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6/11/2018 Brain Alchemy Masterclass - Home Study

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Is there a way to make your company stand out in a noisy The Brain Alchemy
Masterclass HomeStudy
(Don't you sometimes feel like you're spending money and energy without ever really
getting ahead? Doesn't it drive you crazy that you seem to be working longer hours and
there's no relief in sight?)

Presenting the Brain Alchemy Masterclass Home Study Version

Yes, it's true. The difference between you struggling in your business and zooming ahead is
understanding the structure of business. Working hard is great, but it's not the solution to
your problems.

Let me tell you a story about me trying to get into my wife's car Learn Why Marketing is not the
Solution and why structure is so
One day I was headed to yoga class and it's a bit of a love-hate relationship with yoga. important.
Some days I like it. Some days I get to the class kicking and screaming. And this was one of
those ‘kicking and screaming days.' I got to the garage and…my car battery was dead. My Business Owners &
wife won't take no for an answer and hands me her keys. So grudgingly I get into her car Professionals!

and drive off to yoga class. The class drags on for 90 minutes and I can't wait to get home Do you own a business or are in
because we're going out to dinner that night. And I stick the key in the car door and guess charge of growing a business?
what? Then the Home Study version of
this extensive Brain Alchemy
The dumb door won't open MasterClass is for you!

(Please print out this page and

I turn the key. Won't budge. I try again and again and again. I try the other door. Two girls
read it carefully. There's lots of
passing by suggest I try getting in through the boot. That won't open too. It's cold. It's
information and it may be harder
about to start raining. And it's getting darker and colder by the minute. I give up. I call my to read online)
wife to get a friend to pick me up. (My car's battery is dead too, remember?) So there I am
standing in the cold, twisting that key out of shape and cursing my luck.
Listen to the audio files below. All
And my eye catches this letter Z of these participants were
skeptical. After all it's a lot of
And I follow the letter. It says ZC and the numbers that follow. As I read more I realise that
money and time invested when
my wife's car is two cars down. Here I am trying to literally break into someone's car, driving you go to any training. All of the
myself crazy and cursing my luck, when the correct car is just two cars away. I look at the participants below spent their
car I've been struggling to get into. And the one I'm supposed to get into. And they look hard earned money.
alike. Same colour. Same model. And in the dark, they pretty much look the same. Have you heard of a lawn
mower guarantee?
Are you getting into the wrong car? Well here you go. If you aren't
making profits from this Home
You know how to drive. You have the key. You have the fuel. But you're getting into the
Study version send it back for a
wrong car. And that's why you're driving yourself completely totally bonkers. You see, you full refund. I don't care if you ran
don't have to change a lot in your business. You just have to get the structure right. If you the lawnmower over the Home
don't get the structure right, you could be doing the very same business as someone else — Study. Just put it in a box and
and they're raking it in, while you struggle. send it back and I'll be happy to
refund your money right away!
Stop the struggle today See what mega marketing and
advertising gurus and clients had
In fact, the fastest way for a person without a big bankroll to get rich is to understand the
to say about part of PsychoTactics
structure of business, and then turbo-charge your marketing. It’s the safest way to roll out
and PsychTactics Products
an amazing business that works and works like you want it to. With a small budget and a
limited test, you can find out what works — then roll it out in a massive way. The Brain Audit is just one of the
topics which will be covered in the
Brain Alchemy MasterClass 1/6
6/11/2018 Brain Alchemy Masterclass - Home Study

No matter what business you’re in — a structured marketing system is the best way to Also Read Testimonials of those
exponentially increase your sales . who have trained with

Here's why structure is so important Did they get value?

Judge for yourself!

