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This report introduces the doctor Strauss the newly develop hotel search engine which is very
famous in which choose the best hotel in the appropriate location by use of the filter option that
helps in choosing the required hotel with the special category from the list of the displayed
hotels. Along with it process the request in the book the hotel room and parallel it book the hotel
room by selecting the appropriate option from it. But due to the development of the high amount
of the competition set under this sector by coming of the big company which deals with the hotel
book system online it adopts the web service tools which help in increasing the performance of
the organization by tools like the SMO or SEO in the high amount as compared to the previous
one. For this, the doctor Strauss proposes a good amount of the budget in the generation of a
better plan and increase its web position online by the google search engine. It also understands
by the other companies which work in the same sector by know up the developing strategy in
comparison with the summarized result with each other. As well as also proper analysis of the
tools which should be largely developed under the previous five year in the web positioning like
the SEO or SMO. Another know about the tools which make these hotel book site more relevant
and attract the interest of the customer to use their web engine in comparison with the others.
Table of Contents

Analysis of Companies related to hotel management......................................................................4

Doctor Strauss Web Project include budget as well as strategy......................................................8

A decision in project development................................................................................................10

Evaluation of the methods under web standing.............................................................................12

Investigation of SEO in the company under the field of hotel management.................................14



List of Figures
Figure 1: Logo of the Kayak online hotel book site........................................................................4
Figure 2: Logo of the Expedia online hotel book site.....................................................................5
Figure 3: Logo of the Priceline online hotel book site...................................................................6
Figure 4: Logo of the Hotwire Hotel Online Site..........................................................................14
Analysis of Companies related to hotel management
The companies which should be set up as per the condition prescribed under it in the field of the
hotel management include in form of the high amount that must be required at the initial level of
the development of the better set of the framework in it. For this, the required organization that
must be full fill these set of requirement include the following ones as: -

1. Kayak: - It is the online website based booking travel, as well as hotel agencies, to provide
booking services at the global level. In which it should be properly and well known as the
good metasearch engine which made its popularity by the use of the web position tool like
SEO or SMO without the use of the OTA into it. It provides a similar option of the filter to
choose the desired location and then the name of the hotel among the list displayed under the
help of the search option (upgradedpoints 2020). It should be displayed like as: -

Figure 1: Logo of the Kayak online hotel book site

(Source: bookhotelcompare 2018)

As a project leader in the organization in the starting phase of the development of the
industries, it should see the fashion that the offline booking of the hotel is the increase in the
large amount as compare to the online booking because at the time no digital boom comes
under the market environment and lots of the people unaware about it. After this, the
development of big companies and digital media turns the market from offline to online in
sense of the increase in the ratio of room booking. In the Kayak at the initial level by not
develop the good policy set in it faces from the crises. After analysis of the market it
generated some strategy set in the good web positioning like as: -
a. Adjust Online Cost: - In view of the development of the IDS in the large amount the
more customer moves toward the online set in the initial phase the low amount of cost the
average mode of the room might be available to them in provide the satisfaction among
them. In providing convenience to the customer to book easily from their native places.
b. Reduce the searching time: - The technology plays a main role by use of the search
engine SEO (search engine optimization) it must help to develop the Kayak site user
friendly as a leader it must be responsible to increase its rank under the search by
reducing up its valuable time in it by an effective set of manners. It includes a fast search
with a low amount of traffic load at a time on it.
c. Dynamic Pricing proofs: - In the field of the hotel booking the last minute book strategy
play a good role as the leader must be needed that the pricing on the online booking
through it must increase continuously according to the amount of the demand under it. It
helps in the better development of the online site by full fill the requirement of them
(Mohammed et al. 2019).

