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TJ Smith Pandemic Journal #2 4-2-20

This is definitely a time to be remembered! Every day brings a new perspective it seems.

It’s so strange to be stuck at home doing regular schoolwork day in and day out, and watching

the weather become more and more like summer, without actually being at school! This is

perhaps the first time in my life that I can remember when I am not in school daily, and hanging

out with friends, and going out doing things, while summer approaches. I still feel those exciting

nostalgic feelings, but I can’t actually go out and do anything I usually do! However, I am

enjoying the excitement of finding ways to use that energy while I’m stuck at home. I’ve

resorted to doing things like wearing my sunglasses I never wear, and sitting on the front porch

smelling the wonderful smell of the outdoors (something I haven’t done much in the past, but

because I can’t go out and do something in the fresh air, that’s my most convenient second

choice). It’s fun to look back at old memories from the past at this time on my google photos;

but at the same time it’s shocking I can’t go do any of that right now, it isn’t even an option.

In 25 years, if there were just a small list of things I wanted to remember from this, I

would hope that most of all I remembered how much I can appreciate all the stuff that goes on

in my life constantly. It gets lonely and annoying to be kept away from friends (and girls I like,

but mostly friends), and to not be allowed to go out and do things with my time other than

watching videos, taking care of household responsibilities and school assignments, and making

pens on my lathe, along with other random activities that I think of. Along with that, I would

hope I recognize how much I love my family! Family is the only thing getting me through this! If

I was alone, I would probably get super depressed and discouraged; but this is actually starting

to be a fun experience because of all the time I get to spend with my awesome sisters and

brothers (3 sisters, 3 brothers), and I’m coming to appreciate how hard my dad and mom work
TJ Smith Pandemic Journal #2 4-2-20

to keep us safe and happy and to be our friends. The next thing I would hope I remember, is

that being lazy actually isn’t fun. I already sort of knew that, but now I really do. I went on a run

the other day, and it actually felt really good, I needed the activity of running! Running hurts

most of the time! I hope I remember how wonderful life is when you have things to do, and to

enjoy; and that people make me really happy, like my family has been at this tough time.

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