Picture this.
You're building a home and it's your dream home. You put in some amazing furniture. You
choose the colour for each room. You fuss over the soft lighting. Everything is perfect and
the home looks like a million bucks. Till a storm comes along and whammo, down comes the
structure. So what's the use of a fancy-schmancy home if you don't have a structure? Have
you seen how businesses that struggle go through this yo-yo phase of too much or too little?
It's always feast or famine. That's because these businesses don't understand structure. And
they struggle. And so will you. Unless you decide to fix the structure of your business.
A wake-up call for relentless
It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, or what product or service you have. If it is of positive thinkers with chronically
good value to consumers, you’ll learn the exact strategies that will help you create the negative bank accounts. If
you're wondering why your
structure to drive customers to you… in droves!
benefit-driven marketing isn't
hitting the mark, Sean knows
Even better…
why and he'll tell you. Then he'll
You'll learn the key to leverage. How to roll out a system that you can use to make multiple show you what you can do about
streams of income. No, no…you don't have to go out and buy real estate and shares. This is it so you can be a lot richer, and
all in your brain. And you do it once — and get paid for it hundreds and thousands of times your customers will be a lot
over. Then you leverage it several times over… and suddenly your income and your freedom
is exponential. I know what I just said may
sound like a contradiction to
The key to freedom is in the Home Study you, but, I assure you, it's an
ongoing reality. I had to learn
When you get the Home Study you get the path. Not pieces of the puzzle. The whole puzzle the hard way what Sean will
with the complete picture. And you get all the pieces handed out to you. One by one. All you teach you easily in this ebook.

have to do is put the pieces into place. No creativity needed. No do-it -yourself. Just simple, —David Garfinkel
structured instruction so you can roll out your marketing strategy like you paid a whole Copywriting Genius and author

$25,000 or more for it.

“This power-packed program contains some of the best marketing and

sales ideas ever discovered.”

Brian Tracy – Author, The Psychology of Selling. Brian has given more then
2,000 talks and seminars to over 3 million people, and has worked with more than 500
companies worldwide. Brian Tracy has produced more than 300 audio and video learning
programs covering the entire spectrum of human and corporate performance. How would you like a 400%
growth online? Find out how
Simon's site exploded when he
Call any marketing coach and find out what it would cost you… implemented the PsychoTactics
If you hired a marketing coach, what you'll get is someone in a suit who has done most of
his/her reading from some books. Or someone who's part of some multi-country franchise —Simon Hertnon
and doesn't know marketing from a bar of soap. I kid you not. I've had people like this Search Engine Optimizer and
attend my training sessions before and they don't know the first word in marketing. Yet
they'll slam you with a monthly invoice of $1500 – $2500 to ‘help' you in your marketing.

About 6 months later, you'll decide marketing doesn't work…

About 12 months later, you'll fire the coach. And you'll have spent a big chunk of money for
really mediocre advice. This is not counting all the advertising they'll convince you to do. Or
to spend money on brochures, direct mail and stuff that is so wrong that you might as well A session with Sean is like going
have never started at all. to the dentist. It's awful when
you're in the chair, but you feel
great afterwards! I'm all ready
You don't have to struggle. You can get it right the first time
to floss daily 2/6
6/11/2018 Brain Alchemy Masterclass - Home Study

And it won't cost a fortune either. You can get all of the intensive three day learning, —Julia Doak
Entrepreneur & Multiple
strategies, discussions, hot- seats…plus the manual. And you get all of this on audio CD, so
Franchise Owner, New Zealand
you can listen to it at home or in the car.

Also get the Big Bonuses with the Premium Home Study Pack Only

Bonus 1: (Worth $3000) Critiques by Sean

Every time Sean critiques a sales page or any marketing material, there
is a fixed fee of $1500 per critique. As part of the Program, you will be
entitled to two complete critiques worth $3000 (Note: Critiques must be
availed of before the end of a year from date of purchase)

Click Button to Listen how useful

Bonus 2: (Worth $300) Cave Chronicles
it is in day-to-day activities of
attracting clients, even
An additional book with articles on marketing, sales, customer
if you're just starting up
conversion, internet marketing, and more. Every article will give you in business.
ideas you can implement immediately and you will be able to see the
—Mike Smyth
benefits immediately. One of these ideas increased our sales by 267%.
Lawyer, Sports Counsel

