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Computer Lab Rubric

4 3.5 3 2
Participates actively Student generally Student rarely Student only offers
and regularly in participates in class participates in class a comment when
Participation class by offering by offering ideas by offering ideas directly asked.
ideas and asking and asking questions and asking questions
Student puts Student puts a Student puts Student shows
Effort a great deal of good amount of effort toward some little/no effort
effort towards all effort towards all activities. toward activities.
activities. activities.
Following Student follows Student follows Student follows Student follows
Directions teacher’s directions teacher’s directions teacher’s directions teacher’s directions
all of the time. most of the time. some of the time. none of the time
Student is on task Student is on task Student is on task Student is on task
Task Behavior the entire period. most of the period. some of the period. little/none of the
Daily Work Student is diligent Student is diligent Student completes Student completes
Completion about completing about completing some work with little work with
class work with work, but has few multiple errors. numerous errors.
little/no errors. errors.

*Rubrics will be used to grade individual projects upon completion.

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