dictionary definition is “the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1
gram of water by 1°C from a standard initial temperature.”

As you also know, when we exercise, we expend calories. We know that, at least in part,
because our body temperature rises and we start to sweat.

However, if we take the amount of calories we expend in exercising hard, at 100% of

capacity, 8 hours per week and we spread them across the 168 hours that exist in a week,
we can expend the same number of calories by increasing our normal use of energy by
only 5%!

In other words, we can change our unconscious set-point of our metabolism, raising it by
5%, and get many of the benefits of 8 hours of hard work at the gym each week.

That’s not so bad.

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And, using the Cybernetic Transposition Three-Step, you know how to do that. But I’ll
show you in detail, below.

The Three I Just Mentioned Are The Key Ones

Resolving the key blockers that make you eat unnecessary food, lowering your body
weight set-point and increasing your metabolic set-point are the key aspects of the

In the short-term, they alone will produce FAST results.

For example, last Wednesday evening, I did these three things. I had previously
framed the blockers so the Base Reframings were easy to do. Then I set
unconscious objectives for the other reducing my body weight set-point and
increasing my metabolic rate 5% to 10%, using the Cybernetic Transposition
Three-Step as described in detail below.

Before I started, I weighed myself and recorded the weight: 200 pounds. That was
at 6 PM. After setting the increased metabolic set-point unconscious objective, I
noticed that I felt modestly warmer. By a half hour after midnight, when I went to
sleep, my weight was down to 198 pounds. The next morning, at 7AM when I got
up, it was down to 197. By that evening, Thursday, it was down to 196. By the
next morning, 195. Next evening, 194. Next morning, 193. The next night, 191
pounds and, this morning, 190 pounds.

The really surprising thing to me (yes, the results of using these techniques still
surprise me) is that I have never felt sustained hunger since I set the unconscious
objectives and resolved the blockers. The reason I’ve felt no sustained hunger is
that, whenever I get hungry I eat. For example, I have a giant jar of mixed nuts
from Costco within arms reach and when I get hungry, I usually munch on a
handful if nothing else “calls” me.

I’ve given myself total permission to eat whatever I want. So I’ve had: Burger
King bacon cheeseburgers, nuts, and creamy corn chowder. That seems to be all
that my body wants.

But the intereting thing is that, even when I think I want something like a bacon
cheeseburger (one of my favorites, actually usually two) and go to get it, by the
time I get to Burger King I no longer want it. So I turn around and go home.

I’ve had more energy than usual and my rate of healing from a back injury has
accelerated (for whatever reason).

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Reduce Your Food Intake

This is sure to be a familiar refrain. What’s the name of that diet that’s going around
where you simply eat 20% less of the usual things?

My name for it is the “Stay Hungry” Diet.

Actually, it does work – until you binge or otherwise unconsciously eat enough to bring
you back to your unconscious set-point weight.

However, it’s pretty obvious that if we reduce our food intake enough, our bodies will
have to resort to using stored calories to meet our energy needs and that we will lose

Using the Cybernetic Transposition Three-Step you can effectively accomplish this by
instructing your unconscious to stop eating when you’ve eaten enough to satisfy you, not

However, I’ve found that when I set an unconscious objective to reduce my body weight
set-point, this happens automatically.

Change The Mix Of Foods That We Eat To One That Better Suits The
Statistically, there’s an average body and a correct average food mix.

However, there’s no correct average diet because, in reality there’s no average body.

Every diet I’ve ever seen makes assumptions about what’s right for you. But since they
don’t know you and how your body is uniquely set up to work, they don’t know what’s
right for you.

Of course, you can try lots of diets and may find one that works for you.

But that’s the hard way.

Your unconscious knows what are the right food for you and it also knows your food
addictions, the foods that you crave.

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For example, my biggest food addiction is wheat. Now I’m not saying that wheat
is bad for me, although others have told me so. I mean that whenever I’m under
stress, the first thing I want to do is get a nice, fresh bagel and eat it. And if the
stress continues, I’ll happily eat six of them or a dozen. And rolls, too.

Do you see what I mean about a food addiction?

Well, actually, I craved wheat until I did the Base Reframings. Now I don’t.

