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“A Change Within”

Half a century of oppression, Tyranny, and Cruelty had passed. Foreign

battleships, artillery, and military left our land. Our flag raised in full dignity and colours.
An independent government formed and fortified by laws. A nation formed by people
with its own rights, language and identity to be proud of. The Philippines is free at last,
or isn’t it? Corruption, poverty, dirty politics, and other national problems both minor and
major are present and imminent nowadays.

Moral and character crisis is sweeping around the country. We are in need of a
change, a change that will not come from others but with you. We have to eradicate the
image of a common Filipino which is still bound to the old culture of being idle and going
through the flow. We have to become a new Filipino bound with the new culture of being
disciplined, righteous, and persevering. A new Filipino which is honest and loyal and a
new Filipino full of patriotism for his country.

The Filipino youth is the answer and the fulfillment of this dream. We will be
future leaders and forth runners of this nation. The future of our country is at our hands
and it is on a hanging balance. If we fail to change, our country will continue to
deteriorate. But if we succeed, our country will shine again with its full glory.

So why is it that I’m persuading you to change? What is the true dilemma of our
society? The truth is corruption and other problems are just contributors in the
deterioration of our country. Our culture is the one to be blamed of. Many countries such
as the korea were once full of corrupt political leaders, but where are they now? They
rose as the 13th largest economy in the world. The secret lies in their culture of being
hard working. We have our own hardworking people but what becomes imminent is the
culture of consumerism. We tend to consume our gains faster than we produce. We
don’t think for the future but just think of today.

We are always saying that we love our country and we’re proud of it but do
nothing to save it from its demise. These effects conjugate together and form and
impassable barriers towards a better future. The enemy and one to be blamed for are
our selves. Educational reforms and social revolutions will not succeed if we ourselves
will not change our attitude, values and perspective in life. The sole solution to these
problems is change “within”, a change that will start at us, a change that will create an
unbreakable chain of changes among others, and a change that will break that
impassable barrier. We can become a new Filipino, and when that day comes, I assure
you the Philippines is free at last.

Abasolo, Jay Santos


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