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*Foreign language study creates more positive attitude and less prejudice toward people who are

*Business skills plus foreign language skills make an employee more valuable in the market place>

*Dealing with another culture enables people to gain a more profound understanding of their own

*International travel is made easier and more pleasant through knowing a foreign language

*Graduates often cite foreign language courses as some of the most valuable courses in college because
of the communication skills developed in the process

*Foreign language study enhances one’s opportunities in government, business, medicine, law,
technology, military, industry, marketing, etc.

*The study of foreign language teaches and encourages respect for other people: it foster an
understanding of the interrelation of language and human nature.

*Foreign language study is simply part of a very basic liberal education: to “educate” is to lead out, to
lad out of confinement and narrowness and darkness.

*Foreign languages expand one’s world view limit the barriers between people: barriers cause distrust
and fear.

Affirmative side

Learning a foreign languages enriches your entire self. Knowing a foreign language can unlock cultural
and geographical parts of the world, help you understand your native language better and teach you to
process what’s around you from a different perspective. A foreign language also makes your skills more
transferable in an increasingly global economy. Structure and organization hallmarks of language.
Regardless of how many words you know, they won’t mean much if you can’t align them to
communicate your ideas to others. Studying the vocabulary and grammar of a foreign language will
subtly enhance your understanding of your native tongue. Learning a foreign language’s syntax will
broaden your general linguistic understanding. And as you learn another language’s structure and rules,
your own language will become a frame of reference for comparison, and you’ll develop better
understanding of it’s conventions . your writing and speaking will become cleaner and you’ll have an
easier time processing difficult texts. Requiring foreign language help’s to make one’s education
complete. Foreign language opens the door to understanding plenty of extra things going on this highly
connected international community. It exposes us to other cultures. We might not be able to experience
other cultures firsthand, but learning there language shows us about the culture. This can help you to
know another language. studies show that you can get about 20% higher salary then someone how only
speaks one language. Learning a new language will make you more intelligent “when they learn the
grammar rules for foreign language, student’s grammar improves”, says Samantha Roberts. You will not
just gain intelligence in grammar but also memory and speech. Learning a foreign language should be a
requirement for students while in school because there will be many positive impacts to come from it.
Learning a foreign language greatly increases our global opportunities. We are living in the world of
globalization. With the advent of the World Wide Web, the world has become increasingly interrelated.
The only barrier we have in communicating with our foreign counterparts is the ability to understand
the language they speak.

Possible question: (negative side questions)

Why do we need to know other culture if we have our own?

-yes we have our own culture but it’s better if you know the cultures of different country so you’ll
become open minded and you are more likely to understand about the world, history and current affairs

What if the students do not have enough money to pay for this requirement?

-that’s why we have scholarship for those people who can’t afford this thing

(Yes we have scholarship but it’s not fair for those people who pay just to be with that foreign language

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