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Where would be an awesome place to go for a family vacation?

Who is your favorite and least favorite celebrity this year? Why?

Do you think aliens exist?

Is there anything you would like to learn how to do? Why?

How would you describe your personality?

Which holidays do you really like and why?

How long do you want to live? Why?

What would you say were the most important moments of your life so far?

What would you say are your all-time favorite movies so far? Why?

Are there any quotes from movies, songs, or books that you’ve heard and really
like? What is it and why?

Are there parts of your body that you really like or dislike? Why?

What were the most memorable family trips you’ve taken so far?

How do you think the world will eventually end?

Do you ever feel jealous about the family of any of your friends?

Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?

Which songs have been stuck in your head? Sing a line or two for us.

Do you think millennials are really that different from other generations? How?
What do you like to watch on YouTube? Why?

How many kids, if any, do you think you might want some day?

If you were allowed to get a tattoo, what would you get?

What’s the one thing adults don’t get about teenagers? Enlighten us.

Do you think teens have it easier or tougher compared to the other generations?

What do you think has been the hardest thing you have ever done?

Are you satisfied with the number of friends that you have and quality of those

If you had to be a mythical creature or any creature you know, what would you
be? Why?

What kind of magical power would you like to have?

If you had to choose a different name, what would you be called?

If you could teleport yourself anywhere in the world, where would you go and

What makes you mad? Why?

Who is the one person you look up to most? Why?

Why do you think the sun disappears during night time?

Who is your favorite anime character and why do you like this character?

Who is your favorite Marvel superhero and why?

Which one is the best – flying with birds or swimming with fishes? Why?

What is your favorite fruit and why?

Would you rather be like your dad or your mom? Why?

Science or math – which subject do you like best? Why is it your favorite?

If you could ask God one question, what would it be?

What are you most scared of? Why?

What do you want to do after you graduate in college aside from looking for a job?

If you could eliminate one illness from the world, what would it be and why?

Do you believe there is life on other planets aside from our Earth? Why or why

If you could go back in time and change anything, what would you like to change?

If you could change anything in the world, what 3 things would it be and why?

What are 3 things are you grateful for in your life and why?

How would you explain the word love to someone without using the word “love”?

If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what would it

What’s your greatest strength and your greatest weakness?

Do you have any bad habits you wish you could break? What are they?

What do you think is the best Valentines gift? Chocolate or flowers? Why?
What is your favorite color? Why?

If you could take only three items with you to a deserted island, what would they

If you could speak another language, which would it be and why?

How do you define love?

If your house was burning and you could only save one item, what would it be and

What was your first impression of me when we first met?

If you could bring one musician back from the dead, who would it be and why?

How would you spend a billion dollars?

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

If you could solve one problem in the world, which problem would it be?

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