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Adrian Mancilla

Professor Rachel Newlon

English 121

May 11, 2020

Who Is The Stranger- Profile Writing Experience

Brendan Hacketts Life

Brendan the school librarian has a hard time opening up to people he tends to stay in his

own quiet bubble. The librarian position at Englewood High School suits him well, handsome

older man with Bahamian water blue eyes you could get lost in them. He is taller than most in

the crowd making him stand out in the atmosphere. He has amazing bone structure, generally all

eyes go towards him when he walks into the room, yet he is still a quiet man. Though he has a

strong physical presence, Brendan has a hard time finding his voice in a crowd he seems to be

very emotionless, however his appearance does not define him. He is a supportive person to his

peers, a great listener and understanding. He connects with people through humor with his

infectious laugh. Dark humor is his favorite, he could go on and on with these jokes. His

introverted way of life brings him to blend in with the people of Englewood High school. He

keeps his circle of friends tight and doesn't talk to many people. As a Virgo he values intimate

connection with one another.

Growing up in Massachusetts he had harsh winters which led him to curiosity for the

grander things in life to wanting to explore the world… his world. He most definitely wanted to

explore all aspects of life. His parents drove him away from his household. He needed a change

in his life away from his parents to become his own person independently. So he moves to
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Colorado with one of his best friends. He values connection in friendship, face to face

connection is respected in his mind. Sharing your inner thoughts on a personal level. He doesn't

use social media because of its lack of face to face connection. He has a deep hate for Social

Media. It's toxic for one's mental health and opens doors for cowards to form their opinions.

People who use social media do not connect on a deeper level on the social media. It is a show

made to display one another to see who is better than the next person. They are not showing who

they are on social media their life is not put on display. He says there is “too much

communication” between one another in the social media world. To be honest he “HATES social

media” (Hackett), he said to write that in all caps.

Moving to Boulder, Colorado in his early twenties with one of his best buds. Provide a deep

connection between the two they both lived together and were young educated men. Although

Brendan was educated he struggled to find a career in the work world, he found himself in

colorado working at a pizza shop in Boulder. He liked to live in Boulder. He made many

memories and began a new life he wanted to have for himself. Being independent did bring its

trouble, but he values this looking back because being young brought so many options to the

table for Brendan himself. After all, he has live in Colorado for as much as his adult life as his

adolescence being that he has been in Colorado for 19 years of his life

Through his exploration of Colorado, he found a love for Radiohead, that is his favorite

concert to this day. He is a very big fan of the band he loves Indie music. The broad spectrum of

Indie music excited him. He listened to artists such as Clairo and Alt-J. Radio Head was at red
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rocks for the first time. He found a deep appreciation for music because he can relate to people.

That show was great for him, from then he has gone to see Radiohead many times he found a

deep appreciation for Indie Music. Radio Head at Red rocks was his all-time favorite show. He

fell in love with the band that day. The atmosphere was standing and he vibes well with the

concert. Radiohead is his all-time favorite band. He then went on later in life to the BlueBird

Theater to see them one more time and he met the lead singer who signed his CD jacket. Being

independent he learned much about his love for music and soon learned he has a passion for

education and young adults.

He then pursued his education to become a librarian he believed this was the best option

for himself, at the University of Colorado Boulder he went to school for a couple of extra years

to become a licensed school professional as well achieving his degree in Library Science, where

he learned more about books and the skills needed to become a librarian. He loves his job and all

aspects of keeping books. He loves all kinds of books because they hold stories that last forever.

He is a great librarian who educates young adults well about how to do research on how to

conduct research and to find the beauty in books. His career choice was a hard one to come by

because it took Brendan a long time to find out what he wanted to do with his life. He now loves

to be a librarian; it was a great decision for himself. Working with teens, handling and educating

people on books is his passion in life.

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