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Alejandro MORENO - 02/06/2020



The Cagots (France) : They were a persecuted minority in Southwestern france and Northern

Molokai Colony (Hawaii) : It is a colony on Molokai, Hawaii, that had many people suffering from

Rehoboth Basters (Namibia) :They are descendants from african women, and men from the
Netherlands who lived in the Cape Colony during the 17th century.

Dalits (India) :It is an ethnic group in India that has been persecuted by making them


Bermuda Triangle: It is a zone between the Bermuda Islands, Miami, and Puerto Rico where
planes and ships have mysteriously vanished.

Atlantis: A greek fictional island that has been submerged into the Atlantic ocean.

Uluru: Uluru/Ayers Rock is a sandstone rock formation in Australia rising at 863 m .

Roanoke Colony: It is a colony founded in 1585 on roanoke Island, North Carolina, that has
mysteriously vanished.


The Great Cat Massacre: In 1730, when apprentices killed their masters’ cats because they
were not treated as well as their masters’ cats.

St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre: When the catholic church decided to kill all protestants, at
Paris in 1572.

My Lai Massacre: A massacre in 1969 at My Lai, in Vietnam, by american soldiers, during the
Vietnam war.

Wounded Knee Massacre: A massacre of American Indians at Wounded Knee Creek, South
Dakota, at a Lakota tribe’s camp, by the Americans, in 1890.

Ravens: A black bird of the type ​Corvus t​ hat has a bad role in most stories. It is similar to a

Crows: It is similar to a raven, ofthe genre Corvus and also has a bad role in most stories.

Vultures: It is a scavenging bird of prey. There are many species of it.

Cuckoos: It is a gray bird from the type Cuculidae. It has a reputation of being very stupid.


Guillotine: An execution object made by Mr Guillotin, that has a blade the person can pull to kill
the one sentenced.

Gunpowder: An explosive used in guns. It was invented in China in the 9th century.

Penicillin: An antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming by mixing fungi.

Plastic: It is a cheap material that is made with oil and that is used for varied purposes.


Astrolabe: It is used to measure altitude or latitude. It is sometimes used in ships.

Fabergé Egg: They are eggs that are jewelled and used as luxury decorations in Russia.

Bechstein: They are pianos made by the Bechstein company.


Edward Jenner: An english physician who created a vaccine against smallpox.

Marie Curie: A polish physicist and chemist. She won twice the Nobel Prize, and she is famous
for researching radioactivity.

Galen: He was a physician, philosopher and surgeon during the roman empire, and he
improved general knowledge about science.

Antoine Lavoisier: He is a biologist and chemist from the 18th Century in France, and he
recognized oxygen and hydrogen, and he helped build the metric system.

Weasel: An animal from the genus ​Mustela,​ red or brown and white, they eat poultry, rodents
and rabbits.

Dog: It is an animal from the type ​Canis t​ hat is carnivore and has a really good reputation. They
can be used as pets.

Pig: An animal from the genus ​Sus​, that is widespread everywhere, usually used as farm

Oxen: It is a bovine used as an animal to transport and to work in certain areas of the world.

Love Stories

Abelard and Eloïse: It is a tragedy between two lovers, who loved each other, but Eloise’s uncle
was not approving.

Victoria and Albert: A Royal Couple who governed between 1837 and 1901 the British empire

Hadrian and Antinous: It is a Greek couple between a man 40 years old and a young man 14
years old.

Dante and Beatrice: They were two young kids when they first met, and Dante sees her again
nine years later and becomes her inspiration source as a poet


September 11, 2001: At this moment there was a terrorist attack on the twin towers in New York

1917: The women win the right to vote in New York state : it’s Women’s suffrage in the US.

1348 : In June 1348, a bubonic plague pandemic called the black death reached England.

1789 : The french revolution begins with the storming of the Bastille by Citizens of Paris.

I used wikipedia for my sources, as they are good for the basics.

The five I choose are: Molokai Colony, St bartholomew’s Massacre, Uluru, September 11, 2001,

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