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Q Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2017, Vol. 16, No. 1, 39–53.



Learning From Others’ Failures:

The Effectiveness of Failure
Stories for Managerial Learning
Singapore Management University, Singapore

Ghent University, Belgium

Ulm University, Germany

Kienbaum Consulting

We argue that other peoples’ failures provide a neglected source of managerial learning that
is associated with enhanced learning transfer. Due to their negative valence, stories about
other peoples’ failures as compared to stories about other peoples’ successes should elicit
a more pronounced motivational response, such that people elaborate the content of failure
stories more actively. As a consequence, the knowledge gained from failure stories will more
likely be applied on a transfer task. We expect this motivational response to failure stories and
its benefits for learning to be most pronounced for people who view failures as valuable
learning opportunities. We report an experimental study, in which participants were exposed
to a managerial training with stories about either managerial successes or managerial
failures that delivered the same learning content. Results showed that stories about
managerial failures led to more elaboration and learning transfer, in particular for
participants who see the learning potential of failures. We discuss how failure stories can be
used to stimulate managerial learning in educational and organizational settings.

“The wise man learns from the mistakes of Tannenbaum, & Mathieu, 2013; Erez et al., 2013; Ng,
others.”—Otto von Bismarck Van Dyne, & Ang, 2009). Yet, people also go through
managerial experiences indirectly by listening to,
In management education, consensus is growing reading about, and observing other people’s behav-
regarding the critical role of experience for learning ior and its consequences. Vicarious learning sup-
(Klimoski & Amos, 2012). A vast body of research has plements direct personal experience and enables
reported developmental effects of going through di- people to draw lessons from a wide scope of experi-
rect, firsthand managerial experiences (e.g., DeRue, ences within short time frames (Hoover, Giambatista,
Nahrgang, Hollenbeck, & Workman, 2012; Eddy,
& Belkin, 2012). Learning from others vicariously may
be especially useful in the case of failures, because
We would like to thank the editor, three anonymous reviewers, and learners can then evade similar failures and adverse
our colleagues who provided feedback to earlier versions of the
personal and organizational consequences. Indeed,
manuscript: Michael Bashshur, Devasheesh Bhave, Kraivin
Chintakananda, Roy Chua, Don Ferrin, Mengzi Jin, Jochen Reb, others’ failure has proven to be a fundamental source
Samantha Sim, and Kenneth Tai. of learning for individuals and organizations across

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40 Academy of Management Learning & Education March

a variety of contexts (e.g., the railroad industry, Baum THEORETICAL BACKGROUND AND
& Dahlin, 2007; fire stations, Joung, Hesketh, & Neal, DEVELOPMENT OF HYPOTHESES
2006; hospitals, KC, Staats, & Gino, 2013; the financial
Learning From Others’ Experiences
industry, Kim & Miner, 2007; and the aerospace in-
dustry, Madsen & Desai, 2010). A fundamental form of learning occurs by way of the
Despite the learning potential inherent in others’ observation of others’ behavior and its consequences
failures, vicarious learning in management educa- (Bandura, 1977). This vicarious learning enables
tion focuses primarily on successful firms and people to acquire complex sequences of behavior
managerial role models. Bestselling managerial without executing the behavior. An important
books and case studies, such as Jim Collin’s (2001) component of vicarious learning is the positive or
Good to Great or General Electric’s success story negative consequences associated with a model’s
during Jack Welch’s reign, are expressions of a behavior (Lockwood, Jordan, & Kunda, 2002). These
one-sided focus on other people’s successes. consequences increase or decrease the likelihood
The “undersampling of failure” entails that that an observer will replicate the model’s behavior
“aspiring managers observe the practices of top (Manz & Sims, 1981). Vicarious learning is not lim-
managers, but they may not observe the practices of ited to social learning among individuals: It also
those individuals who fail to be promoted” (Denrell, plays an important role for organizational learning.
2003: 227). This prevalent focus on managerial success The literature on organizational learning has focused
stories suggests that current learning practices fall primarily on how organizations learn vicariously
short of fully utilizing the learning potential inherent from a model’s success (Sitkin, 1992) and has shown
in other people’s experiences. A one-sided focus on that organizations acquire knowledge vicariously
others’ successes at the expense of their failures may and replicate routines, strategies, and designs of
hinder the development of managerial competence, other successful organizations (e.g., Burns & Wholey,
because learners derive specific lessons from fail- 1993; Ingram & Baum, 1997).
ures, and respond differently to success and failure. Recently, scholars have paid increasing attention
In line with psychological research suggesting that to learning from others’ failures. For instance, Joung
bad events have more profound psychological et al. (2006) showed that exposing firefighters to
consequences than good events (Baumeister, case studies of experienced employees who commit-
Bratslavsky, Finkenauer, & Vohs, 2001), people ted errors on the fire ground yields more adequate
may actually learn more and retain a more courses of actions and better problem identification on
elaborate memory of other people’s failures as a posttraining task, as compared to exposing fire-
compared to their successes. fighters to case studies of experienced employees who
The aim of our work here is to compare the did not make errors. In a sample of 71 cardiothoracic
learning potential of other people’s failure and surgeons who completed more than 6,500 cardiac
success experiences in the context of manage- procedures over the course of 10 years, KC et al. (2013)
ment education. We argue that due to the differ- examined how vicarious learning reduced patient
ence in affective valence between stories about mortality and found that surgeons learn more from
failures and successes, people (1) elaborate more others’ failures than from others’ successes. Recent
on, and therefore, (2) transfer more knowledge research on organizational learning in the financial
from managerial failure stories as compared to and aerospace industries suggests that organizations
managerial success stories. We discuss people’s learn more effectively from others’ failure than from
attitude toward failure as a boundary condi- others’ success and that knowledge gained from
tion for how effectively they learn from failure. others’ failure experiences depreciates more slowly
We test these hypotheses with an experimental (Baum & Dahlin, 2007; Kim & Miner, 2007; Madsen &
study on a managerial skill training that exposed Desai, 2010). As noted by Kim and Miner (2007: 687),
learners either to stories about managerial suc- failure and near-failure of firms can serve as “wake-
cesses or managerial failures and compared up calls, encouraging survivors to search for new
consequences for learning. The article thereby actions or to devise new business models or routines.”
contributes to the understanding of the psycho-
logical underpinnings of learning and informs
Vicarious Learning in Management Education
management educators on the importance of in-
corporating managerial failures in the design of The widespread use of case studies, benchmarking
courses. initiatives, video vignettes, and real-life observations
2017 Bledow, Carette, Kühnel, and Bister 41