2. Expedia: - It is also another hotel booking online sites which provide the variety of the
location over the globe to book the hotel as well as a resort by choosing the appropriate
option in search from the filter menu. In which it provides the merits to sort the price option
in the form of the high rate of the low rated hostel due to face the high range of the
competition from the outside world. In which it provides some sort of discount by purchase
the items from the online commercial web sites (Expedia 2020). The logo related in it must
be shown as below: -

Figure 2: Logo of the Expedia online hotel book site

(Source: apps 2020)

As the head of the project manager in it the establishment phase of the Expedia, it faces a lot of
the struggling issue apart from the proper amount of the budget it does not have the proper
search option so that the customer can do it easily. After the development of a giant organization,
it adopts some sort the web strategy in it. As a project leader the set of the essential positioning
which is implemented in it like as follow: -

a. Good CTA: - The option in form of search hotel makes brighter so that the customer
does not find an issue in case of a book the hotel online by select the appropriated
location as well as price range in it.
b. Prepared for high budget: - The peak season is very important under the hotel book
session in which the high amount of the money must be spent in form of providing the
discount along with providing the top search by use of SEO in the crowning season.
c. Proper Notified: - In case of the hotel book after done all the mandatory process the
customer must be received the notification in the form of the response gain from the
server end (econsultancy 2016).

3. Priceline: - It is similar to the online set of the book the hotels which consist of the same
functionality in it its offline mode. It is very famous over the global in case of providing a
high amount of the profit to its connected set of the customer. It assurance that the booking
amount is non-refundable and also the non-transferrable in nature.

Figure 3: Logo of the Priceline online hotel book site

(Source: apps 2020)

As the head of the project manager, it notifies that it must be face up with some set of worst
problem in manage the hotel book system online which must be depicted under the point as: -
a. Develop Website Simple: - Add more feature makes the customer complex to understand it
so make as simple as possible in view of understanding by them with remove add-on option
from it.
b. Manage the budget: - The project manager must behave responsibly to manage the amount
which should be allocated for the online site must be arranged in the proper without
developed the errors set into it and shortage of it to get the more amount from the
organization (Travelweekly 2016).
Doctor Strauss Web Project include budget as well as strategy
The doctor Strauss is the online site for the booked hotel in any of the parts of the world. It helps
in the book at any of the time by choosing the better option from the available list so that the
customer selects the best one among them. In the modern world, they face a large amount of
competition from their sector competitors during the hotel booking system. To manage
effectively they transfer their whole set of the business in the online mode in form of the website
by taking care of the budget, strategy as well as the plan which they adopt to full fill its mission
and vision associated with the doctor Strauss.

To make up the success under the in managed the doctor Strauss to reach up the certain
benchmarks it must adopt certain points in the business plan for the creation of the doctor Strauss
under the web positioning plan and budget as: -

1. Managerial Summary: - It should come up with the two-part in the initial phase of the
provide the web positioning in a good way starting with the introduction about the hotel
booking site in form of the mission as well as company short term goal in result to get
success in the upcoming years. Other than it includes the objective in the form of the hope
which you should achieve like in the hotel online site to get a certain cost that is gathered
from the online booking under the one fiscal year. It helps in providing the inner motivation
to the workers to enrolled their full hundred percent in the work of it.
2. Company Analysis: - The high amount of the information must be gathered from the
developed concept of the doctor Strauss in form of part 1 and analysis that it should be
beneficial for the long term as well as short term plan of the online positioning of the
development of the website. It must be done by the use of CSR which helps in the effective
analysis of the plan for the online book website and also performed the QDA methodology
on it (Almaimoni et al. 2018).
3. Customer Analysis: - It is very necessary as a project manager of the doctor Strauss the
responsibility is to validate the market status along with the geographic as well as
demographic status into it. In which initially with the good set of the budget apply the SMO
tools setting in form of including all set of the hotels of the area in certain geography by
providing the top search result into it which works as the SERP types in it. It helps to get
more attract customers with the doctor Strauss in the phase of the large set of the competition
under it.
4. Analysis of Competitive: - It is the main sort of analysis done under the doctor Strauss to
get rid of the bug bounty companies. In which it did it self-analysis in the form of the SWOT
matrix formed under it. Under this, it knows about the lacking point in the project
development phases and then rebuilds its tactics into the successful execution of its online
5. Strategy to execute the plan: - The plan which is included under the development of the
marketing plan under the doctor Strauss in providing the high amount of the promotion by
using the set of business tools in it like SEO, SMO as well as SMM which surely develop the
good amount of the manage the market associated with it. Along with providing a decent
amount of the distribution of the works under it (xotels 2020).
A decision in project development
In the development of the plan regarding the creation of the doctor Strauss online hotel booking
site, it must be known up until it's objective first to gain successful completion of the work with
aligning the company objective as well as mission or vision of it. The certain set of the constraint
must be developed under it for the gain the benchmark that must be set up by it’s in the working
environment by include of its important set of the business plan in it. The reason in taking the
proper set of the objective in developing the good set of the online site includes: -

