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Ending a romantic relationship is one of the most

painful and unforgettable experience in our lives, but by

following these simple steps and tips, you can make it
easier for both sides. First, to make a start for an end, you
should gradually keep a distance from he/she by avoiding
some of his/her phone calls and meetings and make
some acceptable excuses for that. The next step is to tell
him/her that it's about time to put an end to the
relationship and you and he/she cannot be together any
more. This is the most difficult and bitter stage not only
to you but also him/her. Therefore, make sure that you
explain to him/her in a clear and comprehensible way
and answer any of his/her questions frankly so that
he/she can understand thoroughly the reason why this
end is the best choice for both sides. After you and
he/she have decided to seperate, it is inevitable that you
will feel so lonely, and depressed. Go to somewhere to
enjoy yourself, immerse yourself in blue sea, confide in
someone you trust or ask for your family and friend's
helps are some ways you can do to relieve the pain in
your soul, forget it quickly and be ready to write a new
love story. A breakup does not only make both parties
feel heartbroken but also give you and he/she some
valuable lessons and expriences for your future

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