Any addictions, whether food, smoking, alcohol or drugs, are usually very difficult to

My approach is, rather, to cooperate with it – but set it up so that my craving is satisfied
by a reasonable amount of what I crave. That’s a lot easier on me. Unless what I’m
addicted to leaves me feeling bad.

I’ll address that all in detail, below.

Okay. Are You Ready To Go With Lowering Your Set-Point For Body
Assuming that I’ve already said enough about the resolving the blockers that drive you to
eat unnecessary food, I’ll take each of the remaining four points in turn.

The first is lowering your unconscious set-point for body-weight.

The key is to identify real or imagined experiences of being at the body weight that you
want to achieve. Then, the rest is simply the normal application of the Cybernetic
Transposition Three-Step.

The steps are:

1. I’m assuming that since we weigh very little when we’re born, you’ve passed
through your desired weight at least once in your life. So, if you can, find a photo
of yourself at that weight. If not, find a memory of seeing yourself in the mirror
when you were that weight. Or, better still, do both. And if you’ve been at that
weight more than once in your life, try to find photos of yourself at all of those

Then, using those photos as memory aids, create Metastories of being at the
desired weight. For example:

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“I am feeling slim, trim and energetic the way I did when I was
photographed on the beach during my honeymoon. I remember that I
easily maintained my weight of 180 pounds without conscious attention. I
was healthy, happy and energetic. I am feeling that same way again.”

Create as many of these true Metastories as you can. Then pick the “best” 10 to
use in creating your objective and Target.

2. Using the Objectives Process form, create an objective centered on changing your
unconscious set-point for body-weight to your desired and reasonable level.

If you want to lose a lot of weight, I’d suggest that you do it in steps, using what
you learned from the preceding step to improve things during the next step.

One of the main reasons I suggest you make big changes in smaller increments is
that you may otherwise set something up that won’t be for your highest good and
your unconscious will cancel the objective.

So doing big things in smaller chunks is a very practical way of taking care of

Getting back to the format of the objective, it might look like:

“Within 4 weeks, I will have done whatever is necessary and appropriate

so that my body’s set-point for body-weight will have been reduced to
(insert your desired set-point weight) pounds like it was (insert
appropriate wording from or reference to your desired-weight Metastories
from step 1.). I will be in great health and have lots of energy like (insert
appropriate wording from or reference to your desired-weight
Metastories). My body will look like a slightly older version of the way I
looked when (insert appropriate wording from or reference to your
desired-weight Metastories). I will have done this easily and joyfully and
will have an inner certainty that my new set-point is in place at a level of
at least 9 on a scale where 10 equals absolute certainty. I will do all of
this in ways that are for the highest good of me and of all concerned.”

3. Follow through in normal fashion using the Cybernetic Transposition Three-Step

process. While doing so, pay particular attention to resolving your blockers.

That’s it!

In the process, you’re simply giving your unconscious new instructions and, by resolving
the blockers that arise, you’re reinforcing those instructions in ways that effectively

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resolve self-defeating unconscious habit patterns into ones that support your new set-
point for body-weight.

Increasing Your Metabolism

This may take a little research. But it doesn’t have to be hard work – although it can be if
you want.

Here, we’re looking for experiences of raising your body’s metabolism. However, since
we’re only looking for about a 5% increase, we’re not looking for real jock-type

A good example would be after a brisk 10 or 15 minute walk or 10 minutes brisk walk on
the treadmill.

For each experience, record the body feelings, the occasion, time and date. Build up a list
of at least 10 of these experiences.

Do the following steps:

1. As noted above, do your research project of identifying experiences when you’ve

increased your metabolism through exercise. Record the associated body feelings,
the date, time and the occasion.

Also, get 100 pennies from your bank. Pour them out onto a table and, first, sort
out 5 of them, leaving 95 next to them. Focus on the 5 pennies next to the 95 and
record your thoughts and body feelings as you focus on the 5. Title what you’ve
written, “5%.” Then do the same thing with 10 pennies and title it, “10%.”

When you have at least 10 of the increased metabolism experiences documented,

create a Wishlist consisting of both Metastories of idealize versions of each of
these experiences and Metastories of your 5% and 10% experiences.

In creating your raised metabolism Metastories, be sure to remove aspects of

these experiences that you don’t want in your everyday experiences. For example,
if you were sweating and you don’t want to sweat while you’re just sitting still,
don’t include that.