a. Enhance the Clearance: - It makes the project more effective in the online hotel book site
the needs of the customer which used to be known online as well as offline to get the more
interactive with them at the low level of the time.
b. Provide the level of transparency: - The customer who ultimate book the hotel from the
site clearly know about the functionality of it in the proper term like the basic option such as
a book or cancel the hotel online mode etc.

Some set of the terminology which depicts the more true about the reason takes under the
development of the project in the form of the online hotel book site as: -

a. Previous Study: - In the hotel booking system under the overseas they adopt the linear
distribution model by adopting a good level of the scarcity by providing a large amount of
the resources to the customer which is directly connected by it. This is also the reason to gain
popularity from the outsider by more use of the online hotel booking system. Other includes
after successful development of the customer feedback as well as rating provide a good set of
impact in it. The online site mainly the Hotel AA which values its client connected to it is
developed of a good level of the scenario to execute the plan of the successful hotel book in
the online mode. It also provides a good collection of the data sample from the customer
levels (Part et al. 2017).
b. Keywords: - The keyword is the important role in determining the overall layout implement
in the hotel booking website like as WASS that helps to know about the B2B connection
exist between the market and customer associated with the doctor Strauss, Concern of the
customer play a lead role in it and trusted of the website is very important that help the good
connection in between them (Agag et al.. 2020).
c. SEO on Page: - It helps in attracting the on-premises by the condition on the pay per click
option which help in select the appropriate range of the option set among the list of the hotel
available in it and also search in the topmost layer it finds the name of the doctor Strauss.
d. Tools Used: - The tool which helps in provide a better search option to them includes the
SMO, as well as SEO, which is the good quality one. Along with it help to make the website
reach up at the good set of the level. The tool makes the website more tilted towards
customer favor.
e. Content and Resource Optimized: - The set of the resources must be sufficient and not
provide the scarcity under the demand of the high level of the requirement in any of the
phases of the development of the site and then properly documented it in the decent type of
the format.
Evaluation of the methods under web standing
The doctor Strauss which should face the competition from the big giant organization must be
able to know the handle the overall business set online. For this, they must be using some sort of
web positioning tool to fight against the big zombies in the path to gain a large amount of
success. For this, they adopt some sort of methodology that surely transformed their business in a
large amount of way by including the quality traffic partner into it. It must be maintained by the
SEO as well as the amount of the set of content marketing included in it by creatively designed
the system the high amount of the profitability in it. Other than it develops the good set of the
customer associated with the developed work by process up of gain a good amount of the user
action to it in the better amount of the developed model. As well as it optimized the set of tools
by use of marketing keywords in the field of the developed online hotel management site. It
provides the set of an advantage as compared to the other methodology in it. By the better
develop the image upon the social media in consumption of these tool inn provide the top search
result among the best hotel site available in the area or under the location (socialtools 2016).
These all of them get a peculiar set of growth in the past year as well as their uses must be
increased in the online development which should be analyzed in the point manner as bellows: -

