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REVIEW MODULE I - 2 DC Electrical Circuits

INTRODUCTION: For example, the current passing through a resistor is

An Electric circuit is an interconnection of proportional to the voltage applied through its and the
various elements in which there is at least one closed relation is expressed as V I or V = IR. A linear element or
path in which current can flow. An Electric circuit is used network is one which satisfies the principle of
as a component for any engineering system. superposition, i.e., the principle of homogeneity and
The performance of any electrical device or additivity.
machine is always studied by drawing its electrical  Resistors, inductors and capacitors are the
equivalent circuit. By simulating an electric circuit, any examples of the linear elements and their
type of system can be studied for e.g., mechanical, properties do not change with a change in the
hydraulic thermal, nuclear, traffic flow, weather applied voltage and the circuit current.
prediction etc. Non-linear element’s V-I characteristics do not
All control systems are studied by representing follow the linear pattern i.e. the current passing through
them in the form of electric circuits. The analysis, of any it does not change linearly with the linear change in the
system can be learnt by mastering the techniques of voltage across it. Examples are the semiconductor
circuit theory. devices such as diode, transistor.
The analysis of any system can be learnt by mastering
the techniques of circuit theory.  Bilateral and Unilateral Elements:
 An element is said to be bilateral, when the
Elements of an Electric circuit:
same relation exists between voltage and
 Active elements: current for the current flowing in both
 Active elements are the elements of a circuit directions.
which possess energy of their own and can  Ex: Voltage source, Current source, resistance,
impart it to other element of the circuit. inductance & capacitance.
 Active elements are of two types
a) Voltage source b) Current source  The circuits containing them are called bilateral
 A Voltage source has a specified voltage across circuits.
its terminals, independent of current flowing
through it.  An element is said to be unilateral, when the
 A current source has a specified current through same relation does not exist between voltage
it independent of the voltage appearing across and current when current flowing in both
it. directions. The circuits containing them are
 Passive Elements: called unilateral circuits.
 The passive elements of an electric circuit do
not possess energy of their own. They receive Ex: Vacuum diodes, Silicon Diodes, Selenium
energy from the sources. The passive elements Rectifiers etc.
are the resistance, the inductance and the  Lumped and Distributed Elements
capacitance. When electrical energy is supplied
to a circuit element, it will respond in one and  Lumped elements are those elements which are
more of the following ways. very small in size & in which simultaneous
 Linear and Non-Linear Elements. actions takes place. Typical lumped elements
 Linear elements show the linear characteristics are capacitors, resistors, inductors.
of voltage & current. That is its voltage-current
characteristics are at all-times a straight-line  Distributed elements are those which are not
through the origin. electrically separable for analytical purposes.


REVIEW MODULE I - 2 DC Electrical Circuits

 For example a transmission line has distributed properties of electronic devices such as OPAMPS &
parameters along its length and may extend for Transistors.
hundreds of miles.
 Ideal & Practical sources:
 The circuits containing them are called
unilateral circuits. 1. An ideal voltage source is one which delivers
energy to the load at a constant terminal
Types of Sources: voltage, irrespective of the current drawn by
the load.
 Independent & Dependent sources:
2. An ideal current source is one, which delivers
 If the voltage of the voltage source is energy with a constant current to the load,
completely independent source of current and irrespective of the terminal voltage across the
the current of the current source is completely load.
independent of the voltage, then the sources
are called as independent sources. 3. A Practical voltage source always possesses a
very small value of internal resistance r. The
 The special kind of sources in which the source internal resistance of a voltage source is always
voltage or current depends on some other connected in series with it & for a current
quantity in the circuit which may be either a source; it is always connected in parallel with it.
voltage or a current anywhere in the circuit are As the value of the internal resistance of a
called Dependent sources or Controlled practical voltage source is very small, its
sources. terminal voltage is assumed to be almost
There are four possible dependent sources: constant within a certain limit of current
flowing through the load.
(a) Voltage dependent Voltage source
(b) Current dependent Current source 4. A practical current source is also assumed to
(c) Voltage dependent Current source deliver a constant current, irrespective of the
(d) Current dependent Current source terminal voltage across the load connected to

The constants of proportionalities are written as B, g, a,

r in which B & a has no units, r has units of ohm & g
units of mhos.

