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1) What is the title of the film?

LION and it’s also titled “A Road Home”

2) What genre it is?
Drama and biographical cinema
3) What is it about?
The movie is based on Saroo, who is a 5-year-old boy who gets lost after falling asleep
at the train station. and from here begins the history.
4) Is it base on a book?
Yes it is based in A Long Way Home
5) Where is the film set?
the film is focused on india and Australia
6) When is the film set?
on November 25, 2016 by The Weinstein Company.
7) Who stars in the film?
 Garth Davis and Luke Davies
8) Who plays the main role(s)?
Sunny Pawar and Dev Patel
9) Who is your favorite carácter in the film? (whay?)
My favorite carácter was guddu, because Although his little brother was lost and had
no chance of finding him, he kept looking for him without stopping to the point of
being run over and assassinated by a train.
10) What kind of person would like this film?
people interested in the subject, with a desire to know about the indu situation
regarding the traffic and abuse suffered by children.
11) What is your opinión about this film?
I think it is a very sad movie, which tells the reality that indue children live.
Film review
Drama and biographical cinema, 2016
The movie LION is based on the story of Australian businessman Saroo Brierley. The
movie is based on the book A Long Way Home. The film is set in India (Ganesh Talai) and
Australia, and starts in the 1980s. This tells the story of Saroo, a five-year-old boy who lost his
brother, and was adopted by an Australian family, for more than twenty-five years. and his
desire is to find his family.

I love acting in this movie.Sunny Pawar and Dev Patel play saroo and Abhishek Bharate
plays guddu. my favorite character was guddu because despite losing his brother and
having no chance of finding him, he kept looking for him until he reached the degree of
being assassinated by a train, and that is the kind of unconditional love that a brother
should have.
people interested in the subject, with a desire to know about the indu situation
regarding the traffic and abuse suffered by children. The story is a bit sad but it is
interesting. I recommend LION

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