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Filamer Christian University

Roxas Avenue, Roxas City, 5800



W a genius teenager, Paul Stephens
The movie revolves around
(played by Christopher Collet), who decides to create his own
version of an atomic bomb to showcase to the New York science
fair. His mother, Elizabeth (Jill Eikenberry), is dating the
enthusiastic John Mathewson (John Lithgow), research engineer at
a secret atomic lab that creates nuclear weapons for warfare.

When Paul observe genetic mutations of plants situated near the

secret atomic laboratory, he then suspects that the lab is involve
in nuclear experiments. Paul along with his friend Jenny was able
to obtain some superpurified plutonium with the help of
MOVIE TITLE Mathewson’s access card that he stole. He broke into the
laboratory and was able to avoid security cameras on that night.
The Manhattan Project With their evidences at hand, the two planned on exposing the
dangerous activities happening in the secret laboratory. His
actions later trigger a major manhunt by the secret service.

In an effort to expose the lab, Paul devised a plan to return the

PLOT bomb on his own terms. Ensuring Jenny is a safe distance away,
he calls the agents from a pay phone and walks into the lab with
Ingenious adolescent Paul the bomb while being surrounded by snipers and agents. During
Stephens (Christopher Collet) the standoff, negotiations stall and Paul arms the bomb. John,
learns about the grim convinced that Paul is not an actual terrorist, attempts to
prospects of nuclear intercede on his behalf.
aftermath when his mom
becomes romantically Due to radiation from the plutonium, the bomb's timer suddenly
activates on its own and begins to count down with increasing
involved with government
speed. Paul suggests taking the bomb to a quarry outside of the
scientist John Mathewson town, but John points out how it is just another of Paul's ridiculous
(John Lithgow), who is ideas, as the bomb has a nuclear blast yield nearly five times
currently experimenting with bigger than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.
the ingredients for atomic
warfare. Shaken by what he Desperate to defuse the bomb, all sides put down their weapons
sees, Paul decides to nab the and frantically work as a team to dismantle it. They manage to
destructive materials and disarm the bomb a fraction of a second before it explodes. After a
make a small-scale display of brief moment of relief, Conroy decides to arrest Paul. John refuses
their horrible powers at the to cooperate and opens the door to the lab, revealing a large
crowd, including Jenny and the press. The film ends with Paul
New York Science Fair, but
freely departing the scene.
the Secret Service isn't
pleased with his actions. REFLECTION:

INITIAL RELEASE: 13 June There are few realizations that came to mind after watching this
1986 movie. First, we must be vigilant in ensuring the safety of our
community. Paul reminds me that it takes enough amount of
DIRECTOR: Marshall bravery to do what is right not just for himself but also for the
Brickman people around him. Second, government should practice utmost
transparency when it comes to scientific experiments especially if
BOX OFFICE: 3.9 million USD the community is at stake. After all, it is the right of the people in
(US) the community to be given untarnished information about
government activities. Lastly, the government should make the
safety of its people its topmost priority. In this movie, the secret
lab experiments on a superpurified plutonium caused genetic
Marshall Brickman, Tom mutations of organisms in the vicinity making it unhealthy and
Baum could negatively affect public health.

The movie is fun to watch and I will definitely recommend it to my

students and colleagues!

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