Independent sources actually exist as physical entities

such as battery, a dc generator & an alternator. But
dependent sources are used to represent electrical


REVIEW MODULE I - 2 DC Electrical Circuits

Ideal voltage source connected in series:

Practical voltage sources connected in parallel:

The equivalent single ideal voltage some is given by

V= V1 + V2

Any number of ideal voltage sources connected in

series can be represented by a single ideal voltage
some taking in to account the polarities connected
together in to consideration.
Practical voltage source connected in series:

Ideal current sources connected in series:

When ideal current sources are connected in series,

Ideal voltage source connected in parallel: what current flows through the line is ambiguous.
Hence such a connection is not permissible.

However, it I1 = I2 = I, then the current in the line is I.

But, such a connection is not necessary as only one

current source serves the purpose.

Practical current sources connected in series:

When two ideal voltage sources of emf’s V1 & V2 are

connected in parallel, what voltage appears across its
terminals is ambiguous.

Hence such connections should not be made.

Ideal current sources connected in parallel
However if V1 = V2= V, then the equivalent voltage
some is represented by V.

In that case also, such a connection is unnecessary as

only one voltage source serves the purpose.


REVIEW MODULE I - 2 DC Electrical Circuits

Two ideal current sources in parallel can be replaced equal to zero, I(exiting) + I(entering) = 0. This idea by Kirchhoff
by a single equivalent ideal current source. is commonly known as the Conservation of Charge.

Practical current sources connected in parallel

Here, the three currents entering the node, I1, I2, I3 are
all positive in value and the two currents leaving the
A network is defined as the interconnection of
node, I4 and I5 are negative in value. Then this means we
components such as resistors and batteries forming a can also rewrite the equation as;
complicated circuit.
I1 + I2 + I3 – I4 – I5 = 0
In general, the electrical networks are made to
exchange the energy between different elements
 Kirchhoff’s Second Law – The Voltage Law, (KVL)
.These electrical networks can be constructed either by Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law or KVL, states that “in any
using Resistors or Inductors or Capacitors or
closed loop network, the total voltage around the loop
combination of these elements. Network analysis is the is equal to the sum of all the voltage drops within the
process of finding the voltage response or the current
same loop” which is also equal to zero. In other words
response for any element in the network by using the the algebraic sum of all voltages within the loop must
available techniques.
be equal to zero. This idea by Kirchhoff is known as
the Conservation of Energy.
A branch (b) represents a single element such as
voltage source or a resistor
A node (n) is the point of connection between two or
more branches
A loop (l) is any close path in a circuit
A mesh is a lope which does not contain any other
loops within it.
The fundamental theorem of network topology is given
this network cannot be solved easily without the  
following laws and theorems. Starting at any point in the loop continue in the same
direction noting the direction of all the voltage drops,
THE KIRCHOFF’S LAWS either positive or negative, and returning back to the
 Kirchhoff’s First Law – The Current Law, (KCL) same starting point. It is important to maintain the
Kirchhoff’s Current Law or KCL, states that the same direction either clockwise or anti-clockwise or the
“total current or charge entering a junction or node is final voltage sum will not be equal to zero. We can use
exactly equal to the charge leaving the node as it has no Kirchhoff’s voltage law when analyzing series circuits.
other place to go except to leave, as no charge is lost When analyzing either DC circuits or AC circuits
within the node“. In other words the algebraic sum of using Kirchhoff’s Circuit Laws a number of definitions
ALL the currents entering and leaving a node must be and terminologies are used to describe the parts of the


