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5/5/2020 Career Cruising - Print My EDP


Personal Profile for MITCHELL JEBB


Grade Grade 12

Career Matchmaker Results (Top 10 careers) : Mitch


Career Suggestions

1. Film and TV Crew

2. Director of Photography

3. Vending Machine Servicer

4. Special Effects Technician

5. Auto Detailer

6. Camera Operator

7. Automobile Assembler

8. Recording Engineer

9. Lighting Technician

10. Heavy Equipment Operator

Learning Styles

You are a Tactile Learner!

Your Learning Style Inventory results indicate you have a strong preference for tactile learning. This means
that in most situations you will find it easier to understand and recall information if you use this method.
Read more about the tactile learning method and how to use it to help you learn.

Your Learning Styles

Visual Learning 15 % 1/5
5/5/2020 Career Cruising - Print My EDP

Auditory Learning 20 %

Tactile Learning 65 %

Tactile Learning

As a tactile learner, you learn best from hands-on experience where you can manipulate something in
order to learn about it. The more you are able to touch and manipulate the information the easier it will be for
you to learn. You learn by doing so you tend to learn better when some type of physical activity is involved.
Here are some things you can do to help you learn:

Rewrite your notes or type them on the computer

Think through a problem while doing something physical like exercise
Make diagrams, notes, and flash cards as a way of being physical with the information
Actively work the information you are learning by making models or doing demonstrations and
practice assignments
Use role playing to practice skills or act out what you are learning
Take short breaks for physical activity when studying

Since you learn best by doing, look for ways to be active with the information you are trying to learn by using
the information in some way to incorporate movement. You may find it helpful to act out material with a study
partner, go on field trips or visit museums and science centers.

Other Assessments

My Saved Careers

Career Your Thoughts

Corporate / Commercial Lawyer

My Saved Pathways

1st Choice: Engineering/Manufacturing & Industrial Technology

2nd Choice: Health Sciences

My Saved Schools

School Your Thoughts

Michigan State University 2/5
5/5/2020 Career Cruising - Print My EDP

My Saved Majors

Major Your Thoughts

Pre-Law Studies

Education History

High school, Swan valley high school

October 2003 - August 2007
I received a high school diploma

My Saved Scholarships

Scholarship Name Your Thoughts

Coca-Cola Scholars Program

Seabee Memorial Association Scholarship

Career and Life Goals

Short Term Goals

My short term goal is to graduate high school with a 4.0 GPA.

Long Term Goals

Graduate from Michigan State University with a degree

Post-Secondary Goals

Career Goals - Career Cluster Interests

1st Choice: Business, Management, Marketing & Technology

2nd Choice: Human Services

Career Goals - Careers that Interest Me

1st Choice: Accounting

2nd Choice: Mechanical engineer

3rd Choice: Chemical engineering 3/5
5/5/2020 Career Cruising - Print My EDP

Career Goals - Career Cluster Interests

Educational Goals - Level of Education

Master's Degree (5-6 years after high school)

Educational Goals - Schools that Interest Me

1st Choice: Michigan State University

2nd Choice:

3rd Choice:

Financial Plans - Sources of Funding

Other Scholarships




Extracurricular Activities

May 2005 - February 2020
I love to play baseball and I'm very good at it

Hobbies & Interests

My hobbies and interest our staying active and meeting new people and also
Baseball communicating with my friends. Also i enjoying playing baseball throughout the

Skills and Abilities

Able to multitask I am very good at multitasking

People person I get along very well with a lot of other people

Awards & Certificates 4/5
5/5/2020 Career Cruising - Print My EDP
First Team All-State
May 2018
I have got this award several times

Volunteer Experiences

Pay It Forward
January 2012 - May 2017
We would go around helping families in need

Work Experiences

Saginaw athletic club

August 2019 - To Present 2019

Student Signature: _________________________________

Parent Signature: __________________________________

Teacher / Advisor Signature: _______________________________ 5/5

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