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Adrian Mancilla

English 121

Professor Rachel Newlon

May 11, 2020

Argument Analysis

The Importance of Abortion Access

Abortion access is being negatively affected by Trump administration. The document

shows that there still are many barriers that the Pro-Life Movement has installed to restrict

abortion access seeing that President Trump has installed into the Supreme Court, multiple

Pro-life judges. The article also demonstrated that at this point there is a critical need to protect

legalized abortion because of the Trump Administration's effort to end abortions legality through

the Hyde Amendment. Currently, Alabama and Texas have the most restrictions on abortion

access. Women in these states have many curtailments such as the 20 weeks window for women

to have an abortion. Some women may not even know they are pregnant at that point because

they do not have proper access to medical attention. The Hyde Amendment, passed in 1976,

ruled that federal money can not and will not provide money for abortions. This has many

restricting effects on the abortion access woman may receive. The Hyde Amendment also puts

barriers into play when it comes to sexual health education as well as birth control access.
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Many women are not ready to have a baby as explained by ProQuest Central, for many

reasons such as not being able to afford to have a baby because of the women's socio-economic

status. In many cases, women already have children and can not add to having more children. “In

September [2017], Trump himself wrote a letter to supporters promising that if elected, he would

sign a nationwide ban on abortions after 20 weeks, defund Planned Parenthood, make permanent

the Hyde Amendment” (Pro Quest Central). This amendment to be set into place can have a

grave impact on abortion leaving it to be precarious, but women’s health care providers such as

Planned Parenthood who provide many other resources to women such as routine pap smears,

STD testing, and mammograms, will lose funding as well. Ending abortions as well as regular

health care for women. Women would not be able to have legal abortions leading to a

catastrophe in women’s health because of dangerous procedures done at home, or “DIY

abortions.” The Hyde Amendment affects poor women who are those in most need because these

women often can not afford necessities such as birth control.

If the Trump administration expands the Hyde Amendment and makes it

permanent many women could lose proper medical care. This amendment would end funding for

Planned Parenthood. Contraception would no longer be available from Planned Parenthood. For

many women, this act means they no longer have access to health care: “54 percent of Planned

Parenthood’s clinics are in areas that do not have other nearby health-care options. Seventy-five

percent of the organization’s patients live at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level”

(ProQuest). this shows how 54 % of clinics closed, many women would lose out of proper

medical attention not only for abortion but for routine medical procedures such as pap smears
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and STD testing. This has a ripple effect for America, leading people to believe women's health

is not valued in this country. We need reproductive justice for women in this country because

they are people just as men regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation. All women should

be valued in this country and especially deserve proper medical attention. When a woman does

not receive proper medical attention things turn dark very quickly, leaving women with no

resources. Women perform “DIY abortions” with hangers, hot baths, needles however these

“DIY abortions” can damage women's vaginas, cervixes and leave a woman infertile.

Women in the United States of America should be valued as equal citizens, and

the right to abortion access is critical regardless of socio-economic status or, employment. Many

women benefit from proper legal abortions and should never be shut down. Women have a right

to privacy and abortion is only a woman’s business seeing that at the end of the day the only

women are responsible for their children well being the child’s well being from infant to

adulthood is the mother itself. To not have abortion access is a violation of the 14th amendment

for all women of America. As Americans--regardless of our gender-- we should resist the

Pro-Life movement for the well being of women and protect the Roe v Wade decision that

established women’s abortion access.

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Work Cited

"Warning: Abortion’s Deadly DIY Past could Soon Become its Future."​ New York​, Jan

09, 2017​.


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