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Adrian Mancilla

English 121

Professor Rachel Newlon

April 29, 2020

Argument Analysis

The Importance of Abortion Access

Abortion access is vital to the women of America. Through the 1973 Roe vs. Wade

Supreme Court case, women in America must be guarenteed access to a legal abortion.. In favor

of Roe the Supreme Court decided this was a violation of our 14th Amendment right as U.S.

Citizens. Although this is true there still are many barriers that the Pro-Life Movement has

installed to restrict abortion access. Such barriers such as the Trump Administration have put

into the supreme court multiple pro- life judges. This means there will be a greater fight to stay

with legalized abprtion because of the political climate within the supreme court particularly for

women of color. Because of their race and socioeconomic status, women of color often cannot

access abortions within windows where it is considered to legal. Currently Alabama and Texas

have some of the most restrictions on abortion access. Women in these states have many

curtailments such as the 20 weeks window for women to have an abortion. Some women may

not even know they are pregnant at that point because they do not have proper access to medical

attention. The Hyde Amendment, passed in 1976, ruled that federal money can not and will not

provide money for abortions. While this may not seem to be a big deal because in theory it only
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affects abortion access, it also effects Sexual Health education as well as birth control access .

Under the Trump administration, there is a bigger challenge to restrict access abortion because

Pro- Life people control not only the presidency but also the senate and majority of Supreme

court judges, making abortion access at high risk. Many laws could be put in place at an

extremely fast rate because of the number of Pro-Choice people in positions of power.

Abortion access is important for all women of America. Some women are not ready to

have a baby, others can not afford to have a baby because of their socio-economic status. In

many cases, women already have children and can not add to having more children. “In

September [2017], Trump himself wrote a letter to supporters promising that if elected, he would

sign a nationwide ban on abortions after 20 weeks, defund Planned Parenthood, make permanent

the Hyde Amendment” (Pro Quest Central). If this happens, not only would abortion access be

percariouss however, women’s health care providers such as Planned Parenthood who provide

many other resources to women such as routine pap smears, STD testing, and mammograms,

will lose funding. With Trump’s plan, this could all be obliterated, leaving poor women and

women of color without proper medical care omen would not be able to have legal abortions

leading to a catastrophe in women’s health because of dangerous procedures done at home or

“DIY abortions.” The Hyde Amendment affects poor women who are those in most need,

however, these women can not afford necessities such as birth control. Poor Women in America

are on Medicaid seeing that this is federally funded by the government thsi women on the health

care plan are critically endangered of proper resources women have the right too.
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If the Trump Administration expands the Hyde Amendment and makes it permanent

many women would be out of proper medical care. This amendment would end funding for

Planned Parenthood. Now, what does this exactly mean? Contraception would no longer be

available from Planned Parenthood. For many, that would mean not being able to get treatment

at all; 54 percent of Planned Parenthood’s clinics are in areas that do not have other nearby

health-care options. Seventy-five percent of the organization’s patients live at or below 150

percent of the federal poverty level” (Pro Quest Central) this shows how that 54 % of clinics

would close leaving many women out of proper medical attention not only for abortion but as

well as routine medical procedures such as pap smears and STD testing. This has a ripple effect

for America leading people to believe women's physical health is not valued in this country. We

need reproductive justice for women in this country because they are people, of our country just

as men are regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation. All women hold value in this

country and especially deserve proper medical attention. When a woman does not receive proper

medical attention things turn dark very quickly. Women perform “DIY abortions” with hangers,

hot baths, needles however these “DIY abortions” can damage women's vaginas, cervixes and

leave a woman infertile.

Limiting abortion access also puts a toll on the women’s health in generalbecause of the

shame that it brings back to women who have had aboriton or are seeking that medical attetnion.

Many women have died because of improper medical care. It is im portant for women to have

abortion access because it provides the with options. Through Trump's administration and

expansion of the Hyde Amendment, women stand to lose not only access to safe abortions but to
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birth control and other health services. Not only would women see damages from DIY abortions,

America would see a decline in access to sexual health because of the additional services that

Planned Parenthood provides.

Woman in the United States of America should be valued as equal citizens, and the right

to abortion access is critical regardless of socio econmic status or, employment.. Many women

benefit from proper legal abortions. This is the reason abortion access shoudl neve rbe shut

down. The woma sn sexual ehalth is vital in proper abortions performance for with out it woman

would be at risk for infertility. Abortion is only a womasn bsuiness seeing that at the end of th

eday the only perosn responnsible fro teh childs well being from being and ifant int a du;thood is

the mother itself. To not have abortion access is a violation of the 14th amendment for all women

of America. As Americans regardless of sex we should resist the Pro-Life moevement for the

over well being of Women such as Roe v Wade fougt for her right to an abortion.

"Warning: Abortion’s Deadly DIY Past could Soon Become its Future."​ New York​, Jan 09, 2017​.



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