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Growth Over Time Reflection 

The academic preparedness competency I chose was argument. This allowed me to

show the growth in my ability to gather clues and evidence to create and defend my position on

any matters I get into. The first artifact included is “Take a Stand. Take a Cause. Take a Knee.” I

completed it October 30, 2017, for Ms. Cave’s Honors English 10 class. For this artifact, the task

was to create an argument for the NFL controversy with Colin Kaepernick, who kneeled during

the national anthem as a means of protest. The second artifact

included is “Animal Bill of RIghts”. I completed it November 15, 2019 for Dr. Schuetze-Coburn’s

ERWC class.. For this artifact, I had to develop a stance for the topic of animal rights and we

were allowed to tackle the issue from any angle which gave me more to think about. These two

artifacts demonstrate growth because the skills that have been polished and strengthened are

shown within the essays. Despite being on two different topics, I think that my arguments in 12th

grade versus 10th grade are more mature and considered more possibilities that could be taken

on the matter. I think what really helped with that was taking AP English Language with Dr.

Schuetze-Coburn. Despite not doing as well as I thought on the AP exam I learned a lot and it

definitely carried on into my senior year.

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