in educational as well as in organizational settings entrepreneur opens the coffee shop in the city cen-
shows that vicarious learning is a cornerstone of ter, and it becomes a successful business.
managerial learning (Christensen & Carlile, 2009; In the failure-story condition, the entrepreneur
Grossman, Salas, Pavlas, & Rosen, 2013; Hoover et al., decided not to spend money on a market analysis
2012). However, as noted by Mauboussin (2012: 52), and opened the coffee shop near the university.
“the most common method for teaching business Because students could not afford expensive coffee
management is to find successful businesses, iden- creations, the business had to close after a few
tify their common practices, and recommend that months. As this example illustrates, both stories
managers imitate them.” Indeed, an examination of communicate the same knowledge about effective
The Case Centre’s top-40 bestselling cases revealed managerial practices; they differ in whether this
that although cases typically describe a manager knowledge is embedded in a success or failure story.
whose organization is facing a challenging situation We argue next that the difference in affective va-
that could lead to failure, virtually all of the cases lence between success and failure stories results
turned into successes for the organization. Examples in different motivational responses and learning
of these successful organizations include McKinsey, outcomes.
Apple, Zara, Canon, and Virgin. This emphasis on
managerial success stories at the expense of failure
The Effectiveness of Failure Stories for Managerial
stories suggests that management educators have
not yet incorporated emerging evidence on the
learning potential of failure stories into their The phrase “bad is stronger than good,” coined by
teaching. Baumeister et al. (2001), refers to a fundamental ob-
We use the terms “failure stories” and “success servation which forms the basis of our hypothesis
stories” to refer to narratives of specific examples of regarding the effectiveness of failure stories for
managerial failure and success. Such stories typi- managerial learning. The phrase aptly summarizes
cally describe a real or realistic organizational set- the pervasive finding that bad events have more
ting and a chain of events from the point of view of profound psychological consequences than good
a particular manager, employee, or set of actors ones. People pay more attention to, engage in more
(Goodman & O’Brien, 2012). Failure stories are nar- thinking about, and retain a more elaborate memory
ratives in which a protagonist reports an erroneous of negative as compared to positive events. More-
course of action that eventually led to a negative over, punishment has stronger effects on learning
outcome. By choosing the wrong actions or by failing than do rewards in such a way that people learn
to perform the right actions, the outcomes the pro- more rapidly and more easily from punishment
tagonist intended were not achieved. Conversely, (e.g., Abele, 1985; Robinson-Riegler & Winton, 1996).
success stories contain a description of a set of According to Baumeister et al. (2001), the underlying
actions that led to intended outcomes. In both cases reason for the stronger reaction to adverse events
the narrator establishes a causal link between ac- is evolutionary adaptation: The potential costs of
tions and their consequences. Because these con- not reacting to a single adverse event, which may
sequences are positive for success stories and threaten survival, are higher as compared to not
negative for failure stories, a critical difference reacting to a single positive event, such as an op-
between success and failure stories resides in their portunity to obtain a reward. Thus, the tendency to
affective valence. show a more pronounced motivational response to
The following scenario, which we used in the adverse events and to process negative information
experimental study reported below, illustrates the more thoroughly is an adaptive characteristic of
concept of success and failure stories. The scenario the psychological system.
tells the story of an entrepreneur who wants to open Most studies on how people respond to adversity
a coffee shop that sells novel coffee creations. In the have focused on personal rather than vicarious ex-
success story condition, the entrepreneur spends perience (Seery, Leo, Lupien, Kondrak, & Almonte,
money on a market analysis to evaluate the best 2013). For instance, Bledow, Schmitt, Frese, and
location for the coffee shop. At first, the entrepre- Kühnel (2011) argued that people respond to adverse
neur wants to open the new business near a uni- work events, including failures, with an affective
versity, but the results of the market analysis show shift and high work motivation. In an experience-
that students are not willing to spend a premium on sampling study with software engineers, the
exclusive coffee creations. As a consequence, the authors showed that participants displayed the
42 Academy of Management Learning & Education March