Remember, we’re only looking for a 5% or 10% increase in your metabolism.

If you created more than 10 such Metastories, pick the “best” 10 to use in creating
your objective and Target.

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2. Using the Objectives Process form, create an objective centered on raising your
metabolism by 5% or 10% without unpleasant side effects (such as sweating).

Your objective might look like:

“Within 4 weeks, I will have done whatever is necessary and appropriate

so that I have raised my set-point of my metabolism by 5% like (insert
appropriate wording from your 5% Metastory) to 10% like (insert
appropriate wording your 10% Metastory). My metabolism will be
working like (insert appropriate wording from your raised metabolism
Metastories). I will feel healthy and filled with energy. I will have done all
of this easily and joyfully and in ways that are for the highest good of me
and of all concerned.”

3. Follow through in normal fashion using the Cybernetic Transposition Three-Step

process. While doing so, pay particular attention to resolving your blockers.

That should do the trick for this aspect of the program.

Reduce Your Food Intake

This involves, again, giving new instructions to your unconscious and resolving the
blockers that triggers.

And, again, it takes a little “research” but that’s neither difficult nor time consuming.

The research consists of paying attention to your experience at every meal for as long as
it takes to come up with 10 examples of what it feels like when you reach the point of
having eaten enough. However, that requires you to avoid “going on automatic” when
you eat, a challenge for some of us. If so, use the Basic Achievement Three-Step to set
an objective of becoming aware of the point where you have eaten enough to satisfy you.

Beware of the blockers here. Many of us have some really hair-raising instructions about
this implanted into our unconscious by our parents. For example:

My father was born in Poland where he and his family saw a lot of real
starvation, where they simply didn’t have enough to eat. My mother’s parents
were first generation over from Russia and had seen the same things. So when my
parents said to me, “Finish what’s on your plate. Think of all the starving
children in (Poland, Russia or whatever),” these weren’t simply meaningless
statements. And my unconscious picked that up. And having lived through the

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depression (my father was paid $5 a month as an intern at a hospital during that
time), they had personal experience of hunger and seeing starvation. That got
implanted too.

Well, they did a good job of passing that along to me. When I was a kid, I was a pudgy,
much to my distress. That’s still in my unconscious but I have used it in a positive way
by doing Base Reframings.

However, that training came back to haunt me:

When I was laid up for 18 months with what I call the “Sri Lankan Curse,” my
doctors telling me I was dying but they didn’t know what from, I was primarily
bed ridden and gained 45 pounds over my normal 180 pounds.

When you’re very ill or under severe stress, your unconscious regresses you to
patterns formed when you were younger. This is what happened to me, bringing
my “pudgy kid” pattern into play, unconsciously.

So I recently developed this improved weight loss program, the one I’m describing here.
(With an earlier version, I’d easily lost 20 pounds while traveling around the world and
eating in the best restaurants.)

Now I’m easily on my way back down to my desired weight of 180 pounds from my
peak of 225 pounds. I’m now at 195 pounds and dropping. Meanwhile, I still eat Burger
King bacon cheeseburgers, candy corn and lots of other “terrible things” according to the
diet folks.

However, I note that I eat less and still feel satisfied. If I get hungry, I eat. And my
energy is great.

That’s an easy way to lose weight, isn’t it?

Okay, let’s get on with the specific steps.

1. Do your research project of identifying experiences when you have eaten just
enough to satisfy you. (This is usually a good deal less than clearing your plate.)
Be really attentive and you can easily pick these up. Record the associated body
feelings, the date, time and the characteristics of the meal.

Then, if you want, finish your meal.

If you have trouble identifying these points, set a Basic Achievement objective to
find them.

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When you have identified at least 10 of these experiences documented, create a

Wishlist consisting of Metastories of idealize versions of each of these

If you created more than 10 such Metastories, pick the “best” 10 to use in creating
your objective and Target.

2. Using the Objectives Process form, create an objective centered on eating only as
much as satisfies you, never more than that.

Your objective might look like:

“Within 4 weeks, I will have done whatever is necessary and appropriate

so that I am eating only as much food as satisfies me, never more. I will be
eating only to the point where I’m satisfied like (insert appropriate
wording from items on your Wishlist). I am feeling happy, energetic and
fully satisfied with the amount that I eat like (insert appropriate wording
from items on your Wishlist). I will have done this easily and joyfully and
in ways that are for the highest good of me and of all concerned.”