Bonus 3: (Worth $400) Swift Kick How To Series Pack

6 mp3 audio training programs of 35-45 minute . Accompanied by an
ebook and the transcript.*How Saying NO To Your Clients Works In Your
I've bought all of Sean's books.
*How To Have Fewer Clients and Make More Profits
I've literally analysed his website
*Seven Powerful Keys to a Knockout Presentation to find out just why it's so
*How To Use The Incredible Power of Why, What and How magnetic. I've become a 5000
*How To Power Your Brain: B.C member and attended his
Power Learning Brain Techniques
*How To Be A Master Of Your Destiny: How to Beat Depresssion & And I'm ready to buy anything
Increase Your Focus he's willing to put out, knowing
full well that I will get much
These are recordings from Live Teleclasses. The sound quality is based
more than value for my money.
on teleconference quality.
—Samantha F Bihary

So here's why you should get your hands on the Home Study Version today

From me you can expect no mercy. I'll give you the no-nonsense facts. Every single
strategy. Every tactic. As I've done for large $400 million companies as effectively as I've
done for small businesses. You will find to your joy, excitement and profit that at
PsychoTactics, we believe that the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Click Button to Listen why Alan
took over 40 pages of notes in
So what's the pudding all about? just one day. And how Alan
plans to use the information
learned to improve the systems
Here’s a list of just some of the topics that will be covered at the seminar. You will learn: of his multinational clients

—Alan Murray
Managing Director AMG Group
1. The Spider's Secret. How to get customers to call you instead of you
chasing them.
2. How to get your fee paid 100% in advance every time.
3. How to create a huge demand for your product or service. This secret is
over 10,000 years old and works every single time. And most business
doesn't use it.
4. Why your website, business card and your advertising can turn out to be
a total waste of resources and effort. How the eye sees things and what
causes customers to buy.
5. The secrets of being able to sell the same product or service at up to How Ryder was able to apply
tools he used at the
400% higher prices.
PsychoTactics workshop in under 3/6
6/11/2018 Brain Alchemy Masterclass - Home Study

6. How to create a sequential system that will bring business even if you 24 hours. And how his sales
grew 15% the very next day.
don't have a single new customer.
7. The Three Prong system. This tool will change the way you look at your —Ryder Senior
business forever. Ignore at your risk. Managing Partner Frog Prints

8. How we got over US$40,000 worth of products complimentary this year

alone…and how you can do it too.
9. Piggybacking: You'll laugh and cry when you see how simple it is to
piggyback on the success of others. The more the others succeed, the
more you succeed. And all at zero cost to you.
10. The Secrets of Conversion. How to engage and make your customer
never want to leave you, and instead, continuously buy from you.
11. What no book or training course will teach you about structure and pre-
marketing. And how to create less work for yourself.
12. The concept of how to create products when you have no time
whatsoever. Yes, we know you're busy as it is. Why Jackie's business partner
had to go out and buy her a
dictaphone and how she got her
Plus the Big Bonus valued at US $3700! first AHA! moment in less than
30 minutes. Learn how the
Three Prong system made
What’s the Cost? everything click for Jackie.

A lot less than you would expect. This advice is condensed, sharpened and honed to give —Jackie O’Fee
Managing Partner Signature
you all the strategies we know to make you successful. The advice you're getting here is well
worth over $30,000 or more. This probably qualifies it as the most lucrative marketing
investment you will ever make in your business.

Can you afford not to have this Home Study course?

Read this testimonial:

The reason I have so much
“We always managed to get a consistent stream of clients. However, the on this year is because I am
following your system to the
PsychoTactics training enabled us to acquire the BIG clients including a
letter and it is generating so
multinational that alone was worth US$1.2 million.” much extra business for me!