highest level of work engagement after they expe- a similar situation. Our line of argument is illus-
rienced adverse events such as failures. Further trated by one of the failure stories we used in the
studies showed that people are often motivated to experiment. In this failure story, a leader narrates
generate new ideas after experiencing or recollect- about a project team she was responsible for that
ing an adverse event in an attempt to find novel developed a new product and ultimately failed. She
solutions after available responses have failed explains that one of the reasons for failure was that
(Bledow, Rosing, & Frese, 2013). The common thread she failed to ensure heterogeneity of skills among
of these studies is that people display a motiva- team members. In the success story, she explained
tional response to the negative affective valence of that one of the reasons for the success of the team
the adverse event. was that she composed a heterogeneous team. We
Our work here extends this line of inquiry to the argue that framing the story as a failure will elicit
situation where people are confronted with others’ elaboration on the importance of heterogeneity so
experiences and investigates the learning potential that listeners integrate this information in their
of other people’s failures on complex managerial knowledge on team effectiveness. At a later point in
tasks that lead to negative consequences. We hy- time, when listeners are in a similar situation that
pothesize that the negative valence of failure stories involves composing a team, they will consider het-
will result in a motivational response on the side of erogeneity of team members. For the success story,
the listener to elaborate the information conveyed we argue that less attention is paid to heterogeneity
by the stories. Stories about other people’s experi- as a distinctive cause of success. The stream of the
ences can be processed on an elaboration contin- narrator’s story is not decomposed and analyzed for
uum from a peripheral to a central route depending the critical elements. As a consequence, it is less
on a person’s motivation, ability, and attitude (Petty likely that the learner integrates the information
& Wegener, 1999). We argue that failure stories are and applies it on a transfer task. We thus propose:
more likely than success stories to activate the
central route so that learners are motivated to allo- Hypothesis 1: Failure stories lead to more learn-
cate cognitive resources and intensively elaborate ing transfer than success stories.
on the content of the stories. More specifically, fail-
ure stories should seize attention and elicit re- We expect that people respond to failure stories
flection so that the learner actively decomposes the with a heightened level of elaboration, which in turn
story and analyzes the critical elements that were leads to enhanced learning transfer (see Figure 1).
responsible for failure. This intensive elaboration, We use the concept of elaboration to refer to the
which is induced by the negative valence of failure extent that people allocate cognitive resources and
stories, should lead to adaptations of a person’s display self-directed learning when processing vi-
action-related knowledge for similar situations carious experiences (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986). Elab-
(Kuhl, 2000). As a result, the newly acquired knowl- oration implies that people focus their attention on
edge is accessible at later points in time, when the stories and process their content by way of the
a person is in a relevant situation. By contrast, the central rather than the peripheral route. In the case
positive valence of success stories should elicit of vicariously learning from failure stories, people
processing by way of the peripheral route, so that the show elaboration if they reflect on causes of failure,
content is processed only superficially and has less consider alternative and more successful courses of
impact on the learner’s future actions (cf. Schwarz & action, and construct generalizable knowledge on
Bless, 1991). effective actions in similar situations. By elaborat-
As a result of enhanced elaboration of relevant ing on failure stories, learners integrate other peo-
information, knowledge that is learned from listen- ple’s experiences into their own and derive lessons
ing to failure stories should more likely be applied for future situations they may encounter. The in-
on a transfer task as compared to knowledge that is tegration of learning content into one’s personal
learned from success stories. A protagonist’s actions knowledge base through active elaboration is criti-
that led to failure will be associated with failure, and cal for learning transfer (Frese, 1995; Kozlowski
a person should refrain from using these actions in et al., 2001).
similar situations. Critical courses of actions that Stories that describe successful vicarious experi-
were omitted by the protagonist will be encoded as ences, by contrast, should be associated with less
significant for the situation, and a person should be elaboration and, as a consequence, lower learning
more likely to engage in them when faced with transfer, even if the stories convey the same
2017 Bledow, Carette, Kühnel, and Bister 43

Error Orientation

Failure Stories
vs. Elaboration Learning Transfer
Success Stories

Model of the Effect of Failure vs. Success Stories on Learning Transfer

information. The actions of the protagonist and their acknowledges that failures, as inherently negative
positive consequences will be processed more pe- and undesirable events, are also associated with
ripherally due to the absence of negative, failure- positive consequences, such as learning. A high
related information. A learner will thus show less error orientation thus does not relativize and em-
elaboration directed at deriving lessons from the bellish failure, but indicates a balanced and adap-
stories for effective future actions. The downside of tive evaluative tendency toward failure.
low elaboration associated with success stories We posit that error orientation moderates the ef-
should become apparent when the knowledge con- fect of failure stories on elaboration and learning
veyed by the story could be applied on a transfer transfer. People with a high error orientation should
task. Knowledge transfer requires that people have readily pay attention to and be motivated to learn
developed flexible and generalizable knowledge from failures. They respond to the negative valence
structures by means of elaboration, which allows of failure stories by elaborating on their content,
them to not merely reproduce information but to because they associate positive learning conse-
apply and adapt knowledge to novel tasks. We quences with failure experiences. People with a low
thus expect: error orientation, by contrast, see little value in elabo-
rating the information that is conveyed by failure
Hypothesis 2: Elaboration mediates the effect stories. Although the negative valence of failure
of failure stories on learning transfer. stories should also seize their attention, they will en-
gage in less elaboration, because they do not associate
Individual Differences in Learning From Failure positive learning consequences with failure experi-
Stories ences. Empirical evidence on the important role peo-
ple’s attitude plays for learning from failures is
The Role of Error Orientation provided by the literature on error management train-
According to the aptitude–treatment–interaction frame- ing (Keith & Frese, 2008). Error management training
work, the effectiveness of instructional methods de- influences learners’ attitudes so that they see errors as
pends on characteristics of the learner (Snow, 1989). valuable learning opportunities. Experimental studies
The framework suggests that optimal learning re- have shown that error management training im-
sults when the instruction is matched to the apti- proves learning and learning transfer, because it
tudes of the learner. We argue that learners’ enhances cognitive and motivational processes
attitude toward failure influences both the moti- when people commit errors (Keith & Frese, 2005).
vational response they display when exposed to
failure stories and its consequence for learning Hypothesis 3a: Error orientation moderates the
transfer. The more people are able to evaluate fail- effect of failure stories on elaboration such that
ure not only as something negative, but also as failure stories have a stronger effect on elabo-
a valuable source of learning, the more should they ration for people with high error orientation.
elaborate failure stories and display subsequent
learning transfer. Differences in people’s attitude Hypothesis 3b: Error orientation moderates the
toward failures are captured by the concept of error mediated effect of failure stories via elabora-
orientation (Rybowiak, Garst, Frese, & Batinic, 1999). tion on learning transfer such that failure
A high error orientation indicates that people have stories have a stronger mediated effect for
formed a complex attitude toward failure, which people with high error orientation.
44 Academy of Management Learning & Education March

