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Running record – approach to learning

Child observation assignment

Brynna Bonkoski DOB: 10/29/16

10:24 am
The teacher begins to put shaving cream on the table.
Brynna walks quickly to the table with a few other friends and she asks, “Can I please play, I want a
The teacher tells Brynna “one second I need to get the paint shirts”
Brynna rolls up her sleeves past her elbows, first her right arm then her left.
Brynna stands by the teacher and looks at the shaving cream.
The teacher pulls the shirts out of the cabinet
Brynna looks and exclaims “I want the pink one”
10:25 am
The teacher puts the paint shirt on over her clothes.
Brynna stretches first her right arm through the sleeve hole and then her left.
Brynna wiggles after she puts the shirt on
Brynna tries to rush to the table but the teacher holds on to the paint shirt and tells her to wait so she
can clip the shirt
Brynna waits, looking at the shaving cream
The teacher clothes pins the back of her shirt and lets Brynna go
Brynna walks straight over to the table and hovers her hands over the shaving cream
Brynna slowly drops her hands into the cream and holds them there for a few seconds
10:26 am
Brynna swirls her right hand around in the shaving cream first
Brynna then lifts her left hand and looks at it
Brynna giggles when looking at the shaving cream on her left hand
Brynna squeezes the shaving cream in her hand making it squelch out between her fingers
Brynna picks up her right hand looking at it closely
The teacher asks Brynna what it smells like
Brynna lifts her hands to her face, she takes a deep breath in and shrugs her shoulders in an I don’t
know way
Brynna places both hands back onto the table with the shaving cream
Brynna moves her hands in a back and forth motion through the shaving cream
10:27 am
Brynna Picks her hands up and pats them gently into the shaving cream
The shaving cream makes a noise when she does this
Brynna looks around at her friends playing by her and begins patting her hands more on the table
Brynna lifts her hands and looks at them again then back at the table
Brynna claps her hands together this time and shaving cream goes flying out of her hands
She looks at the teacher and looks around at her friends giggling and smiling
10:28 am
Brynna looks back at the table and places her hands back in the shaving cream
Brynna scoops the shaving cream across the table into a pile in front of her
Brynna uses both hands to squish the shaving cream between her hands
Brynna watches as the shaving cream erupts out of her hands she giggles and says “This is so fun”

Brynna was very intrigued by the shaving cream. I think adding elements to this would be a good way to
keep her even more engaged. I think that having this as a group activity with multiple friends and colors
could also add to this because it would allow for more conversation amongst the children.
Running Record- Social/emotional
Child Observation assignment
Brynna Bonkoski DOB: 10/29/16

9:55 am
Brynna is standing outside in her winter gear
Brynna walks over to the play house
Brynna stands outside next to a friend and looks around
Brynna walks into the play house and trips over a chunk of ice with her left foot
Brynna takes one more step and then stops
Brynna turns Counter clockwise
Brynna bends over reaching and picks up the ice chunk with both hands
Brynna brings her body up and puts the ice to her mouth
The teacher says “Brynna Ick. No thanks”
Brynna drops the Ice immediately and pauses for a brief second
9:56 am
Brynna picks the ice chunk back up and walks around the corner of the wall where she sits down next
to a friend also chewing on an ice chunk
The teacher walks around the wall of the Play house
Brynna’s eyes raise to the teachers to which the teacher says “Brynna and friend please put the ice
down, that is icky and not for our mouths”
Brynna continues to lick the ice chunk with her tongue holding it with 2 hands still
The teacher repeats “Brynna ick please put it down on the ground”
Brynna puts the ice onto the table looking around
Brynna slides the ice around on the table attempting to pick it up again
The teacher has now walked away
Brynna stands up from the bench and table and begins to walk behind a different wall of the play
Brynna slides down the wall onto her bottom still holding the ice chuck with both hands
9:57 am
Brynna brings the ice to her mouth again and the teacher returns
The teacher finds Brynna and a friend sitting and giggling under the play structure licking their ice
The teacher says, “Please put the ice down, it does not belong in your mouth, it will make you sick.”
After Brynna is confronted, she places the Ice on the ground where she finds a different Ice chunk in
which she picks up with both hands
Brynna brings it to her mouth again and her friend giggles and laughs when the teacher tells her that
“that too will make you sick Brynna Please put it down.”
The friend asks Brynna if she wants to go play
Brynna and the friend stand up and begin running towards the swing set
Brynna asks the friend already on the swing if her other friend may have a turn so that they can
swing together
The friend agrees and gets down
Brynna gets onto swing and they swing together