Kevin Weston, Top Sales Person of the Year I have already doubled my sales
from last year in the first 3
Corporate Traveller (Flight Centre Group)
months of this year (and my
sales last year were not
Are you prepared to lose out on all these profits? —Dr. Andre Bates
Campbell Belman Europe Ltd.
Here's another testimonial:

“Believe it! Sean's methods work! I'm thrilled and astounded! By using Sean's
methods for just ONE article to get more business, we got 62 responses! We
are well on our way to meeting our revenue goals. Thanks Sean!” PsychoTactics has an
accountability factor. However it
Diane Winder, Educational Consultant would not work and would be
laughed at if there were no
substance to the teaching - and
there is plenty of that.

And you get our ‘Smiley Guarantee' Sean's a winner, and he also
knows a barnful of them.
I recommend that you NEVER buy anything that isn't 100% guaranteed. And with this
—Anthony Smits
homestudy you get our ‘Smiley Guarantee'. Which means that if you decide all this Puzzles 4 Education Small
information is rubbish, you can literally email us and we'll give you all your money back. Business Owner
With no questions asked. 4/6
6/11/2018 Brain Alchemy Masterclass - Home Study

Email me within 30 days for a complete refund. And I'll be happy to refund your money with
a smile.

Opportunity waits for no one

Don't delay. Delay isn't going to make your life better. Stop struggling and find out how to
create an amazingly powerful business. And do it today. You owe it to yourself.

Here's another testimonial: You really need to have this Home Study to improve your
business. Look at what this participant has to say:
Click Button to Listen... it brings
clarity and focus to your
It's a scary thing to commit yourself to a year's TV advertising in a crowded
market (dialup internet access) when you have never done so before, and so
many mistakes have been made by others. It could be a very expensive Learn how Eugene was able to
mistake; one my company couldn't afford. However, using the principles build a whole new process that
helped his clients win business
learned from Psychotactics, we crafted and produced a TV advert that got the
for themselves time after time.
phones ringing, and they still ring! We are *extremely* grateful to Sean.
Thank You! —Eugene Moreau
CEO-Edge 4

Lance Hunt – – Queensland, Australia

Can you afford to have your phone not ringing the whole time? You know it. It's not worth
missing out on the dollars for the pennies. And you have instalments. Don't delay. Make a Thank you for being such a great
guest (on the Guerilla Marketing
decision to improve your business today! Reserve your Home Study right away and avail
Call) and explaining the Brain
yourself of all the goodies that come with it too! Audit!

—Jay Conrad Levinson

How to Guarantee the Home Study Version is in your hands and ready for Author,
you to implement as soon as possible!

Regular Brain
Products Alchemy

3 days CD's of Non-Stop Vital Information

Brain Alchemy Course Material Folder


Cave Chronicles Binder

(Worth $300)

Critiques by Sean

(Worth $3000)

Swift Kick How-To Audio Series

(Worth $400)

6 mp3 downloads
and transcripts

Pay Safely With Any Of The Options Below

To pay by Credit Card Full Payment Full

US$2195 Payment 5/6
6/11/2018 Brain Alchemy Masterclass - Home Study


Note: To pay please email Renuka

Note: All Payments are in US Dollars.

How important is it for you to change the way you think?

If you're hesitating, that's probably proof that you need this more than ever. It will totally
change the way you do things. You are in charge of your own future and this is your
stepping stone. Don't back away. Make this choice that can do wonders for you.

There's absolutely no risk! Register now for the Brain Alchemy MasterClass Home Study
version. If you wish to email us with your details or call us for any reason, do it as quickly as

Call on 09 449 0009 or 021-236 1415 (Ask for Renuka or Sean) or email me using the form
at the bottom of the page

Sean D'Souza

If you have any questions that have been unanswered, please email me directly and let me
know how I can help. I'd be interested in getting your feedback. The feedback that you give
me, is strictly confidential. Don't forget to include your telephone number and a time to call

Unsure About Something? What Bugs Me?

If you have any questions that haven't been answered, Does anything on this website bug you? Nothing is too
please email me directly and let me know how I can small or too big.
If there is something we can fix, we’d love to know. In fact, we’ll send
I'd be interested in getting your feedback. you a very cool postcard as a thank you when you report a bug.
The feedback that you give me, is strictly confidential. Click here to report a bug.
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