METHOD scenarios and the training content were the same for
both conditions; they differed only in the positive or
Participants and Procedure
negative valence of the outcome. In the success-
Fifty students of the social sciences participated in story condition, managers told the listeners how
the study, which was announced with notices on they recognized changes, analyzed the market,
campus and introduced as a training on managerial managed time effectively, dealt with conflict, or
skills, provided to students free of charge. The provided leadership, and reported that their actions
sample was composed of 60% women. Mean age led to positive outcomes. In the failure-story condi-
was 23.62 years (SD 5 3.85). The study simulated tion, managers narrated how they failed to take the
a classroom setting and was administered in ses- right actions (i.e., recognize changes, analyze the
sions with up to 6 participants. Participants worked market, etc.) and reported the detrimental conse-
on all tasks individually and did not interact during quences of these failures. Thus, in both conditions
the study. They were first asked to fill in a question- narrators communicated the same knowledge about
naire and to solve a short managerial case study. effective management and established an explicit
This case study was used to determine if there were link between the actions of managers and the posi-
baseline differences in the ability to solve case tive or negative consequences. Moreover, with re-
studies between experimental conditions. Next, spect to other features of the stories such as length,
participants were randomly assigned to either the level of detail, and the speaker who narrated the
failure story or the success story condition. After the story, both conditions were the same.
training, which lasted approximately 1 hour, par-
ticipants solved a managerial case study to mea- Measurement
sure learning transfer.
Error Orientation
Error orientation was measured with two sub-
Experimental Conditions
scales of the Error Orientation Questionnaire by
Participants were trained on principles of effective Rybowiak et al. (1999), which each consisted of four
management that were communicated through items. The two subscales referred to learning from
stories told by fictional managers. Principles of ef- errors (e.g., “My mistakes help me to improve my
fective management referred to managerial tasks work”) and error risk taking (e.g., “If one wants to
such as recognizing changes, analyzing a market, achieve at work, one has to risk making mistakes”).
managing time effectively, dealing with conflict, Participants indicated their agreement on a scale
and providing leadership. These principles were ranging from “15 not at all” to “5 5 fully.” We fo-
based on textbooks of organizational behavior. To cused on the two subscales learning from errors
train participants on these principles, fictional and error risk taking, because they referred to
stories were written by the authors. Five stories were participants’ attitudes toward errors. Other sub-
constructed that described a scenario, the actions of scales of the error orientation questionnaire refer to
managers, and their consequences. Each story was people’s ability to cope with errors, which was not
then read as a first-person narrative by a different relevant because the study focused on vicarious
actor, who played the role of the manager. Stories learning. The eight items of the two subscales
were recorded for later use in the experiment. Dur- loaded on a common factor and the two subscales
ing the experiment, the five stories were played were correlated with r 5 .46 (p , .01). We therefore
successively and accompanied by presentation combined the two subscales. Cronbach’s alpha of
slides that summarized the main content of the the combined scale was .85.
stories. After each story participants answered a set
of questions. They were asked to write down what
Baseline Performance
the manager had done, how they perceived the
manager, and what they could learn from the case A short case study was used to examine partici-
study. The answers provided by participants were pants’ baseline performance and to rule out pretest
used as manipulation checks and to assess differences between the conditions. Participants
elaboration. had to take the perspective of the manager of a
The experimental manipulation was achieved by fashion store and make decisions drawing on the
embedding principles of effective management in information they were provided with. The case study
either success or failure stories. The structure of the did not contain any information that was related to
2017 Bledow, Carette, Kühnel, and Bister 45