REVIEW MODULE I - 2 DC Electrical Circuits

circuit being analyzed such as: node, paths, branches,

loops and meshes. These terms are used frequently in The superposition theorem extends the use of Ohm’s Law to
circuit analysis so it is important to understand them. circuits with multiple sources.
Definition: The current through, or voltage across, an
element in a linear bilateral network equal to the algebraic
sum of the currents or voltages produced independently by
each source.
This method offers the advantage of requiring minimum
The Superposition theorem is very helpful in determining the
number of equations needed to be written to determine the
voltage across an element or current through a branch when
desired quantities. This method is using the current law
the circuit contains multiple number of voltage or current
“Every junction in the network that represents a connection
In order to apply the superposition theorem to a network,
of three or more branches is regarded as a node. One node
certain conditions must be met.
is always considered as the reference node or zero-potential
In order to apply the superposition theorem to a network,
point, then current equations are written for the remaining
certain conditions must be met:
junctions using kirchhoff’s current law; thus; a solution is
1. All the components must be linear, for e.g.- the current is
possible with n-I equations, where n is the number of
proportional to the applied voltage (for resistors), flux linkage
is proportional to current (in inductors), etc.
Steps to determine the node voltages:
2. All the components must be bilateral, meaning that the
 Assign a reference node (ground). current is the same amount for opposite polarities of the
 Assign node voltage names to the remaining nodes. source voltage.
 Solve the easy nodes first, the ones with a voltage 3. Passive components may be used. These are components
source connected to the reference node. such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors that do not
 Write Kirchhoff's Current Law for each node. Do amplify or rectify.
Ohm's Law in your head. 4. Active components may not be used. Active components
 Solve the resulting system of equations for all node include transistors, semiconductor diodes, and electron
voltages. tubes. Such components are never bilateral and seldom
 Solve for any currents you want to know using linear.
Ohm's Law.
Procedure for applying Superposition Theorem:
THE MAXWELL’S LOOP MESH METHOD  Circuits Containing Only Independent Sources
This method was proposed by maxwell using the voltage law  Consider only one source to be active at a time.
only. The method involves a set of independent loop  Remove all other IDEAL VOLTAGE SOURCES by
currents assigned to as many meshes as exist in the circuit, SHORT CIRCUIT & all other IDEAL CURRENT SOURCES
and these currents are employed in connection with by OPEN CIRCUIT.
appropriate resistances when the Kirchhoff voltage law
equations are written. The arbitrarily assumed loop current
may or may not exist in the various resistors but when
determined will readily yield the desired values by simple
algebraic additions. The scheme offers the advantage that
fewer equations need be written to solve a given problem.

Steps to determine mesh currents:

1. Assign mesh currents to the meshes.
2. Apply KVL to each of the n meshes. Use ohm’s law
to express the voltages in terms of the mesh
3. Solve the resulting n simultaneous equations to get
the mesh currents.


REVIEW MODULE I - 2 DC Electrical Circuits

 Thevenin’s theorem states that a linear and bilateral Norton’s theorem complements Thevenin’s by replacing the
network can be replaced by an equivalent circuit network with a constant current generator (ISC) and a parallel
consisting of a voltage source V Th in series with a internal resistance RO The current I SC is the current that
resistance RTh would flow between the terminals (AB) if short circuited. The
 Where VTh is the open-circuit voltage across load internal resistance is equal to the resistance which appears
terminals, and RTh is the input or equivalent across the open-circuited branch terminals and is defined in
resistance at the terminals when all the independent the same way as for the Thevenin circuit.
sources are turned off.

Norton’s theorem can be used to transpose voltage driven

networks into current driven networks.

Determination of RTh (Thevenin’s Resistance): The resistance Use the following procedure to obtain the Norton equivalent
seen by the load, with removed load and all independent for the circuit shown,
sources turned off (Voltage sources replaced by short circuits
& current sources replaced by open circuits).

1. short circuit branch AB,

2. determine the short circuit current, ISC

Determination of VTh (Thevenin’s Voltage): The voltage

across the load under open circuit condition, also called as
open circuit voltage.

3. remove each source of emf and replace them with

their internal resistances
4. determine the Norton equivalent resistance, RN
‘looking in’ at the break,



REVIEW MODULE I - 2 DC Electrical Circuits

5. replace the internal resistance with the short circuit THE RECIPROCITY THEOREM
current source (ISC) and the Norton equivalent
resistance (RO ) in parallel with the current source, “If an emf in a circuit A produces a current in circuit B, then
(fig. a). the same current in B produces the same current in circuit A.”
6. replace the internal resistance with the short circuit
current source (ISC) and the Norton equivalent TRANSFORMATIONS OR CONVERSIONS
resistance (RO) in parallel with the current source,
 Wye networks are sometimes called T networks
(fig. a).
 Delta networks are occasionally called pi networks.


“When any number of voltage sources of arbitrarily

generated voltage and finite internal resistance different from
zero are connected in parallel, the resulting voltage across
the parallel combination is the ratio of the algebraic sum of
the currents that each source individually delivers when
short-circuited to the algebraic sum of the internal

“The  maximum power transfer  theorem states that, to

obtain  maximum  external  power  from a source with a finite
internal resistance, the resistance of the load must equal the
resistance of the source as viewed from its  output  terminals.”


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