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Name: _________________________________ Class 3V Date: ______________________

Basic Electrical Training Test: Safety [53 marks]

Multiple Choice questions: shade the correct letter of the correct answer [12marks]
1) The most dangerous place to use electrical equipment is?
A) indoors
B) outdoors
C) near water
D) near other electrical equipment

2) You discover the electrical cord on a drill has been damaged and some of the cord’s insulation is missing. You
A) wrap tape around the damaged spot to prevent electrical shocks
B) check to see if the drill still works
C) tag the drill out of service and notify the department responsible for equipment maintenance
D) make sure that the cord does not come in contact with the floor

3) The safest ladder to use around electricity is?

A) wood
B) fiberglass
C) aluminum
D) a step stool

4) The earth, water, concrete and the human body are all conductors of electricity
A) True
B) False

5) The effects of an electrical shock on the body depend upon all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Current
B) Path
C) Duration
D) body weight
6) Injuries from electricity can include which of the following?
A) electric shock that may or may not result in electrocution
B) falls
C) burns
D) all of the above

7) It is the responsibility of all employees to understand and use electrical safety every day.
A) True
B) False

8) If you need to use a ladder while working near electrical parts: 

A) Use a conductive ladder
B) Use a metal ladder
C) Use a non-conductive ladder
D) The ladder must be intentionally grounded

9) If a circuit breaker trips and deenergizes the machine you are using: 
A) You can just manually re-set the circuit breaker and continue to use the machine.
B) It must be determined that it would be safe to reenergize the circuit before the circuit breaker can be re-set.
C) You must immediately lock out the machine
D) You must install a new circuit breaker
10) One safe work practice while working around electrical equipment is: 
A) Wear jewelry
B) Use conductive ladders
C) Use insulated tools
D) Wear keys or keychains on your clothing

11) A worker who knows how to avoid the hazards of working on or near an exposed electrical part is:
A) Authorized worker
B) Unqualified worker
C) Affected worker
D) Qualified worker

12) Lockout/tagout: 
A) Must be done by a qualified person.
B) Can be done by an unqualified person.
C) Must be done by a supervisor.
D) Can be done by anyone. 

Section2: Fill in the blank [10 marks]

1. Where does electricity always want to go, even if it means traveling through a person? ______________

2. A shock from an outlet at home may be painful, lead to collapse, or even death. True or False

3. Which part of the human body offers the most electrical resistance? _________________________

4. Flammable materials can easily be ignited by _________________________________ electricity.

5. Only ___________________ workers are permitted to work on or near exposed electrical components.

6. When should power tools and extension cords be inspected? ________________________________

7. Fuses and circuit breaker are designed to protect people from shocks. True or False

8. When a circuit breaker trips, you should immediately reset it. True or False

9. Extension cords should never be used as a permanent power source. True or False

10. What should be done with a damaged power tool or extension cord? ____________________________

Section Short Answer Questions. Answer all questions fully, show all working where necessary [31 marks]

1) Define the terms: [4marks]

a. Electricity
b. Arc Blast

c. Ventricular fibrillation

d. Industry

2) Describe two (2) ways in which a person may experience an electrical shock [2 marks]
I. _____________________________________________________________________________________
II. _____________________________________________________________________________________
3) What is the difference between safety gears and safety equipment? Give one (1) example of each [2 marks]

4) Describe three (3) safety measures you would take when working with electricity [3 marks]
I. _____________________________________________________________________________________
II. _____________________________________________________________________________________
III. _____________________________________________________________________________________

5) How is an organizational structure useful to companies? [1 mark]


6) What is the difference between a horizontal structure and a hierarchical structure? [2 marks]

7) State Ohm’s Law [1 mark]


8) A subwoofer needs a household voltage of 110 V to push a current of 5.5 A through its coil. What is the
resistance of the subwoofer? [2 marks]

9) What current flows through a hair dryer plugged into a 120 Volt circuit if it has a resistance of 25 ohms?
. [2 marks]

10) What happens to the current in a circuit if a 1.5-volt battery is removed and is replaced by a 3-volt battery?
. [2 marks]

11) What happens to the current in a circuit if a 10Ω resistor is removed and replaced by a 20Ω resistor? [2 marks]

12) Solve for the unknown in each of these circuits [2 marks]

A) B)

13) Solve for the unknown quantity [2 marks]

14) 1. If there is a current of 10 amperes in a circuit for 10 minutes, what quantity of electric charge flows in through
the circuit? [2 marks]

15) 2. How much current must there be in a circuit if 100 coulombs flow past a point in the circuit in 4 seconds?
. [2 marks]

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