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Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica Bachiller Lic.

Martínez Ross.

Comunicación especializada en inglés.

Gps Jewelry

Joaquín Estadeo Briceño Valades
Moisés Abraham Cruz Cano
Rubicela Cruz Hernández
Luis Alberto Sánchez Ortiz

Resultado de Aprendizaje:
1.2 Describe responsabilidades propias del desarrollo
de funciones y tareas laborales mediante
condicionales y modales verbales.

The most important rules for the employee and the employer are as follows, remembering that the
responsibility falls on both positions. As in any other job, there are rules that are in place to maintain
order in the company. At gps jewellery we are committed to the security of our clients, this is to say
that we offer the best quality for our demanding clientele.

Our job is to ensure the quality of our product. The employee and the employer must prioritize the
client. It is important that the employee knows his obligations and must not violate any rule, he must
therefore respect the rules as well as he should pursue quality work and should at the same time
maintain the standards.
8 Employee responsibilities.

1.The employee must be responsable and puntual.

2.The empleoyee has to realize his tasks and activities in time

and form.

3.The empleoyee should consume the necessary inputs and


4.The empleoyee must keep his area of work clean and tidy.

5.The empleoyee has to take part in activities to help in his


6.The empleoyee must expire with the equipment of safety.

7.The empleoyee must take care of the public spaces of the


8.The employee must be with equipment to improve the times of production.

8 Employer responsibilities.

1. The employer must provide a place of free work of risks.

2. The employer has to check that the employees have and use tools and sure equipment-s
3. The employer must provide training as for safety
4. The employer must try the care of the health of
the employees and of the environments of work.
5. The employer has to pay the remuneration of
the work in the amount that corresponds.
6. The employer must provide medical
examinations when some employee needs it.
7. The employer has to implement all the
measures of hygiene and safety in the work.
8. The employer must provide all the pertinent
information to the employees

14 Employee's rights
1. The employee must be treated witth dignity and respect.
2. The employee has to have a schedule of food.
3. The employee must have a day of rest a week.
4. The employee has to have a working space with sure conditions.
5. The employee has to get a just payment for the realized work.
6. The employee must receive a just payment for overtime works.
7. The employee has to receive training.
8. The employee must be corrected privately.
9. The employee have to receive an igalitarian
10. The employee muts have rigth to give his
opinion in a disagremeet.
11. The employee must have vacations in
conformity with the law of the work.
12. The employee must have rigth tothe
promotion and formation in the work.
13. The employee must have rigth to the
disability in case of suffering hurts or
14. The employee must have right receive the resources and materials adapted
to recover his activities.
14 activities prohibited within the workplace.

1. The employee mustn’t use the cellular in working hours.

2. The employee mustn’t visit areas to which it has the access restricted.
3. The employee mustn’t introduce food to the areas of work.
4. The employee mustn’t leave his area of work to go out to smoke.
5. The employee mustn´t generate
conflicts or fights.
6. The employee mustn’t steal articles
without authorization of the company
7. The employee mustn’t destroy tools
or machines of the company.
8. The employee mustn’t sleep in
working hours.
9. The employee mustn’t realize activities
of game in the areas of work.
10. The employee mustn’t throw
garbage in his area of work.
11. The employee mustn’t discriminate or harass his companions of work
12. The employee mustn’t introduce to the company alcoholic drinks, drugs or
controlled substances.
13. The employee must’t use offensive language with his companions orclients.
14. The employee mustn’t listen to music with headphones in the area of work.
Gps Jewellery is a company dedicated to the
manufacture of jewellery using GPS technology
and its obsession with creating the perfect
jewellery. Chetumal Branch: Pablo González # 363.
Zip code 77016.

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