the content of the failure and success stories. Two Elaboration

independent raters rated the quality and detail of
After listening to each story, participants in both
participants’ case solution using a coding scheme.
conditions were asked the open-ended question,
Interrater reliability of participants’ scores in pretest
“What can you learn from this case study?” The
performance was ICC 5 .89.
question focused participants’ attention on the story
they had just heard and elicited reflection. By an-
Manipulation Check swering the question, participants elaborated on the
content of the stories and connected them to existing
We asked participants three questions after each
knowledge repertoires and personal goals. For in-
story to examine the effectiveness of the manipu-
stance, participants elaborated on how the actions
lation. The first question was an attention check
the protagonist did or did not perform could inform
and asked participants to identify wrong actions in
their own actions when in a relevant situation, such
the failure-story condition (“What did Mr. / Mrs. …
as creating a new business. We asked participants
do wrong?”) and right actions in the success-story
to write down their thoughts as a list of learning
condition (“What did Mr. / Mrs. … do right?”). All
points they could derive from the case study. We
participants identified at least one experimentally
used the number of distinct learning points that
manipulated wrong or right action for each story.
were related to the content of the case studies as
We next asked two questions to examine whether
a quantitative measure of how intensively partici-
the difference in affective valence between suc-
pants had elaborated on the stories (cf. Ellis &
cess and failure stories influenced participants’
Davidi, 2005). A rater examined the content of what
affective evaluation of the storyteller. Participants
participants had written down and counted the
assessed how much sympathy they had for the
number of distinctive learning points. Participants
managers on a 5-point scale between high sympa-
generated on average 3.21 (SD 5 .93) learning points
thy and no sympathy at all, as well as how easily
for each story.
they could put themselves in the manager’s place
on a 5-point-scale between very easily and not
Learning Transfer
easily at all. We assumed that the negative valence
of failure stories should translate to a more nega- After listening to the stories, participants received
tive evaluation of the protagonist so that partici- a case study about an advertising agency and were
pants report less sympathy and are less likely to asked to work on it by answering five questions.
identify with the protagonist’s actions. In support of The five questions addressed managerial de-
this reasoning, there were significant differences cisions the head of the agency had to make, which
between conditions. Across the five stories, partic- were related to the topics that had been the subject
ipants in the failure-story condition reported lower of the success and failure stories. For instance,
sympathy (M 5 3.42 vs. M 5 3.11, t [48] 5 2.20, p 5 participants had to plan a meeting with an em-
.031) and found it less easy to put themselves in the ployee in which they had to dismiss the employee.
manager’s place as compared to the success story This question was thematically related to a story
condition (M 5 3.69 vs. M 5 3.10, t [48] 5 2.71, p 5 regarding an interview with an employee on
.009). The difference in affective valence of the frequent customer complaints. Knowledge was
stories, which we manipulated by framing stories elements of the stories to answer the case study.
as failures versus successes, thus had an impact on For instance, in the success story, the manager
participants’ affective evaluations of the story- had announced the meeting in such a way that the
teller. This does not imply, however, that elabora- employee could prepare, while the manager in the
tion and learning transfer are a function of failure story had failed to do so. If participants
participants’ affective evaluation of the storyteller, indicated on the transfer task that they would
which we view as a byproduct of the experimental prepare the employee for the meeting, they dis-
manipulation. A strong negative evaluation of the played learning transfer. Two independent raters,
protagonist may turn participants’ attention away who did not know in which condition participants
from the content of the stories when they see no had been trained, coded participants’ responses.
relevance of the protagonists’ actions for them- They used a coding scheme to determine how
selves. Results indeed showed that participants’ many elements of the stories participants applied
affective evaluation of the protagonists was un- on the transfer task. The coding scheme defined
related to elaboration and learning transfer. 3–5 elements for each story. On average, participants
46 Academy of Management Learning & Education March

applied 8.45 elements of the training on the transfer RESULTS

task (SD 5 2.93). The reliability of the average
Table 1 displays descriptive statistics and inter-
number of elements counted by the two raters was
correlations between the study variables. Com-
ICC 5 .90.
parison of group means showed higher elaboration
(t[48] 5 6.22, p , 0.01) and learning transfer (t[48] 5
Nontransferred Knowledge 2.37, p 5 0.02) in the failure-story condition. The effect
size of the manipulation on learning transfer was
To further strengthen the research design, we ob- d 5 0.67. Table 2 displays regression models with
tained a nonequivalent dependent variable for elaboration and learning transfer as outcomes. We
which we did not expect an effect of the training included the control variables baseline perfor-
conditions. The two raters counted the number of mance and GPA to examine if the manipulation and
actions participants suggested to solve the transfer its interaction with error orientation had an effect
task that were not related to the principles of effec- above and beyond these established predictors of
tive management communicated through the failure learning. In support of Hypothesis 1, Model 1 shows
or success stories. This variable reflects knowledge that the failure-story condition led to higher learning
on managerial actions participants had accumu- transfer than the success-story condition after in-
lated from other sources than the training. This clusion of the control variables (b 5 1.67, p 5 .04). As
knowledge should therefore not be affected by the shown in Model 5, failure stories also led to higher
training condition. Participants named on average elaboration than success stories (b 5 1.47, p , .01). To
7.48 additional elements (SD 5 3.60). Interrater re- test whether elaboration mediated the effect of the
liability was ICC 5 .92. experimental manipulation on learning transfer,

Descriptive Statistics and Correlations (N 5 50)
1. Experimental 2. Error 3. 4. Learning 5. Nontransf. 6. Baseline 7. 8. 9.
condition orientation Elaboration transfer knowledge performance Age Gender GPA

1. Experimental —
2. Error -.02 —
3. Elaboration .67** .11 —
4. Learning .32* -.01 .42** —
5. Nontransferred .06 .10 .15 -.13 —
6. Baseline .17 .01 .31* .24† .23 —
7. Age .06 -.09 .02 .19 -.28* -.13 —
8. Gender -.20 .06 -.22 -.24† .01 -.31* .05 —
9. GPA .06 .02 .24† .17 .28* .22 -.47** -.04 —
Total sample
M 0.50 3.86 3.14 8.45 7.48 4.10 23.62 0.40 2.04
SD 0.50 0.58 1.18 2.93 3.61 1.34 3.48 0.50 0.54
M 1.00 3.85 3.88 9.35 7.67 4.32 23.85 0.31 2.00
SD 0.00 0.56 0.98 2.82 4.00 1.22 2.82 0.47 0.57
M 0.00 3.86 2.33 7.47 7.27 3.85 23.38 0.50 2.07
SD 0.00 0.61 0.76 2.79 3.19 1.45 4.77 0.51 0.52

Note: 1 Experimental condition: 0 5 success-story training, 1 5 failure-story training; Gender: 0 5 women, 1 5 men; GPA: higher values
indicate better grades.
** p , .01, * p , .05, † p , .10
2017 Bledow, Carette, Kühnel, and Bister 47

Hierarchical Multiple Regression (N 5 50)
Dependent variables Learning transfer Elaboration
Independent variables Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6