In this situation the teacher should have after the second time found a different way to approach the
situation. Brynna obviously doesn’t want to listen to the teacher’s words in this and is attempting to hide
from her so she doesn’t get caught. I think maybe doing a project in the classroom with melting the ice
and showing the kids how dirty it is could also benefit them greatly in pushing for not putting ice in their
Running Record- physical
Child Observation assignment
Brynna Bonkoski DOB: 10/29/16

9:22 am
Brynna is at the swing, she grabs hold of the metal with both gloved hands and swings her right leg
up and over the swing seat.
Brynna then brings her left leg up and scoots it under her to get onto the swing.
Once on the swing Brynna waits, teacher says “okay Brynna it is your turn, how high would you like to
Brynna says, “super-high, super-high” as she kicks her feet back and forth and starts moving herself
in the swing
As the teacher starts rocking the swing back and forth Brynna sticks out her tongue and tightens her
When the teacher lets go of her swing Brynna screams “WEEE”
9:23 am
As Brynna swings a few more times the wind picks up in speed and Brynna says “thanks wind for the
The teacher asks, “do you need another push?” and Brynna says “nope the wind pushed me”
Brynna starts rocking with the wind
Her swing is slowing down, Brynna says “I’m ready for a push now”
The teacher pushes her forward and she says “WEE”
“I’m like a Bird CAW CAWWW” she says giggling
Brynna starts rocking the swing back and forth again in attempts to push herself.
Brynna sticks out her tongue again
9:24 am
As Brynna is slowing down again on the swing she says “more time, more time”
The teacher says “last push” as she pushes her forward and pulls back, mid swing Brynna again
sticks out her tongue
When the teacher lets go Brynna says “WOOOOOO”
Brynna swings 5 times back and forth before Brynna tilts her head back and stares into the sky
While looking into the sky Brynna begins to chew on the hair that is in her mouth
Brynna squints really hard and looks down again
Brynna pushes herself back and then lifts her legs up in attempts to get off the swing.
Brynna slides her boots in the snow and let’s go of the swing taking a few steps forward
9:25 am
Brynna stands by the pole for the swings as another friend get on her swing
A friend tells Brynna that she can’t catch them and Brynna takes off running in their direction
Brynna wipes the hair from her face with her left hand
Brynna touches him and says I win
They take off running again on the side walk in the same direction and when Brynna gets halfway she
turns around and runs back while the friend is still running the first direction
Brynna get to the edge of the side walk and says “Wee I gotchya, I won!
Brynna runs towards friend who is still running towards her and Another friend runs in front of her
Brynna stops and continues to run after they have passed.
Brynna walks to the fence with the friend
Brynna stands with both hands on the fence looking through the holes
9:26 am
Brynna brings her left hand to her face and then turns around walking toward the teacher
Brynna bends over to the ground picking up an old container of bubbles with both hands
Brynna scrapes the bubbles over the snow
Brynna looks in the container
Friends around her are asking “what is that”
The teacher says “what is what”
They say the noise
Teacher says back the wind
9:27 am
Brynna turns her body and looks towards them
Brynna stands up walking towards them and throws the bubble container on the ground with both
hands again
Brynna steps right foot first onto a wood log
Brynna reaches again towards the fence with her right hand and brings her right foot up onto the log
as well
Brynna grabs hold of the fence now with both hands
Brynna says “hey can we ride the cars”
The Teacher says “no, we are going to go in soon”
Brynna Hops down off of the log and begins jumping away towards the door.

I would like to teach Brynna how to pump her legs. I think when we are out of snow pants it would be a
good time to teach her. Brynna is very ready to do this considering she can get up into the swing herself
she just needs help to move. I also think that showing one kid in the class this will push the other kiddos to
do the same because of the monkey see monkey do effect. I also think that maybe the kiddos should be
encouraged to clean up the garbage on the playground as the snow melts!
Running Record- Approach to Learning
Child Observation assignment
Brynna Bonkoski DOB: 10/29/16

