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TJ Smith Pandemic Journal 1 4-1-20

This has been a crazy adventure. Honestly, I still am not sure how I feel about all of it. In

the past, I haven’t been very flexible to big changes in the past, but now I am being forced to

bend to some sudden big changes (such as not seeing any of my friends or teachers for likely

the rest of my final trimester of Senior year, or missing my senior prom, or having no friends to

be with on my 18th birthday). Unfortunately, I also happen to fall into a high risk group with my

Common Variable Immune Deficiency. We found out about it when I was 10, and once I moved

here to cottonwood heights I started receiving subcutaneous Cuvitru Infusions (which is a blood

product called Gamma Globulin) every week. My mom would often tell me that if there was

ever a big epidemic, she would be notified immediately, first in line by the school nurses, that I

needed to be in quarantine and stay at my home for a 6 week period or until it died down. I

never thought it would actually happen, and I definitely didn’t think it would be a pandemic if it

did!! This has been a totally crazy rollercoaster experience; with an earthquake, my sister

getting sent home from her mission, the rest of highschool being totally screwed up, being

stuck in quarantine with no visitors every, having my own mission call postponed likely by 12-18

months, and so many weird changes I just didn’t think I’d face at this time.

There are lots of positive things from this experience too though. Like I said earlier, I’m

becoming more flexible, and now I have life experience that will benefit me in the future. I’m

learning how to manage myself better, because I’m not constantly watched over and told what

to do, I now have to focus and make sure I get my school assignments done and I understand

material. That can be extremely stressful, but I feel like I’m starting to get the hang of it. In

addition, I have throughout this year tried to notice the parts of my day I love more. I already

had gained more perspective and I was really happy with everything because I was so happy to
TJ Smith Pandemic Journal 1 4-1-20

see everyone every day, and be out in the sunlight, and have an excuse to drive places all the

time, and meet new people really conveniently, and dance in ballroom every day, and just be

out and about doing things. Then this happened. I was not even close to actually realizing how

awesome my days were! So the last, and I think most important thing I’m gaining from all this,

is an appreciation for how many opportunities and really good experiences are around me

constantly. I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and we believe that

God has a constant hand in our lives, and has made a plan for us, and whether anyone believes

in that or not, this experience is showing how many things happen every day that benefit us;

it’s not all bad, especially compared to this.

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