Constant 6.11 (1.32)** 7.45 (1.32)** 7.16 (1.45)** 6.50 (1.34)** 1.80 (0.40)** 1.79 (0.40)**
GPA 0.61 (0.75) 0.28 (0.74) 0.33 (0.76) 0.57 (0.70) 0.36 (0.23) 0.37 (0.22)
Baseline performance 0.36 (0.31) 0.24 (0.31) 0.25 (0.31) 0.33 (0.28) 0.14 (0.09) 0.14 (0.09)
Experimental condition1 1.67 (0.80)* — 0.52 (1.05) 1.15 (0.99) 1.47 (0.24)** 1.47 (0.24)**
Elaboration 0.94 (0.35)* 0.78 (0.47)† 0.40 (0.46)
Error orientation -2.19 (0.86)* -0.18 (0.28)
Error orientation x Experimental 4.28 (1.30)** 0.86 (0.40)*
Model R2 .15 .19 .20 .36 .51 .57
F(df) 2.72 (3,46)* 3.70 (3,46)* 3.70 (4,45)* 4.07 (6,43) 15.97 (3,46)** 11.62 (5,44)**
DR2 .08* .12* .01 .16** .38** .06*

Note: Learning transfer is the dependent variable for Models 1 through 4; Elaboration is the dependent variable for Models 5 and 6.
Values are unstandardized parameter estimates for regression weights (standard errors in parenthesis). 1 Experimental condition: 0 5
success-story training, 1 5 failure-story training; DR2: Change in variance explained by the predictors experimental condition, elabora-
tion, and error orientation.
** p , .01, * p , .05, † p , .10

we added elaboration in Models 2 and 3 and used support of Hypothesis 3a, the interaction between
bootstrapping analysis. In support of Hypothesis 2, the experimental condition and error orientation
bootstrapping analysis showed that the indirect explained incremental variance in elaboration
effect of the experimental manipulation on learning (Model 6). The simple slope of error orientation and
transfer by way of elaboration was significant (in- elaboration was significantly positive in the failure-
direct effect: 1.45; 95% confidence interval: 0.39–2.73), story condition (b 5 .68, p 5 .02) and nonsignificant in
whereas there was no direct effect of the experi- the success-story condition (b 5 -0.18, p 5 .53). Thus,
mental condition on learning transfer. Elaboration participants with a high error orientation elaborated
thus mediated the differential effect of the experi- more in response to failure stories as compared to
mental manipulation: Failure stories led to more participants with a low error orientation, while there
elaboration and, as a consequence, to higher learn- were no significant differences in the success-story
ing transfer. conditions. The interaction between experimental
To test the assumption that failure stories have condition and error orientation also explained sig-
a specific effect on learning transfer, we examined nificant variance in learning transfer (Model 4). As
whether the experimental condition had an effect illustrated by Figure 2, the simple slope between
on the nonequivalent dependent variable non- error orientation and learning transfer was signifi-
transferred knowledge. A comparison of group cantly positive (b 5 2.33, p 5 .01) for the failure-story
means showed that there was no significant differ- condition and significantly negative (b 5 -2.24, p 5
ence between experimental conditions on the .01) for the success-story condition. Although these
amount of nontransferred knowledge participants results support our argument that people with a high
used to solve the case study (t[48] 5 0.39, p 5 .70). error orientation learn more from failure stories than
Moreover, the variable nontransferred knowledge people with a low error orientation, they also sug-
was unrelated to the mediator elaboration (r 5 .15, gest that people with a high error orientation learn
p 5 .31). These results confirm that failure stories as less from success stories.
compared to success stories had a specific effect on We next performed moderated mediation ana-
learning transfer related to the knowledge partici- lyses using the procedure by Hayes (2013) to directly
pants had acquired from the failure or success test whether the indirect effect of failure stories on
stories. learning transfer, which was mediated by elabora-
Hypothesis 3 posited that individual differences tion, was moderated by error orientation (Hypothe-
in error orientation moderate the effect of failure sis 3b). The conditional indirect effect of the training
stories on elaboration and learning transfer. In condition was significant at p , .05 for high (1.54, CI:
48 Academy of Management Learning & Education March

12 success stories conveyed the same learning content

and differed only in the way it was presented,
11 framing of the learning content as a failure trig-
gered the motivation to process the stories more
thoroughly. Learners responded to the negative
9 Failure valence of failure stories with increased elabora-
Learning Transfer

Stories tion, which then resulted in enhanced learning. This

8 Success study thus supports the assumption that a motiva-
Stories tional mechanism is at play and yields the learning
benefits associated with being exposed to others’
6 failures.
Results on the moderating role of error orientation
5 showed that the motivational response to failure
stories is a function of people’s attitude toward
4 failure. People with a high error orientation, who see
Low Error Orientation High Error Orientation the learning potential of failures, showed more
FIGURE 2 elaboration and learning transfer when listening to
The Moderating Role of Error Orientation failure stories. We stress that a high error orienta-
tion does not imply that failures are seen simply as
.03–3.77) and low (0.76, CI: .09–1.92) levels of the positive events. If this were the case, there should be
moderator error orientation. The index for moder- no pronounced motivational response to failure in
ated mediation was significant when a one-sided the first place, because this response is triggered by
test of significance was used (0.68, 90% CI: 0.02–2.21). the negative valence of failure stories. Indeed, to
The indirect effect of failure stories was stronger for learn from failure stories, people need to be sensi-
people with a high error orientation. Results thus tive to the negative valence of failure (Baumann,
support the hypothesis that failure stories lead Kaschel, & Kuhl, 2007). The critical process that
to enhanced learning transfer for people with a differentiates people on the error orientation di-
high error orientation because they show higher mension is how they respond once a failure has been
elaboration. detected. Rather than showing a passive response,
such as being overwhelmed by or ignoring failure,
people high in error orientation display an active
and adaptive response by elaborating on and
In support of the reasoning that failure stories drawing lessons from failure. Also of interest, we
stimulate deep information processing and result in found that people with a high error orientation
enhanced learning transfer, we found that listening learned less from success stories than people with
to others’ managerial failures led to more elabora- a low error orientation. Given the small sample size
tion as compared to listening to other people’s and that we did not expect this result, inferences
managerial successes. Intensified elaboration, in should be drawn only tentatively. The finding could
turn, yielded higher transfer of newly acquired imply that a high error orientation is associated with
knowledge to a subsequent task. This effect was less motivation to replicate successful experiences.
more pronounced for people who see failure as Such a tendency would be dysfunctional insofar as
a valuable source of learning. people acquire less successful routines by observ-
Our findings complement the literature in mean- ing others; however, there may also be benefits
ingful ways and hold important implications for involved if people focus on generating their own
management education. Although a growing body behavioral responses rather than relying on what is
of evidence points to the important role of vicarious proven and tested (Kirton, 1976).
learning from others’ failures (e.g., Joung et al., 2006; Limitations of our study are that the affective and
KC et al., 2013; Kim & Miner, 2007), to our knowledge cognitive processes that link failure and success
this is the first study that extends this line of re- stories to learning transfer could be captured only
search to the context of management education. partially, and that we examined learning transfer
Moreover, our study contributes theoretically by only within the setting of our study. With respect
informing the literature on why failure can result in to cognitive processes, we measured only the
beneficial learning outcomes. Because failure and overall level of elaboration participants displayed
2017 Bledow, Carette, Kühnel, and Bister 49

