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Topics 1-7 review

Lucía, Alberto, Sharon & Carmen

1- Identifying, attracting, and screening potential applicants who are not actively
in the market for a new job is…
A. External recruiting
B. Internal redruiting
C. Sourcing
D. A &C are correct.

2- Cost-per-hire is a measure of performance of a recruitment strategy

A. True
B. False

3- Which one is NOT a selection bias?

A. Confirmation bias
B. Halo effect
C. Validity bias
D. Negativity bias

4- Neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness, openness and agreeableness are

part of the...
A. Candidate scorecard
B. “Big Five” personality traits
C. Behavioural interviews
D. Internal selection

5- Main Human Resources task?

A. Recruitment and selection, employee’s management and compensation and
B. Recruitment and selection, reallocate resources, pay roll
C. Compensation, profit making activities, feedback employees

6- What is Strategic human resources management?

A. Hire the right people
B. Fire lazy employee
C. Reward good employees
D. All of the above

7- In order to achieve a high performance in HR system

A. Internal Alignment: Deadly combinations
B. Internal Alignment: Powerful combinations
C. External Alignment: Deadly combination
D. External Alignment: Powerful combinations

8- Depending on the company life cycle stage HR management have different

A. True
B. False

9- Imagine that an American enterprise (A) is hiring new employees from Asian
countries (B), where the cultural background contrasts with the American one.
A. The company A should change the strategy and hire people from similar culture
B. A should analyse the Hofstede’s dimensions, which will definitely result in a
new hiring strategy where B is not considered.
C. A should make the analysis, considering Hofstede’s dimensions, this would give
us relative terms of cultural differences and their degrees -> Potential
employees might be found in B

10- The next characteristics correspond to:

Ability to inspire, motivate, and expect high performance outcomes from others based
on firmly held core values.
A. humane-oriented leadership
B. A person like cannot be a leader
C. A potential charismatic leader role

11- Through which process can we get a summary of the tasks and competencies
required for a job position?
A. Job description
B. Job analysis

12- In order to perform in the highest level of efficiency and efficacy, employees
should have a relax and comfortable environment in which any factor can
cause stress at all
A. True
B. False

13- Training program steps:

A. 1. Need of assessment 2. Design 3. Implementation 4. Education
B. 1. Evaluation 2. Design 3. Training 4. Promotion
C. 1. Need of assessment 2. Design 3. Implementation 4. Evaluation

14- Does training need analysis?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Only organizationally

15- Coaching is ......... aimed while mentoring is ………. aimed

A. Short term, long term
B. Long term, short term
C. None of them
D. Organization culture, specific skill

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