a. SEM: - The SEM is evaluated as the search engine marketing that helps in attracting the high
amount of the customer toward the online site in the form of the search engine provided by it.
Due to the development of a large amount of digital marketing in the last five years it
provides the big boom to these SEM tools in it by increase their usability up to the fifty to
sixty percent rate as compare to the all other years. So, for this, they can be used not only on
the mode of the desktop apart from the mobile techniques into it. This increases the customer
trust level toward the use of the site content in an effective way. It should be done under
them by use of the search engine tools that must be integrated with Google as well as yahoo
in it (lodestarmg 2016).
b. SMO: - The SMO is evaluated as social media optimization which helps in detecting the
traffic on to the network sector in a positive way. Along with it make the service highly
visible to the customer which must be needed for it. In the last five years, the development
rate under it must be set up the wings and grown from the 20 to 30% percent growth by
clearly visible the interaction as well as the functionality of the hotel book on the online
mode in an easy manner. Apart from that the SMO help to search the content on the site by
the use of the famous types of the keyword included in it as well as develop a good amount
of the graphical mode in the last five years. This surely proves as the game-changer in the
development of the good level of the online hotel management type sites.
c. Social Media: - The social media also play a good role in developing the good set of the
image in front of the other customer like in the online hotel booking they display a
professional set of skills under it. Along with they help in transform the good amount of the
needs which must be required in the market to gain a good amount of the popularity in the
market arena by statistics analysis of the idea in the recent set of the years. Along with that, it
proves that the approximated to the 6 billion people overall in the world should consume the
social media site for their good development of the business skill in connected with the
outsider user in an effective manner. This growth rate continues to increase in the non-
stopped manner which is a very big boom to this set of the industry overall.
Investigation of SEO in the company under the field of hotel management
Hotwire is a very famous hotel booking site in the overall set of the global managed the hotel
book in the effective as well as efficient way. It helps in the provider of the best facility under the
management of the hotel in whole like managed the good sites in it, a room which is unsold
inside it to attract a large amount of the customer to use it in a large way. Along with the high
amount of the branches available in the north part of the globe in form approximate the 1 lakh
branches which provide the option to its user in the high amount of the way. It helps in an easy
way to detect the available location by the form of the set of the booking seats available in it by
utilizing the good amount of the functionality in it. Apart from that, the SEO tool should be used
up in the consumption of the hotel marketing industry that helps in attracting the high amount of
the keywords in it. This help to develop the good amount of the functionality in the Hotwire
hotel management by use of the SEO tool under it which should be displayed under the
following points as:-

Figure 4: Logo of the Hotwire Hotel Online Site

(Source: passportheavy 2020)

a. Text on Home Page: - It helps in generating the better home page of the hotwire in terms of
providing a good set of background colors as well as an image associated with it. It aids in
the customer to easily find up the keywords on the home page while book up the seat under
the hotel room or changes up its idea in canceling it. Along with it also help in providing the
navigated link along with it to move from the one page to another page by performing the
other activity set.
b. Footer link with highlight text: - It should also be developed the good amount of the
contact option in form of the email, provide the copyright of the hotwire as well as
destination information in form of the variety of the hotel locations which might be situated
under it. It must be varied from the location of the one main spot to the others in a decent
way. The SEO tool helps in manage the font size in it by providing the average size to the
text used up in it. The link which provided under must be much-highlighted nature so that
users attract to it.
c. Landed Page contain keywords: - The SEO tool help the hotwire land page especially on
which it shows the list of the available set of the hotel in the decent look that the multiple
colors with the special keywords to identify the importance under the development of the
hotel booking site. The keywords should be set appropriate to the scenario additional one
must not be used and give the adverse effect of the development on the online site
(searchenginejournal 2019).

So, these are some set of the effect develop by the SEO tools which surely helps in the up liftmen
of the Hotwire online hotel booking site. It aids in providing the content more relevant as well as
make the font size adjustable or brighter as compared to the traditional one.
Hence, the report concludes that Doctor Strauss which is the famous hotel search based engine in
the medium of nearly all search up the engine like google, yahoo as well as internet explorer. In
which it provides the successful functionality to its user which used up in an effective way to
filter the location and then the hotel which should be displayed under it based on the budget
available to the customer in an effective way. Along with it’s should face the problem for the
build-up of the big giant companies in the same domain that creates the problem in the business
expansion of it. It should be understood by the methodology of the use of three hotel domain-
based company in form of the Expedia as well as Priceline that implement the business strategy
in a more realistic manner compared to the small one. Apart from that it should fully be designed
up the set of the business plan by applying the set of the constraint under it in use of the deadline,
cost as well as competition from the outside world. It helps in the analysis which surely develops
the online set in a manageable way in the implementation of the SMO as well as SEM tools
under it to make up the customer intractable in an easy manner. As well as it lastly uses the
scenario of the organization named as Hotwire which surely implement the SEO tools in the
development of the online site in the step by step manner to process the customer request in the
more appropriate way.
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