and could not conduct a fine-grained analysis of Using Failure Stories to Enhance Managerial
qualitative differences in how people processed Learning
failure as compared to success stories. Future re-
Our theoretical rationale and the results of our study
search is needed to unpack the process of elabo-
suggest that using failure stories more systemati-
rating on failure and success stories that underlies
cally can enhance managerial learning in formal as
effective vicarious learning and to test our as-
well as informal learning settings. We contrasted
sumption that people integrate the content of failure
learning from failure stories with learning from
stories differently into their existing knowledge.
success stories to highlight the specific advantage
With respect to people’s affective reactions to failure
of the former; however, this should not be misunder-
stories, we showed that the manipulation led to
stood as a general recommendation to replace suc-
a more negative evaluation of the narrator. How-
cess stories with failure stories. Although not directly
ever, we did not directly measure participants’ af-
fective response to the negative valence of failure examined here, we expect that both failure stories
stories, which presumably triggered greater elabo- and success stories serve important functions for
ration. Such responses typically occur fast and learning and that educators need to make informed
implicitly, and cannot adequately be assessed by decisions on when to use and how to integrate both
self-report measures (Quirin, Kazen, & Kuhl, 2009). kinds of stories.
Regarding inferences from our study about learning Success stories serve as inspirational examp-
transfer, we point to the uncertainty of whether les and can teach learners effective behaviors
the knowledge communicated by failure stories (Bandura, 1977). Success stories show that mana-
had a lasting effect on participants’ memory, and gerial success is attainable and can build learners’
whether they made use of it outside of our study’s confidence in their abilities, in particular when they
setting. see similarities between themselves and a role
To gain a more complete picture of managerial model. Thereby approach motivation to strive to-
learning from experience, an important avenue for ward becoming equally successful can be stimu-
future research is to compare vicarious learning lated. Success stories may also be particularly
from success and failure with learning from per- effective for teaching concrete behavioral routines.
sonal success and failure. Our theoretical approach For instance, Gino, Argote, Miron-Spektor, and
suggests that the basic motivational mechanism is Todorova (2010) found that observing people who are
the same insofar as people display a more pro- successful at an origami exercise had a more posi-
nounced response to failure as compared to success. tive impact on a learner’s performance as compared
However, personal failure is more threatening for to observing people who were unsuccessful. For the
the individual and should thus elicit stronger neg- acquisition of behavioral routines such as meticu-
ative emotions and can lead to defensive reactions lous hand movements, paying close attention to and
instead of adaptive learning processes (Gross & imitating a role model may be more important than
John, 2003). Moreover, different cognitive processes cognitive elaboration. Managerial tasks are, how-
are likely to follow people’s initial affective reaction ever, typically complex, and the set of behaviors that
depending on whether failure is experienced first- is effective depends on the specific situation, so the
hand or vicariously. When the reason for failure is mere replication of a behavior that has been suc-
ambiguous, people will show different attribution cessful elsewhere is not sufficient.
patterns in explaining why a failure occurred Managerial learning requires more than imitat-
(Weiner, 1985): Personal failure will more likely be ing behavioral routines. Failure stories may be
attributed to the context, whereas failure of others particularly effective in learning contexts where
will more likely be attributed to the other person. learners need to intensively elaborate a topic to
This bias in attribution patterns should render develop differentiated and flexible knowledge
others’ failure as compared to personal failure par- structures that allow them to respond to unique
ticularly effective for learning, as failure is then managerial challenges in a context-sensitive man-
viewed as the consequence of an actor’s behavior, ner. Examples are strategic choices managers
which could have been evaded by engaging in have to make, such as whether they focus the
a different set of behaviors. In their study on sur- dominant activity of an organization on refining
geons, KC et al. (2013) indeed showed that people existing organizational products and processes or
effectively learned from others’ failures but often on the exploration of new opportunities (Bledow,
failed to learn from their own. Frese, Anderson, Erez, & Farr, 2009; Gupta, Smith, &
50 Academy of Management Learning & Education March

