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Expressing interest (Exprimarea interesului)

It is very important to show that you are interested in what your partner is saying. Use these
expressions to show you are interested. Remember! When we are very interested or surprised our
voice is higher and louder.

Normal response
Uh-huh. =Mhm
That’s interesting. =Ce interesant!
Oh, I see.= Oh, Înțeleg!
Right. =Corect.

Stronger response
Really? =Chiar?/Pe bune?
Wow! That’s amazing! = Wow, e uimitor!
That’s incredible! =E incredibil!
No way! = Nu cred!/N-ai cum!
You’re joking!= Glumești!
Unbelievable! =Incredibil!

Do you understand?
When you are speaking to someone it is important that you understand each other. If you
don’t understand something, ask your partner to explain what they mean. If they don’t understand
you, explain what you mean. Use these expressions to help you.

When you don’t understand

I don’t understand.=Nu înțeleg!
Could you repeat that?=Ai putea repeat asta?
Could you say that again?= Mai spui odată?
What do you mean, exactly?= Ce vrei să spui, mai exact?
I’m not sure what you mean.= Nu sunt sigur la ce te referi.
Can you explain that?= Poți să explici asta?

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