Holding playdoh between her hands Brynna rolls the it
Brynna drops her hands to the tray and lets go with her right hand
Brynna looks down at it and turns her head
Brynna uses her right hand to grasp at the other half of the playdoh and flips it over
Brynna picks up the scissors with her right hand and opens and shuts them
Brynna put the playdoh down in her left hand and dropped the scissors with her right
Brynna begins to roll the playdoh she had in her left hand with both hands in the playdoh tray
Brynna picks up the rolling pin and rolls the playdoh with it instead of her hands
Brynna rolls it about 20 times before putting the rolling pin down and rolling it with her hands again
9:08 am
The teacher tells Brynna to push harder to get the snake to form
Brynna pushes harder while rolling
Brynna picks up the playdoh and looks at it
Holding the playdoh in her right hand now Brynna takes her left hand fingers and touches the end of
her playdoh snake
Brynna switches hands and rubs her eye with her right hand
Brynna looks down at the playdoh tray grabbing the scissors with her right hand
Brynna takes the scissors to the playdoh chunk in her left hand and snips it after looking around the
classroom a little bit
After she snips the play doh she bounces it off her scissors and takes the scissors to the chunk again
Brynna cuts a bigger chunk off this time
Brynna drops the scissors out her hand and begins again rolling the playdoh
Brynna looks around the room still rolling the playdoh
Brynna stops rolling, looking around at her friends
Brynna picks up the chunk that she cut off just earlier and begins squishing
9:09 am
Brynna puts the piece down that she was squishing and begins rolling the play doh again
Brynna starts rolling the playdoh with only her right hand
Brynna picks up the playdoh seeing that she rolled her big chunk over the chunk she was just
Brynna picks up the scissors in her right hand
Brynna begins turning the scissors to her playdoh but not closing them
Brynna pushes them towards her play doh snake and snips the piece off
Brynna then sets everything down but the piece of playdoh she cut off and begins rolling it circularly
between her hands
Brynna rips a chunk off of her playdoh snake and starts rolling it into a ball then into a snake again
Brynna says “look this is the mommy”
Brynna rips her big snake in half and then squishes them together in her hands
Brynna goes back to the ‘mommy’ Snake
Brynna picks up the snake and begins rolling it again
Brynna takes a big chunk off of her ball and begins rolling it again
9:10 am
Brynna pulls more chunks off of her ball with her right hand and sets it in the tray
Brynna made a pile of playdoh out of her scraps of playdoh and takes the ball she has in her left hand
and pushes it into the pile on the tray
Brynna picks up both and again squishes them together
Brynna asks the teacher if she can roll the playdoh for her
The teacher says I can show you how to roll this
The teacher takes the rolling pin given to her by Brynna’s right hand and shows Brynna how to roll it
The teacher says you have to push and roll, push and roll
Brynna grabs the rolling pin with her right hand then her left and pushes the rolling pin, rolling it
across the playdoh
Brynna does this multiple times before putting the rolling pin down
Brynna grabs a cookie cutter and tries to push it into the playdoh
Brynna says “it won’t go”
The teacher responds with “I think that you need to flip it over”
Brynna flips the cookie cutter and places it back over the playdoh
Brynna pushes with both hands down right hand over left into the playdoh
Brynna lifts her hands and looks down at her playdoh
9:11 am
Brynna starts pulling at the playdoh around the outside of the cookie cutter
Brynna tosses the extra playdoh to the side
Brynna goes back to pulling the playdoh off with her right hand
Brynna then pulls towards her body with her left hand holding the cookie cutter with her right
Brynna finishes pulling the excess off
Brynna lifts the cookie cutter in the air and pulls from the bottom with her left hand
Brynna switches techniques and pushes it through with her thumbs
The shape falls to the tray
Brynna picks the shape up with her right hand still holding the cutter with her left
Brynna looks at it
Brynna turns her hand to show the teacher her shape
The teacher says “what did you make?”
Brynna turns it back towards her self and says “it’s a weird duck”
Brynna picks up the scraps after placing the cutter down with her left hand and begins squishing the
two hands together again

When playing with playdoh I think that Brynna often needs encouragement. I do think that she needs this
in a lot of the things she does. I believe that comes with the idea of her having older siblings who do a lot
for her. I think that encouraging Brynna to do things on an individual level could benefit her in problem
solving and in her communication with her friends and peers.
I was really impressed with this from Brynna. I would love to work with her more on her story telling
though. I would love to give/show her pictures and write whatever she tells me about it. I think she could
be an amazing story teller.
I think that Brynna could be challenged more in her number skills. I think that using this to push Brynna to
count to 20 could be a really good push for her! I believe that if Brynna can master counting the written
numbers I think Brynna could begin working on counting individual objects which during this assessment
she did do with the folders even though she had to try again because she missed one. I think individually
working on her counting objects with her could work nicely.

When doing these types of activities with the children on the screen teachers should be participating too. I
notice a big change in the kids when there is more teacher involvement. I think that something to push
Brynna would be working on her balance. I know based on her checklist she does have quite the balance
and coordination, but I think working with her in these areas more intensely can improve them. I think that
a balance beam of sorts and real muscle stretched could be important for her growth.
Brynna was very interested in the topics at hand. I think this comes from her families love for nutrition and
health. I do think that her recognition of her cat and the topic at hand is important. I believe that in this
situation backing that and adding more information to it could have been important. Using the topic, she
brought up and adding to it may have helped peers also stay focused and attentive like it did Brynna.

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