Shalley, 2006). For many interpersonal situations, groups, the inductive learning benefits that char-
such as negotiations with customers or dealing with acterize self-directed learning approaches may be
difficult employees or coworkers, routine one-best- combined with the standardization benefits that
way solutions are equally insufficient. Failure characterize guided learning methods. Depending
stories that stimulate elaboration may help learners on the learning objective, case writers and in-
to develop the knowledge and heuristics to deal with structors can focus on standardization and commu-
such managerial challenges. In contrast to the nicate evidence-based principles of management
stories we used in the experiment, in which we ex- with failure stories that establish an explicit link
plicitly mentioned the cause of success and failure, between actions and their consequences or can
real failure stories are often ambiguous regarding emphasize inductive learning. To stimulate in-
their cause. Generating hypotheses about the rea- ductive learning, failure stories can communicate
son for failure is then a critical part of the learning failure and its negative consequences but refrain
process. Indeed, a shortcoming of many success from stipulating only one interpretation of the
stories is that they often readily provide a simplified causes of failure and instead present context-rich
interpretation of why success was achieved and information that lends itself to different interpre-
do not encourage learners to challenge this in- tations. In classroom settings, students can then
terpretation, even though the true reasons for suc- engage in collective sense making by developing
cess are often unclear. For instance, the bestselling and controversially discussing alternative views
book Good to Great (Collins, 2001) we mentioned in on the causes of failure. Our study suggests that
the introduction has been criticized on the grounds the use of failure stories in classroom settings will
that the evidence it provides for the reasons why be of benefit if instructors improve students’ atti-
companies have moved from “good” to “great” is tudes toward failure and instigate an error orien-
weak (Levitt, 2008). tation by explicitly mentioning and letting students
Failure stories may also be particularly effective directly experience the value of learning from
when learners lack the motivation to elaborate on others’ failure.
a subject because they underestimate its difficulty. The content of failure stories that are gathered by
Failure stories could then serve as wake-up calls case writers and educators needs to be evaluated
and draw learners’ attention to the importance of the carefully.1 First, failure stories should be drawn
subject. Teachers of organizational behavior, for from the most common and recurring scenarios
instance, frequently face the problem that students that trap managers and should focus on actions
view topics as easy and intuitive and thus, over- that consistently have detrimental consequences
estimate their abilities in managing others and (e.g., giving negative feedback in public, rewarding
themselves. A good example of a failure story that poor performers). A fruitful avenue for future re-
can be used to address this problem is the popular search is to systematically identify such scenarios
Harvard Business School case on Erik Peterson. The and actions. Second, failure stories need to be au-
case tells the story of a new, conscientious, and thentic and well-targeted toward different audi-
hard-working MBA, who takes on his first job in ences, such as young graduates or senior executives,
a start-up setting and, after a series of events and to be relatable. Third, the knowledge that is com-
problematic decisions, ends up getting fired. municated by failure stories should be backed by
Teachers using this failure story have observed that systematic evidence. Due to their effectiveness for
it helps to raise students’ awareness of the com- learning, failure stories may also stimulate effec-
plexities involved in leadership and management tive learning of the wrong content. When failure
and it stimulates engaged class discussions on stories communicate a manager’s subjective inter-
what went wrong and how the protagonist could pretation of a chain of events, rather than generaliz-
have more effectively handled the challenges he able and evidence-based principles of management,
faced. learners may derive wrong inferences about effec-
Embedding failures in case studies or construct- tive management.
ing entire case studies about failures allows edu- A challenge for the use of failure stories for man-
cators to standardize learning material and at agerial learning may be their availability. There can
the same time stimulate self-directed learning. By be costs involved for the protagonist when commu-
presenting a group of learners with the same man- nicating failure stories, and the learning benefit
agerial failures, and by letting them explore and
evaluate the reason of failure individually or in 1
We thank an anonymous reviewer for pointing this out.
2017 Bledow, Carette, Kühnel, and Bister 51

resides with the listener. Managers who have ex- CONCLUSION

perienced failure firsthand may hesitate to share
The full opening quote of this article reads “Only
failure stories to avoid being viewed as in-
fools learn from their own mistakes. The wise man
competent, which is likely one of the reasons for the
learns from the mistakes of others” (Otto von Bis-
undersampling of failure in management educa-
marck). We did not examine and would question the
tion. Case writers may thus find it difficult to gain
validity of the first part of the quote; however, in line
access to failure stories, and employees miss out on
with a growing body of research, we found support
valuable learning opportunities if failure stories are
for the second part. Drawing lessons from other
withheld in their organization. Although our study
people’s failures is a particularly effective but un-
has shown that the narrators of failure stories were
derused form of learning. Hence, the best practice
indeed evaluated more critically, this process is
for learning from others’ experience in educational
arguably more complex in real-world settings and
and organizational settings is to focus not only on
may even be reversed. Protagonists who have a
others’ best, but also on their worst practices—and
history of successes and are generally viewed as
to share with others not only one’s success but also
competent may even be viewed in a more positive
one’s failure stories.
and humane light if they also share their failure
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Ronald Bledow completed his PhD in psychology at the University of Giessen (Germany). He is
currently an assistant professor of organizational behavior and human resources management
at Singapore Management University. Ronald’s research interests include motivation and self-
regulation as well as creativity and innovation in organizations.
Bernd Carette holds a PhD in psychology from Ghent University (Belgium). In his doctoral re-
search, Bernd investigated underlying processes and boundary conditions of learning from ex-
perience in organizations. Bernd is currently a senior advisor management consulting at KPMG.
Jana Kühnel obtained her PhD in psychology from the University of Konstanz (Germany). Jana is
currently a research fellow at the Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, Ulm
University. Her research focuses on work stress and recovery, work engagement, and the role of
sleep for effective functioning at work.
Diana Bister holds a degree in psychology from the University of Giessen (Germany). After
starting her career as a management consultant at Kienbaum, she now coaches teams and
executives to scale agility throughout their companies. Her principle “fail fast, learn quick”
emerged from her thesis that investigated learning from failure.

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