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Izilandria Alcorn

Test question analysis

Part A:
When looking for samples of test questions, I decided to choose grades 3-5. I then
looked at the ELPA2 standards. I then decided to look at the mathematics sample tests
for grades three to five. This is the question I decided to examine and analyze.
Sample A – Multiple Choice: Exactly how many sides does a square have?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Part B. Answer the questions below about the test question. Refer to course materials
to justify your answers.
1. Is there a specific "test language" in the question? If so, what is it? How could
you change it to be more comprehensible to your ELLs?
If an ell is just entering third grade they may have trouble if they are unaware of the test
vocabulary. (sides and squares). In order to change it to be more comprehensible to
ELLs by giving a definition or a visual next or under the question in order to help support
test language.
2. Are there any grammar structures that might impede your ELLs'
understanding of the question? If yes, what? How would you change this for a
greater chance of understanding?
In order to ensure my students are best supported it’s my job as a teacher to
teach test-taking and study skills. In chapter 9 within the E&E textbook, it is crucial to
teach the organization of notes as well as test-taking skills. I think in order to change the
question I would put it with simpler vocabulary. “How many sides does a square have?”
by taking out the exactly it takes the “trick word” out of the mathematics question.
3. Is there any vocabulary that might be confusing or unknown to your ELLs? If
so, what? How would you change this to help your ELLs?
I think that ELL students could be confused if they didn’t know what multiple
meant. Since the questions are multiple-choice ELLS might misunderstand how
to answer or even approach the questions. As a teacher, it is important to
preview and review as mentioned in our textbook in chapter 9. It is crucial to
understand the language of mathematics in order for students to understand and
grow in this subject area.
4. Is there any visual support to help your ELLs make sense of the question? If
yes, how does it help? If no, what visual support could you include?
As mentioned before I would use visual support, by having students review what
different shapes look like with the word underneath it. Or, I would have the vocabulary
words with the definitions underneath it. (having a square, circle, and triangle visual
aid). This allows for students to engage with mathematics using different
comprehension strategies.
5. What other issues might your ELLs have with this test question, and how
might you address these issues?
As I mentioned above, the format of the question may be confusing to ELL’s. In order to combat
that I would have preview and review strategies as well as “study guides” for students in order to
support them in growing their vocabulary. As I’ve taken diversity courses it’s important to
scaffold visual learning as well as use different comprehension strategies.

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