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Elizabeth Davis

Drifting away in the vast void of space; 

Shimmerless are the stars shining dull. 
Thoughts contort around me, similar to that of lace, 
Intricate and beautiful filling my head till its full. 
Shimmerless are the stars, shining dull. 
Left to dream, dreams too distant to chase. 
Intricate and beautiful, filling my head till its full; 
It drowns me as I idle and bate. 
Left to dream, dreams too distant to chase. 
Staring at the world from a distance, left to mull. 
It drowns me as I idle and bate, 
Till I can no longer fight it and my entity goes null. 
Staring at the world from a distance, left to mull 
On whether my isolation was my own fault that I’m in this
perpetual state, 
Till I can no longer fight it and my body goes null. 
Time passes onto a number I can no longer trace 
On whether my isolation was my own fault that I’m in this
perpetual state, 
Echoes against my skull. 
Time passes onto a number I can no longer trace. 
I am cull. 
echoes against my skull; 
Thoughts contort around me, like that of lace; 
I am cull, 
Drifting away in the vast void of space.

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