3. Follow through in normal fashion using the Cybernetic Transposition Three-Step

process. While doing so, pay particular attention to resolving your blockers.

Again, that’s all it takes to set the objective. The other part of the process is practicing,
including paying particular attention to resolving the blockers that arise.

Change Your Mix Of Foods To One That Better Suits Your Body
This one is a good deal more subtle that the previous one.

Here, your “research” will involve keeping track of how you feel after you eat various
foods. In other words, after each meal, make a list of all of the component ingredients.
Then rate how you feel while eating, 30 minutes after eating, an hour after eating and two
hours after eating. Use two 1 to 10 rating scales:

• The first one runs from 1 equals “very logy, slow and tired” to 10 equals “very
energetic and light feeling.”
• The second one runs from 1 equals “feel bloated, constipated or headachy” to 10
equals “feel absolutely great.”

Keep a record of these ratings, the dates and the meal you are referring to.

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Now make a separate list of the ingredients in the meals after which you got a low rating
on either scale.

Keep this up for at least a week or two.

Pretty soon, you’ll notice patterns on the second list. For example:

“Whenever I eat something with MSG in it I feel headachy. Whenever I eat

something with cheese in it, I feel bloated and constipated. Whenever I eat
something with a lot of sugar in it, I get very tired…”

Make a list of these foods and check them out with your unconscious.

Make a list of the foods associated with feeling good and check them out with your

The foods that your body reacts to negatively are not ones that work well for you. That’s
pretty obvious. So, unless you like the feelings at the low end of the two scales, you’d do
well to avoid those foods.

When you eat foods that works for you and avoid ones that don’t, it easier to lose weight
and to have good body energy. My experience and research tells me that foods that don’t
work for me are ones that I can’t easily digest and that more easily add to my body

If you agree with me, then you’re ready to do the following process.

If you don’t agree and you have your own list of preferred foods and ones to avoid, use
them instead of the list you just made. See if that works for you. (If it does, you’ll like
what you eat, have lots of energy and feel great.)

Here are the steps. By now, the general process should be getting familiar.

1. Do your research project of identifying foods that do work for you and don’t work
for you. Record the body feelings associated with each, to the extent that you can
isolate them. Do this until you feel that you have a pretty good handle on the main
ones that work and don’t work for you.

Then, recalling meals where you ate only the foods that worked for you, create a
Wishlist consisting of Metastories of idealize versions of each of these

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Next, create what I might call a Not-Wishlist containing stories that intensify the
negative experiences you associated with each of the foods on your don’t work

If you created more than 5 Metastories, pick the “best” 5 to use in creating your
objective and Target. If you have more than 5 stories on your Not-Wishlist, pick
out the 5 that are most distasteful to you.

2. Using the Objectives Process form, create an objective centered on eating foods
that work for you and avoiding ones that don’t work for you.

Your objective might look like:

“Within 4 weeks, I will have done whatever is necessary and appropriate

so that I am eating only foods that work for me, like (insert appropriate
wording from your Metastories). Without paying conscious attention, I
will be avoiding the foods that don’t work for me, like (insert appropriate
wording from your ‘don’t work’ stories). I will enjoy my meals and feel
satisfied after I eat. I will feel healthy and filled with energy at a level of at
least 9 on a scale where 10 is feeling totally healthy and filled with
energy. I will have done all of this easily and joyfully and in ways that are
for the highest good of me and of all concerned.”

3. Follow through in normal fashion using the Cybernetic Transposition Three-Step

process. While doing so, pay particular attention to resolving your blockers.

That’s the program!

There are five ways to lose weight, that I know of:

• Resolve your primary blockers that drive you to eat unnecessary food.
• Change your unconscious body-weight set-point.
• Increase your metabolism.
• Reduce your food intake.
• Change the mix of foods that you eat to one that better suits your body.

I have shown you how to easily and successfully do each of these.

If you’ve done what I’ve suggested as we went along, you should already have started to
become slimmer and trimmer – easily and quickly.

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Enjoy the process. You should start getting results almost immediately.

I’m looking forward to hearing your success stories.

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