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Book 1

Frederick P. Book

Maureen Ruski


24 September 2019

Chapter 3: Negative Effects of Spanking

The main point of the video was to discuss the doctor’s book The Primordial

Violence[ CITATION Str14 \l 1033 ]. How and what Dr. Straus found with his compiling of

over 100 studies.

The importance of the subject falls in how we develop the next generation. As

was pointed out, the vast majority 93% of the research shows spanking is harmful to the

child. Only 7% of children that were spanked were not negatively affected.

What affected me most was the idea that spanking serves as a model for

domestic violence. Nearly as troubling, the idea that the spanking was a part of the adult

relationships, that is, if something doesn’t go your way, hitting (spanking) is a solution.

The idea of modeling a life I want my children to lead, directly speaks to me.


Straus, Murray A. The Primordial Violence : Spanking Children. New York: Routledge, 2014.


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